Completed a PowerPoint presentation that highlighted socialization agents, including family, school, media, peer groups, the workplace, and religion. That included one of the constructs of culture, structure, and power for each socialization agent while highlighting the roles of social control and deviance.
Completed graphing report
After completing the assessments, we were to reflect on each of the results.
Brainstormed and created a list of knowledge and skills needed to enter into and advance in my chosen profession. Took the Interpersonal Skills Self-Assessment. Assembled and uploaded exhibits to an ePortfolio to archive the developing knowledge, skills and behaviors linked to program outcomes.
One Drive simulation, Outlook simulation, Word assessment, Excell assessment, Browser Simulation, and PowerPoint assessment.
Composed a research plan to the managing partner, predictive memo to the managing partner, and a Motion to Remove to Federal Court. Constructed a written research plan using primary sources and secondary sources that outlines the goals of the research project assigned
I had to create a law firm and determine the structure of the firm. We had to identify all members of the firm and describe their responsibilities. I had to describe the firm's internal billing processes and create a training manual. The outcome was met by being able to differentiate and assess the similarities and differences between policies and procedures utilized in the daily operation of the legal profession and being able to recognize, describe, characterize, and differentiate the various structures of different and diverse law firms and other law-related organizations. Identified and utilize information technology tools and skills in both general and law-related office practices.
Composed a research plan in an intra-office memoranda. Completed a predictive memo to managing partner. Utilized electronic and print resources to locate primary and secondary law related legal documents to research, summarize, and evaluate legal issues.
Created memo to the managing partner, demand for discovery, and a motion to dismiss. Drafted and maintained documents utilized in a criminal litigation trial notebook, such as motions, pleadings, and memoranda.
Determined that there was a legitimate contract in place between two individuals, evaluated the contract. Identified and explained whether there are any defenses to its creation or enforcement such that the contract is arguably voidable. Proposed a client email. Prepared a contract based on communication between the client and other party. Classified and demonstrated understanding of the sources of contract law, including common law and the Uniform Commercial Code
I had to create interview questions for a new potential client by creating an intra-office memo. I also had to create a predictive memo to the managing partner. We then had to create a motion to compel seeking a court order compelling the defendant to respond to all outstanding discovery demands within 30 days of the date of service of the court’s order and create a trial notebook memo. Created an understanding of the stages of civil litigation and the legal professional’s role in civil litigation practice with an emphasis in case development, all phases of trial, and alternative dispute resolution. Described, applied and discussed ethical and professional responsibility rules to situations affecting the legal professional engaged in a civil litigation practice.
I had to create a law firm and determine the structure of the firm. We had to identify all members of the firm and describe their responsibilities. I had to describe the firm's internal billing processes and create a training manual. The outcome was met by being able to differentiate and assess the similarities and differences between policies and procedures utilized in the daily operation of the legal profession and being able to recognize, describe, characterize, and differentiate the various structures of different and diverse law firms and other law-related organizations.