Amanda Gonter
Bryant & Stratton College
I have been with Bryant and Stratton since 2016, and thoroughly enjoy helping students on their journey to pursue their educational and career goals. I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics with New York State Certification Grades 7 – 12 and as well as my Master of Science Degree in Adult Education at Buffalo State College. I also have gained my Associate’s Degree in Liberal Arts and Social Science, prior to pursuing my career in Mathematics Education, at Erie Community College. I find that education does not stop with school; every day I learn from co-workers, friends, and my students. The value of sharing experiences and backgrounds is essential in creating lifelong learners which is a primary aspiration I have for my students. My values in education revolve around the impact made upon you, as a student, through the relationships developed within the learning environment. After having me as an instructor, I hope that you will not only have deepened your knowledge on the content, but also found value in the learning experience itself.
September 2019 - Present
- Develop and implement lesson plans for Pre-College, Workplace, and College Mathematics Courses.
- Promote student growth both academically and socially through developing positive relationships and open communication.
- Encourage a comfortable learning environment where students have been allowed to remain fully embedded in their own backgrounds and learning experiences.
- Alter pacing and instructional techniques to cater to the needs of the diverse student population.
Bryant & Stratton College
This program creates an opportunity for students to socialize with one another and faculty. The fun and relaxed atmosphere allows student to feel comfortable enough to discuss topics that range from school to family. It’s a great way for students to decompress!
- Provided individual and small group tutoring sessions to college students in all mathematic areas.
- Assisted students in achieving academic improvement through reviewing classroom content and developing problem solving skills.
- Administered college entrance and placement exams.
CANISIUS COLLEGE – Buffalo, New York
- Collaborated with Canisius’ Opportunity Programs for Education (COPE) staff to instruct a mathematics college prep-course offered to Canisius students as part of the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP).
August 2007 to May 2009
Associate Degree in Liberal Arts and Social Science
- magna cum laude (GPA: 3.9)
August 2009 to December 2012
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- magna cum laude (GPA: 3.7)
January 2014 to May 2018
Master of Science in Adult Education
- magna cum laude (GPA: 3.9)

Erie Community College
- Specialized in Freestyle and Backstroke
- Held the school record for the 100 backstroke
- Placed top 3 in Regional Championships
- Competed in Junior National Championships and earned an "All American" Title
- Earned Helen Cornell award for Highest Academic GPA in Athletics
- Recognized for implementing creative strategies in the classroom

The role of a teacher is more than simply instructing students, we challenge them to think critically and mold them into an individual who can fully contribute to society by sharing experiences and knowledge with others. As an educator, it is my job to make students feel comfortable in the learning environment while also providing them with the tools they need to be successful. Catering to the students’ learning desires is crucial to foster growth both educationally and personally. Incorporating a variety of ways to teach a topic keeps students engaged and motivated to achieve their educational goal as well as developing them into a life-long learner.
Although placing emphasis on a student’s learning style is important when developing a lesson, I feel providing students with a sense of accomplishment through a reward system is also a suitable strategy to keep them involved and stimulated. Through my experiences as an instructor at various levels, mathematics can be a struggle for most students which tends to be accompanied by negative attitudes toward the content. Encouragement, passion, and positivity demonstrated by the instructor and directed toward a student body carries a weight that students respond to. Students who experience a learning environment incorporating these virtues tend to have a high regard for the instructor and value the content more so than a teacher who does not display these ideals. With this in mind, it is important to assess students learning and application through a variety of methods, such as through reflections, informal assessments and formal assessments. Reflections are essential to fully understand the thought process behind the solution to mathematical problems as well as the errors.
In addition to providing support and encouragement to my students, I strongly advocate applying mathematics to real life experiences. David Kolb, a well-known psychologist developed a model that involves transforming experiences through reflective observation. Kolb’s classification of learning styles help students determine what type of learner they are through an assessment utilizing their experiences. Determining a students’ learning style is essential to the effectiveness of instruction as well to the success of the learner. Students who have the ability to see the connection between mathematics and how it can be utilized in their own lives will become more eager about the material. Students will understand that the mathematical skills learned can be applied to more than simply the content. These mathematical competencies encompass and develop questioning techniques, open-mindedness, and thinking tactics that often are practical to the workplace environment such as, working cooperatively with others, analyzing data within their careers, and even personal relationships. These competencies are cohesive with Bryant and Stratton’s mission on preparing students for their careers.
Throughout my experience I have come to value, what I feel to be one the most important aspects of teaching, the creation of meaningful and inspiring relationships. As a teacher, one of the most rewarding outcomes is developing a connection with your students that will influence them throughout life. Students may not recall the specifics of the Pythagorean Theorem, however they will retain the care, support and positive impact you had on them as an instructor. It is truly amazing to see the transformation of a student’s attitude and outlook not only in the classroom, but also in life.
Overall, my philosophy of education in mathematics revolves around students’ needs, interests, developing a strong support system for them as well as an influential relationship. As an educator, I feel these aspects of teaching foster deep learning which not only contribute to the growth of a successful student, but as a successful person.

Holland Central School
- Prepared and instruct swim practices for high school and middle school athletes.
- Used differentiated swimming instruction, such as videotaping, to critique stroke technique and allow for stroke improvement.
- Modified instruction for different types of athletes, such as distance swimmers, sprinters, and even beginners.