COVID-19 DOD Deployment
DOD Airman's Leadership Training
Find attached Rxporfolio download of documentation.

Active studying with developing questions on topics we are studying as a way to edge ahead of the curve and be one step ahead. Selfcare by taking break and
staying actively fitted was mention as ensuring both mental and physical fitness. Coping with COVID was also apparently very important. The separation and having to learn over collaborate without face to face interaction was mention as a challenge. But tips were given on how to bridge and manage these challenges. Overall it was a great workshop to attend.

TCH 177612

INT 43496

Although I hope for my better days ahead in my pharmacy career this will be and remain the spot light that has showcase my potential as a future pharmacist.
There has been other achievement in my career journey and hope to share on more of those ones as they materialized. For now here is my most cherished milestone that I wish to share.

- Research Project Presented at ACCP Global Conference
- Inland Empire Pharmacist Association (IEPhA-CPhA)
- COVID-19 DOD Deployment
- DOD Airman's Leadership Training
In the past one I was involved in coordinating social media networking for IEPhA-CPhA (Inland Empire Standard. Posting Inland Empire) directed post on their different social media platform about events and promoting CPhA event on Instagram, Twitter and Linkdin.
Ventilator Team Lead at California Emergency Medical Service Agency (CA-EMSA ) Station As a logistic Team lead at EMSA station I coordinated and ensured all ventilators were package accurately with its re-supply components as the leave out of the door in April-July of 202 to sleep train (location where COVID-19 positive patient were care for) and across the state of California where COVID-19patients were being attended to. The 500 ventilator sent to others States from California
was coordinated by me and my team members. The twitter link below by Governor Gavin Newsom feature me in this effort and attached is also the Award given to me by the exemplary leadership that I offered during that historic moment.
DOD Air Force Leadership Training.
The leadership I displayed during the COVID-19 activation and deployment gave me the opportunity to be selected for DOD Air Force Leadership Training. I was selected for a promotion to Non-Commissioned Officer position (NCIO) Staff Sargent in the US Air Force) as soon as I completed the Airman Leadership Training.

CSHP and ACCP being a professional Pharmacy organization gave me an opportunity to meet, interact and network with other pharmacy professionals.
The highlight was not only being in attendance I had the opportunity of presenting our research project poster at the conference and was even invited to speak in future conferences as the result of unprecedented interest in our research project. This was definitely a career milestone and opportunity that are highly coveted.

Active studying with developing questions on topics we are studying as a way to edge ahead of the curve and be one step ahead. Selfcare by taking break and
staying actively fitted was mention as ensuring both mental and physical fitness. Coping with COVID was also apparently very important. The separation and having to learn over collaborate without face to face interaction was mention as a challenge. But tips were given on how to bridge and manage these challenges. Overall it was a great workshop to attend. This workshop has help me to live through the pandemic peak period without any breaking me and leading to many the psychological breakdown that others encountered as the result of the pandemic.
Success strategies seminar delve into how to set SMART goals and also set up plans on how those smart goals can be executed. The abbreviation SMART was explain as (S-specific, M-measurable, A-action-based, R-realistic and T-time focused). In my academics and career I strive to ensure this strategies is applied to any projects and task that I under take. Looking back today I can this skills and knowledge from this seminar has refined me to be a better professional.