Leslie J. Homan
Human and Social Services
Bryant & Stratton College
Leslie Homan
Bryant and Stratton college
Ms. Broderick
Leslie Homan
3318 White Oaks Dr.
Abilene, TX. 79606
My goals are to be able to enhance my workplace documents to reflect my achievements toward
attaining my career, and to be able to have developed good relational skills so that I can transfer my
knowledge and skills to others.
Leslie Homan
901 Sayles Blvd.
Abilene, Tx. 79605
Chrysalis Health
Attn: Nora Smith
1806 Farmers Road
Cleveland, OH 98765
RE: Telehealth Mental Health Therapist
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am writing to you to express my interest in the opening for a Telehealth
Health counselor. I have both formal education and personal experience in
the Mental
health field. Both with referrals, and assessments. I have over ten years'
experience in
treatment planning and resourcing.
I have technical skills with the use of the computer, such as internet, email,
teleconferencing with such apps as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and others. I
am excellent at
communication, both written and verbal. As a Human and Social Services
Degree program
graduate, I have the required skill set you are looking for.
Having had a thorough education in this field, I have the necessary
understanding of
the ethical and legal necessities of informed consent, confidentiality, and
reporting. Along
with these skills I have knowledge and practice with treatment plans,
assessments, and
testing in areas of personality. I believe I will not be disappointed in this
position and will be an asset to the Chrysalis team.
Leslie Homan
Leslie Homan
3318 white oaks Dr. Abilene, TX.79606 | 325. 271.2444 | homanleslie0@gmail.com
Volunteer work at New Beginnings Big Country / Inner Creations -
Abilene, TX
October 2022 -April 2024
• Assisted with transitional program
• Responsible for the maintaining of household including groceries, rent, and other expenses
• Appointed as House Mom over transitional house
• Graduate of program
• Worked at re-sale shop
• Handled cash of 100+ daily
• Responsible for taking in donations
• Key speaker at Annual Luncheon
• Key holder
High school graduate -Bakersfield, Ca. 1987
Graphic Art Certificate - Bakersfield College - Bakersfield, CA 2002
Human and Social Services AAS - Bryant & Stratton College, Online - 2023 – 2024
G.P.A -3.9 /Achieved Dean's List 2023 –2024
Skills & abilities
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
Competent in email, internet, and visual conferencing
Problem solving
Excellent communication skills verbal, and written
How Viable is Telehealth in Healthcare
Leslie Homan
Bryant and Stratton College
Instructor Best
How Viable is Telehealth in Healthcare?
The use of telehealth has been a popular method of getting a quick and easy answer from
someone who is a professional without having to drive somewhere to get services. While this is
convenient way to get health services, it is apparent to me that there may be many serious
problems in the use of telehealth for everything. In discussing telehealth and whether it is an
effective, long-term form of health care I would like to address the issues of data breaches,
malware, and privacy laws that affect the people who use telehealth. The issues regarding
health and addiction telehealth services can be questionable, and dangerous in some cases.
popularity of telehealth services and why it is now a regular part of healthcare services has
the place of in-person visits that are important to gauge a client's behavior. What is being
portrayed on telehealth is a limited view for a counselor to address the needs of clients
Why the use of telehealth is popular
“Telehealth is broadly defined as the use of communications technologies to provide
health care at a distance” (National Institute of Health, Telehealth Fact Sheet, 2022) There were
telehealth services before the COVID-19 Pandemic, though they were not as prominent in
healthcare services as they have become today. It was during the pandemic that people
more isolated and the demand for healthcare services became more needed. It became a
part of getting healthcare because of the emergency state of our country at the time. As the
Pandemic receded the use of telehealth services did not decline. Many reasons for this would
the ease of care for the disabled or those without transportation. It also became a method of
getting care with little effort on the part of the client.
Telehealth was also a method of reducing the costs of in-patient services. This is because
most visits are for basic needs such as prescription refills. This also meant that providers could
make more money as the number of clients increased due to the ease of appointment setting
keeping. Independant services from their group, HMO, or PPO, (Healthcare Management
Organization, Patient Provider Organization) can be set up and the profits of service increased.
Along with this, the government has implemented incentives to healthcare providers to use
telehealth. “The willingness of physicians, patients and insurers to embrace virtual medicine is
likely to cause it to remain a popular option in healthcare” (NIH-Telehealth Fact Sheet, 2022)
As telehealth increases so does the risk of criminal activities.
