My Bio: Joshua Kelly
My Bio
Hi I’m Josh! I am an IPPE-3 student at the University at Buffalo SPPS, and I work at Wegmans pharmacy outside of school as a pharmacy intern. I went to Starpoint High School and I have been a student at UB since Fall of 2018, and I was a part of their pharmacy early assurance program. In fall of 2020, after completing two years of undergraduate courses, I began as a P1 student.
Pharmacy is something I am very passionate about. Growing up as a type 1 diabetic has made me very comfortable in all different sorts of clinical settings, and it’s allowed me to have a rare connection to my patients that many others in our field may not share. As pharmacists are the most accessible health care professionals, these qualities allow me to take very personal care of the people who come to me.
I am interested in pursuing a career in community pharmacy; however, I am interested in learning about all the other roles that pharmacists fill throughout healthcare. Please reach out if you have any questions about my page!
Licenses & Certifications: Joshua Kelly
NYS Pharmacy Intern Permit
Profession : PHARMACYName : KELLY JOSHUA MATTHEWAddress : NORTH TONAWANDA, NYPermit No : 101800Permit Status : *** VALID PERMIT W/IMMUNIZATION PRIVILEGE ***Issued : 06/02/21Valid through : 06/02/26
211223030842_Intern_Permit.pdf (.pdf) 0.31mb
Licenses & Certifications: Joshua Kelly
CPR Trained
CPR Training (.pdf) 0.08mb
Licenses & Certifications: Joshua Kelly
HIPAA Trained
Completed on 2/2/21
Licenses & Certifications: Joshua Kelly
Malpractice Insurance
Combined pdf can be found below with malpractice insurance information from 6/21-6/22 then 6/22-6/23.
Malpractice Insurance (.pdf) 0.26mb
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Joshua Kelly
Kaleida Health/Buffalo General Medical Center
IPPE-3 institutional rotation was completed during Module #6 ranging from 01/02/2023 to 02/12/2023. Preceptor will be Ashley Woodruff, PharmD.
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Joshua Kelly
Primary Care IPA
IPPE-3 elective ambulatory care rotation was completed during the summer module ranging from 05/16/2022 to 08/07/2022. Preceptor was Robert Bennett, PharmD.
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Joshua Kelly
Tops Friendly Markets #207
IPPE-3 community rotation was completed during Module #7 ranging from 02/13/2023 to 03/26/2023. Preceptor will be Todd Martino, PharmD.
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Joshua Kelly
CVS #17271
IPPE-2 community rotation was completed during Module #8 ranging from 03/28/2022 to 05/26/2022. Preceptor was Greg Urban, PharmD.
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Joshua Kelly
Walgreens #12408
IPPE-2 community rotation was completed during Module #6 ranging from 01/03/2022 to 02/13/2022. Preceptor was Jennifer Pawlukovich, PharmD.
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
APhA Annual 2023
Attended APhA’s annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Event was held from 3/24/23 to 3/27/23.
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Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Mitigating Medical Misinformation and Mistrust through Effective Team Communication
P3 “Co-Curricular Elective #1.” During this IPE event, I had the opportunity to work with students from other healthcare programs, medicine, public health, nursing, etc. We were able to participate in simulations to practice how we would handle patients that have been affected by medical misinformation, as well as patients who express vaccine hesitancy. This event took place at UB’s medical schools simulation center on 9/9/22.
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Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
NCPA Annual
P3 “Attend a professional organization meeting” requirement. As a member of NCPA’s student leadership council (SLC) I had the opportunity to attend their annual convention in Kansas City from 10/1/22 to 10/4/22.
NCPA Conference Badge (.jpeg) 4.55mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Spring 2022 Networking Event
Attended the school’s Spring 2022 Networking event as an elective co-curricular activity.
Proof of Attendance (.pdf) 3.34mb
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Business Plan PHM 637
Created a business plan, a required co-curricular for P2 year. This project was completed in PHM 637, Pharmacy Management.
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
APhA Annual 2022
Attended APhA’s annual conference in San Antonio, Texas. Event was held from 3/18/22 to 3/21/22.
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Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Poison Prevention
Completed 3/5/21
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
UB Professional Networking Event
Attended 4/28/21
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Attended a Professional Meeting
3/10/21 Attended a lecture about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccination
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Career Day
Attended 2/25/21
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Attended 11/30/20
Co-Curricular Activities: Joshua Kelly
Worked COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics (Elective)
Worked with Wegmans Pharmacy 3/4/21
Employment History: Joshua Kelly
Wegmans Pharmacy Intern
May 2021 - Current
Employment History: Joshua Kelly
Wegmans Pharmacy Technician
December 2018 - May 2021
Employment History: Joshua Kelly
Wegmans Front-End Customer Service
September 2015 - December 2018