Educational Background: Kenita Matthews
Gives information about the HR planning process and decision in the future
Educational Background: Kenita Matthews
Institutional Outcome
explains what I will get out of doing an ePortfolio, information about myself for the future
ePortfolio Review (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Kenita Matthews
Program Outcome
Comprehend the primary functions of human resources in organizations, and apply those functions in the decision-making process.
HR planning Process (.docx) 0.01mb
Educational Background: Kenita Matthews
Bryant & Stratton College
Human Resource Specialist - Deans List, 4.0 GPA
Goals (Personal & Professional): Kenita Matthews
Personal Goal
I want to stay fit and healthy. I also want to teach other people how to live a healthy life style.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Kenita Matthews
Professional Development
Within the next 6 months I want to open a Homeless Shelter for woman and children. I have always had the heart for giving back. I am blessed, so I would like to bless other people in any way I can.
Resume & CV: Kenita Matthews
Job experience, skills, certifications, education, awards
Resume (.docx) 0.05mb
Resume & CV: Kenita Matthews
Cover letter
Cover Letter (.docx) 0.03mb
Honors & Awards: Kenita Matthews
Health Care of the Year
I won the health care of the year award in 2012 for all of North Carolina and South Carolina.
Licenses & Certifications: Kenita Matthews
Certified Nursing Assistant
I have had my certified nursing assistant certifications since 2003.
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Kenita Matthews
I provide clothes for the homless every month. Me and my fmily feed the homeless and the low income families for Thanksgiving. Plus, I volunteer at my church to fix food for the lower income families and homeless.
Assignments: Kenita Matthews
Tanglewood (.docx) 0.02mb
Assignments: Kenita Matthews
Outcome for AAS Human Resource Specialist
BUSS 100
Human Resource Management Essay
Human Resource Management Essay (.docx) 0.01mb
Assignments: Kenita Matthews
Outcome for AAS Human Resource Specialist
Introduction to compensation and benefits
Proper memo and letter
Assignments: Kenita Matthews
Outcome for AAS Human Resource Specialist
Psych 101
Personality Assessment
Personality assessment (.docx) 0.01mb
Assignments: Kenita Matthews
Outcomes for AAS Human Resource Specialist
Employment Law and Labor Relations
How to Avoid Unionization Project
employment reguations (.docx) 0.04mb
Assignments: Kenita Matthews
Outcome for AAS Human Resource Specialist
HURS 205: Organizational Behavior & Leadership
Human Resource (.docx) 0.02mb