My Bio: Pamela Cannon
My Bio: Pamela Cannon
My Bio: Pamela Cannon
About Me.
My name is Pamela Cannon. I am a student at Bryant and Stratton. I have 3 credits to go before I will have my Associates Degree in Networking Technology. I am a fast learner and a hard worker.
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
Portfolio Project
MyCred and social networking.
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
The Cost of Repaying Student Loans
PowerPoint on strategies to repay student loans. I utilized math to make decisions and form conclusions.
MATH201 (.pptx) 3.13mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Informal Career Plan Reflection
I had to utilize the things I had learned to promote myself for a promotion.
SOSC226 (.docx) 0.02mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Formal and Informal Learning Reflection
Researched how to search for a job, apply for a job, and the interview policy.
SOSC116 (.doc) 0.03mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
The Cost of Repaying Student Loans
PowerPoint on strategies to repay student loans.
MATH201 (.pptx) 3.13mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Research, identify, evaluate, recommend, and specify components of complete systems relative to hardware/software needs of an enterprise.
Network Design and Implementation Portfolio Project
A network design was created. How to configuration, troubleshooting, and securing hardware and software components were outlined.
NETW251 (.doc) 0.17mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Demonstrate the ability to translate technical information into business language to meet organizational needs.
Cloud Computing PowerPoint
Created a PowerPoint to explain Cloud Storage to non-technical personnel.
INFT231 (.pptx) 3.28mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Use information technology to apply logical, legal, and ethical principles in performing industry related tasks or projects in a global systems environment.
Hardware and Networking Technical Portfolio project
Created a companywide policy about security issues. I had to use logical, legal, and ethical principles to create the policy.
210817091644_INFT231.pptx (.pptx) 3.28mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Design and administer networks through installing, configuring, troubleshooting, and securing network hardware and software components.
Network Design and Implementation Portfolio Project
A network design was created. How to configuration, troubleshooting, and securing hardware and software components were outlined.
NETW251 (.doc) 0.17mb
Academic Service: Pamela Cannon
Effectively communicate with end users, managers, and peers of a technical and non-technical nature
"Where will my College Degree take Me?" I had to explain my career path in a technical and non technical way to an audience that was mixed with technical and non technical persons.
ENGL202 (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Pamela Cannon
Bryant and Stratton (Networking Technology Program - AAS Candidate 2021)
Graduate August 2021
Educational Background: Pamela Cannon
Patrick Henry High Scool - Ashland, VA (1995 1998)
High School Diploma with Honors
Educational Background: Pamela Cannon
Bryant and Stratton (Networking Technology Program- A A S Candidate 2021