Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Graduation-Ready Portfolio Presentation: Associates
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Career development
I hope this video goes through having problems with upload
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Career Development
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
NTRN 270
Portfolio project
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
NTNR 270 Career Development III
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
NTRN270 Portfolio project video
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Psyc 310 Portfolio Project
Stereotypes Prejudice and Discrimination with voice notes
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Voim112 Office Applications Spread sheets/and Data Bases Portfolio Project
Institutional Outcomes:
•Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
•Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Course Outcomes:
•Use Access database to retrieve data to include working with tables and forms and by developing queries and customizing reports.
• Examine the use of databases and spreadsheets, and the importance of information as a commodity in this information age.
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
A day in the life as a n NBA Manager
I uploaded this on time in black board but it appears the voice didn
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Voim112 Office Applications Spread sheets/and Data Bases Portfolio Project
Institutional Outcomes:
•Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
•Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Course Outcomes:
•Use Access database to retrieve data to include working with tables and forms and by developing queries and customizing reports.
• Examine the use of databases and spreadsheets, and the importance of information as a commodity in this information age.
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Voim 112 /office Apps portfolio Project and outcome
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
Math 201 outcomes and portfolio Project
Learners outcome
- Draw conclusions to make decisions through the application and analysis of quantitative information using proportional reasoning.
- Draw conclusions to make decisions through the application and analysis of mathematical models utilizing Microsoft Excel software.
.Institutional outcome:
- Information Literacy and Communication - Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
- Relational Learning - Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
240409075727_Math_201_final_Porttfolio_Project_Alfonso_Davis.docx (.docx) 0.06mb
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
My career plan
Projects: Alfonso Jason Davis Jr.
voim 112 portfolio project
I realized I had to make changes due to your response I have edited this upload that I submitted on march 29