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Academic Service: Ravi
Rx604-Observe Patient Counseling of Rx (#4)
Date: 05/27/2021
Rotation Type: RX604-Community
Comments: I asked to come along to watch a pharmacist offer counselling on EpiPen injections. Patient was unsure on how to administer the injection. We went outside to the pharmacy drive thru. We showed with the demo blue epi pen cartridge the proper technique. Patient had not understood the first time so we politely repeated the demonstration until she was happy. I also mentioned there were you tube videos from the manufacturer if it helped.
Patient Age: 50 Years
Patient Sex: F
Patient Ethnicity: White
Academic Service: Ravi
Rx604-Observe Patient Counseling of OTC/CAMS/DME (#2)
Date: 06/03/2021
Rotation Type: RX604-Community
Comments: I accompanied a pharmacist who was called on to advice on prophylaxis/prevention of joint damage. The patients husband worked in construction and was wondering if any medications would be helpful. The pharmacist advised on use of calcium/vit d supplements and glucosamine. We did advise caution on the lack of effectiveness of the latter. Patient was thankful and went ahead and purchased. I felt a more comprehensive review of history and physical would have been a better guide to the differential diagnosis. Also there were communication barriers , she spoke little English.
Patient Age: 67 Years
Patient Sex: M
Patient Ethnicity: White