As the Pandemic eased, the regulations on telehealth that had been given to providers that
included privacy of information were not changed. The Office of Civil Rights had allowed the
laxness for telehealth regulations, including HIPPA (Health Insurance Patient Portability Act)
laws that govern the way information is used and shared by healthcare providers such as
hospitals, providers, mental health, and addiction services.(Post Pandemic telehealth: an
unhealthy privacy prescription, 2022) As the pandemic was relieved of its emergency status,
breaches in information have increased. “Our findings demonstrate the complex effects of
Covid-19 on early implementation acting as both a facilitator and a barrier to in service of
provision, marketing, and training” (Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Early Implementation of a
Nationwide Telehealth Program: A Qualitative Study, 2021, Sep.) The use of telehealth services
has increased. “In addition to the requirements associated across state and international lines,
reimbursement to health care providers for such, healthcare providers must guard the privacy
security of patient information involved in the provision of telehealth carefully” (Telehealth and
Data Privacy: Issues for the new “normal” in Healthcare: A look at the main areas of legal risk
from a data and security perspective, 2022, Nov/Dec)There is often no security for the services
that people are giving over the internet. This has led to identity theft, malware attacks, and data
breaches. And although this has not been addressed very much, the use of telehealth also
the ease of getting narcotics prescribed to addicts much easier. The ability to go to multiple
doctors over telehealth via the internet can lead to serious addictions that are not noticed
of the lack of in-person care, where it might be seen easily. The ability to steal someone else's
identity and medical records is a wreck waiting to happen in the United States.
My conclusion is that in the use of telehealth there are many aspects that people do not
consider before using it. It can be a dangerous and disappointing form of healthcare services. In
drafting this paper, I want the regular person to recognize the possibility of criminal activities
using telehealth services. My aim is to inform people of the problems that they are not told about
by those providing telehealth services. Telehealth is not a terrible thing and helps many people
who would have issues making an appointment in person. As a person getting a degree in
and Human Services this is a topic of interest and concern for me. As I am seeking to refine my
degree in the areas of mental health and substance abuse, I need to have the ability to see and
hear the needs of my clients. In this process I need to be able to observe a client's behavior and
assess what I am seeing so that I can provide accurate help. I do not see the use of telehealth
as a
viable source of healthcare for accurate assessment, treatment, or care of a client's needs for
these reasons
Cannedy, S; Bergman, A; Medich, M; Rose, D; Bonilla, A; Stockdale,S.(2021, Sep.)
Effects of The Covid-19 Pandemic on Early Implementation of a Nationwide Telehealth
Program: A Qualitative Study. Health Services Research, Supplement S2. Academic
Search Premier. B&SC Virtual Library
Telehealth and Data privacy: Issues for the New “Normal” in Healthcare: A Look at the
Main Areas of Legal Risk from a Data Privacy and Security Perspective. Journal of Health Care
Compliance, Nov/Dec. 2020. Health Services Research, Supplement S2. Academic Research
Premier. B&SC Virtual Library
Seraj, S-M (2022) Post Pandemic Telehealth: An Unhealthy Privacy Prescription. Global
Privacy Law Review, Nov. 2022. Supplemental Index. B&SC Virtual Library.
United States Dept. Of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health (NIH)
Telehealth Fact sheet. www. nbib.nih.gov/sites/default/files/2022-05/fact-sheet-telehealth. Pdf.
HUSS225 Final Exam
Due by the end of Week 7.5 at 11:59pm, ET.
Save this document to your computer, answer the questions within the text boxes to
your best ability, and upload the document in Week 7.5
Interview Information: You are interviewing at a non-profit agency for a Senior Case
Manager Position. You have worked at this agency for five years as an entry level case
manager and are hoping to be promoted to a senior level position. This non-profit
agency assists individuals who have been incarcerated and have recently reentered
society. The job description for this position requires the Senior Case Manager to assist
clients with finding permanent housing, clothing, counseling services, life skills
development, educational opportunities and finding employment. To help you better
prepare for the interview, you have been given interview questions a week before your
interview by your employer. Your employer wants you to write out your answer to
each question and back up your responses with solid evidence.
1. Please describe your educational background and how it will prepare you for the
job of Senior Case Manager?
I have earned my AAS in Human and Social Services. I also have extensive personal
experience with
having to access these types of resources myself. My education has given me the ability to do
management thoroughly. This includes, but is not limited to the resources needed above. I have
completed my AAS with high grades in all of my classes and this demonstrates my willingness,
ability to perform these tasks. In my experiences with this type of situation, I will also be able to
better understand what I need to start with and how to direct my clients in the most successful
direction for complation of their goals.
2. What essential skills and workplace capabilities do you possess that would make
you a good fit for this position? Please give examples of how you would use
these skills as a Senior Case Manager.
3. Summarize why working as a Case Manager is important in service
The essential skills that I possess are the abilities to communicate effectively both written and
verbally. I have strong organizational skills. I possess the abilities to use critical thinking, specific
knowledge, ethical decision making, and proper boundaries. I would use these skills as a senior
manger to accomplish the goals of my clients so that there was a successful outcome for them.
Working as a case manager is a vital part in service coordination as the case manager is often
person that does all of the coordinating between the services and resources for the client.
The following are situations that you might encounter if you are hired for this position.
Please describe how you would handle the following scenarios.
Scenario 1: A client has just gotten out of prison and has been in contact with his Parole
Officer. This client has been instructed by his Parole Officer to meet with you and get
assistance with finding a job.
During your first meeting with this client, how would you assess the needs of
this client to see if they are ready to obtain employment?
What questions would you ask them?
What paperwork needs to be filled out during an initial meeting?
What skills do they need to be prepared for employment?
What other factors could hinder this client in obtaining a job? Please answer this
question using research from a scholarly source.
