Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Samira Huq
Bryant & Stratton College
As a Medical assistant, I am very proud to be a student of Bryant & Stratton College. I have my degree and clinical, pharmacology is my favorite subject.
Courses Taken: Samira Huq
I love clinical classes and love to do hands-on work. I can take vital signs, give injections, take accurate measurements, and perform simple wound dressings.
Courses Taken: Samira Huq
I learned a lot in pharmacology, such as how to give vaccines. how to take blood and lots more.
Educational Background: Samira Huq
Collage degree from Bryant & Stratton Collage
Honors & Awards: Samira Huq
Deans Award three times
I got the Dean's Award Almost every single semester.
Musical Instruments, Recordings & Concerts: Samira Huq
I know how to play harmonium and I did finish the basic singing lesson.
My Bio: Samira Huq
Be positive
I am a positive person. Trying to be happy all the time. Make myself busy. Love what to travel. I am passionate about helping people because it gives me inner peace from the inside.
Skills: Samira Huq
School volunteering, cashier, home care, customer care services.
I have lots of skills from my experience. I have good experience with my work skills. I am hard-working, organized, and passionate about my work.
Travel (My Travel Experience): Samira Huq
Singapore, Malaysia, India
I love to travel. On my bucket list next is Japan.