My Bio: Ashley R. Lee
About Me
I am currently enrolled at Byrant and Stratton College estimating graduation in Fall 2025. I will be graduating with a Human Resources degree. I would like to further my education and get my bachelor's degree. I have experience in an office setting, team atmosphere, Microsoft Office, communication, and other Human Resource functions. I am looking to advance my knowledge in this field.
Assignments: Ashley R. Lee
Math 101- Budgeting and Analyzing
Math101 project that shows I can use information, graph it, and come to a budgeting conclusion.
Budget Project (.pdf) 0.67mb
Assignments: Ashley R. Lee
Research Paper- Power Point Presentation
An assignment that shows I can use Microsoft Office, based on information that I found.
Power Point Presentation (.pptx) 0.33mb
Educational Background: Ashley R. Lee
High School
I completed high school with a diploma in 2008.
Educational Background: Ashley R. Lee
Byrant and Stratton College 2025
Awaiting graduation for Fall 2025 as a Human Resource Specialist.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Ashley R. Lee
Professional Goals
My professional goals are to obtain my bachelor's degree in human resources and become a part of the onboarding and training process.
Honors & Awards: Ashley R. Lee
Dean's List
While attending Byrant and Stratton I made the Dean's List with a 4.0 GPA.
Resume & CV: Ashley R. Lee
An overview of my education, job experience, and skills.
Resume (.docx) 0.07mb