During my first meeting with this client, I would ask them what their charges were in order to
assess the kind of job limitations there were. I would ask if there were any classes they took
incarcerated that were career oriented, such as electrician, or mechanic certification. I would
ask if
they had any drug or alcohol abuse. I would ask about medical history, and about their social
background. I would ask if they were on any medications. I would ask if there was a primary
physician, a psychiatrist, or any other medical situation currently, including any disabilities.
During this first visit I would need to do an intake form, and assess if I could help them with what
they were in need of.
They need to have basic educational skills, such as a high school diploma. They need to be
able to
make a resume. They need to be able to fill out applications online. They need to be able to be
actively searching for a job. They need transportation. They may need vocational rehabilitation.
The other factors that could hinder this client from getting a job successfully would be the type
charges they had, how many or how long they were incarcerated. If they are in compliance with
parole. If they are able to look for work and do not have any disabilities. If they have the basic
educational requirements, or if they need to get their GED.
Scenario 2: After your first meeting with your client you realize that he is not ready to
maintain a full time job. The client informs you that he does not have a stable living
environment, is suffering from anxiety and stress, has difficulty reading and writing
and has not had a job in 15 years. Describe and demonstrate a plan you would put in
place for this client to help them be successful. What support services would you refer
your client to? Please answer this question using research from a scholarly source.
First, I would get assessments don in these areas of concern for the client to see where they
at mentally, emotionally, and educationally. After this I would assess where the needs were the
greatest and address these first. I would refer the client to mental health for counseling and
psychiatric care. I would refer the client to vocational rehabilitation for educational needs. I
refer the client to re-entry services for help with housing. I would refer the client to dept. of
services for possible foodstamps. I would also refer them to the social security administration for
possible disability income based upon incarceration time, and other issues.
Scenario 3: You have set up your plan for your client and they have been following it
for the last 3 weeks. How do you determine if your plan is working? What are the best
ways to asses if your clients’ needs are being met? Please answer this question using
research from a scholarly source.
I have rescheduled a visit with the client every two weeks to assess where they are at in utilizing
the resources I have provided. I would ask if they needed help contacting these places and
with paperwork or other things they may have a difficult time getting done for themselves, such
transportation. I will continue to have these regular visits with the client until there is a
conclusion in the help they needed. I mean that they are getting help in all the areas they
successfully and are able to utilize resources for themselves.
Research three resources in your community that assist individuals reentering society
from incarceration. How have these resources/organizations made a positive impact on
the lives of formerly incarcerated individuals? Please answer this question using
research from a scholarly source.
Betty Hardwick Center- This is a non-profit organization here that is designed to help those who
mentally, physically, socioeconomically disadvantaged with case management and counseling
in all
areas. This includes substance abuse and dual diagnosis. They also do a community outreach
program to reach the homeless population.
Oceans mental health facility- This is a facility here that is more of a hospital setting for those
are not stable mentally or emotionally. They strive to help people be successful in diagnosis
treatment options. This includes substance abuse.
Serenity House- this is a 28 day detox/ drug & alcohol recovery center designed to help addicts
ckean enough to make rational decisions and get help to better their lives.
attaining my career, and to be able to have developed good relational skills so that I can transfer my
knowledge and skills to others.
901 Sayles Blvd.
Abilene, Tx. 79605
Chrysalis Health
Attn: Nora Smith
1806 Farmers Road
Cleveland, OH 98765
RE: Telehealth Mental Health Therapist
Dear Ms. Smith:
I am writing to you to express my interest in the opening for a Telehealth Mental
Health counselor. I have both formal education and personal experience in the Mental
health field. Both with referrals, and assessments. I have over ten years' experience in
treatment planning and resourcing.
I have technical skills with the use of the computer, such as internet, email, and
teleconferencing with such apps as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and others. I am excellent at
communication, both written and verbal. As a Human and Social Services Degree program
graduate, I have the required skill set you are looking for.
Having had a thorough education in this field, I have the necessary understanding of
the ethical and legal necessities of informed consent, confidentiality, and reporting. Along
with these skills I have knowledge and practice with treatment plans, assessments, and
testing in areas of personality. I believe I will not be disappointed in this employment
position and will be an asset to the Chrysalis team.
Leslie Homan
3318 white oaks Dr. Abilene, TX.79606 | 325. 271.2444 | homanleslie0@gmail.com
Volunteer work at New Beginnings Big Country / Inner Creations -
Abilene, TX
October 2022 -April 2024
• Assisted with transitional program
• Responsible for the maintaining of household including groceries, rent, and other expenses
• Appointed as House Mom over transitional house
• Graduate of program
• Worked at re-sale shop
• Handled cash of 100+ daily
• Responsible for taking in donations
• Key speaker at Annual Luncheon
• Key holder
High school graduate -Bakersfield, Ca. 1987
Graphic Art Certificate - Bakersfield College - Bakersfield, CA 2002
Human and Social Services AAS - Bryant & Stratton College, Online - 2023 – 2024
G.P.A -3.9 /Achieved Dean's List 2023 –2024
Skills & abilities
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
Competent in email, internet, and visual conferencing
Problem solving
Excellent communication skills verbal, and written
Detail oriented