Liberty University
I am a very positive and energetic person. I have always been a very goal-oriented person. If there is something that is important to me and that I want to achieve I work relentlessly and consistently to achieve that goal. I am not easily discouraged and believe that each person has an endless potential and that anything can be accomplished with hard work and dedication. You will never hear me say "I cannot do that". Those words are not in my vocabulary. If I am presented with a challenge I will face it head on with confidence. I am not afraid to ask for help, in fact, I believe asking for help is one of the key ways that people succeed and meet their goals. I am a person who enjoys working with others and helping others. I make it a point to be available to others so that I can help them in any way possible. I believe that collaborating and sharing ideas is an important skill and attribute to possess. Through collaboration and discussion amazing ideas and strategies can be formed. Overall I am a team player, I am a person who wants to help, I am a person who values actions over words, I am a person who is responsible and consistent, I am someone who is caring and compassionate, I am a person who loves learning and spreading knowledge to children, I am an Educator and a School Counselor!
(330) 289 9256
Current Address:
4920 Allertow Road, Apt 3305
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
To obtain a Professional School Counselor position in a K-12 setting.
- Team player who understands the fundamental importance of collaboration and teamwork.
- Exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to foster positive working relationships.
- Problem solver with the ability to take the initiative to solve problems and special projects.
- Extremely dependable and responsible professional.
Relevant Counseling Skills
- Proven ability to build relationships built on trust, mutual respect, and support. Passionate about academic, career, and social-emotional development for all students.
- Experience in utilizing differing counseling techniques and interventions to meet various needs, including individual and group counseling.
- Ability to advocate for a diverse and unique student population.
Administrative Skills and Leadership Skills
- Information management skills, with experience utilizing various technologies to maintain and document records.
- Exceptional multi-tasker with experience in juggling multiple tasks and simultaneously balancing competing priorities.
- Ability to write in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner.
- Detail-oriented professional with the ability to focus on a multitude of details and logistical complexities.
- Motivating work teams to operate in supportive and effective ways. Proven ability to manage, supervise, and provide leadership to a team.
- Demonstrated project management experience.
- Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
- School of Education, Class of 2015
- Bachelor of Science in Education
- Minor in Instructional Design and Educational Technology
- Cumulative GPA: 3.37, Major GPA: 3.5
- Received the Redhawk Excellence Scholarship 2011-2015
Post-Graduate Coursework
- Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
- Pursuing an M.Ed. in School Counseling
- CACREP and CAEP Accreditation
- Earned Credits: 54
- GPA: 4.0
Work History
Licensed classroom teacher with experience managing and facilitating learning in the upper elementary and middle grades environment.
Current Role:
School Counselor (8th Grade), 2023-2024
1. Post Oak Middle School, Spotsylvania, Virginia
- PLC Team Lead
- Post Oak Middle School Mentor Program Facilitator/Lead
- Post Oak Middle School Counseling Department Creator, Administrator, and Designer
Past School Counseling Roles:
School Counselor (7th Grade), 2022-2023
1. Post Oak Middle School, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Past Certified Teaching Roles:
4th Grade Teacher, all subjects 2015-2018
1. Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Quinhagak, Alaska
2. Glennallen Elementary School, all subjects, Glennallen, Alaska
7th Grade Teacher, ELA 2016-2017
1. Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat, Quinhagak, Alaska
5th Grade Teacher, all subjects 2020-2021
1. Rockhill Elementary School, Stafford, Virginia
Past Paraprofessional Roles
1. Rockhill Elementary School, Stafford, Virginia 2019-2020
2. Post Oak Middle School, Spotsylvania, Virginia 2021-2022
Additional Information to include Professional Development and References
Personal Website: https://luciakollat.wixsite.com/luciakollat
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/lucia-kollat/8b/925/39a
Worldview Reflective Essay
Lucia Kollat
Counselor Education and Family Studies, Liberty University
- Reflect on how your philosophy of education or worldview of education has developed throughout your preparation program.
Educational philosophy and worldview are imperative aspects of the School Counseling preparation program at Liberty University. Throughout the program, various courses have inspired me to reflect upon, investigate, further explore, and question my personal educational philosophy and worldview. Liberty University’s preparation program has further developed my educational philosophy and worldview of education in a variety of ways, however, the primary development is in regard to the importance of career development within the field of school counseling.
The first course that introduced me to this was COUC 522, Career Development and Counseling. Prior to taking this course, I was under the belief that career development is only relevant to the upper grades primarily including high school. My philosophy and worldview were limited in this area, due to my inexperience with career development throughout my career as a teacher prior to beginning my journey to becoming a school counselor. This course helped me recognize that career development has a role throughout all levels of schooling. It also introduced me to strategies, interventions, and methods by which the elementary school counselor meets the career development needs of their students. My practicum course and direct/indirect hours also helped me to develop a clear understanding of the importance of career development. During my practicum, I had the opportunity to complete various classroom lessons that focused on career development. During these lessons, students began mapping out their four-year plans for high school, and within that were looking at course pathways that lead to future careers within the career cluster of their choice and interests. During this experience, I saw students who struggled with academic motivation become passionate and interested in what we were doing. I saw students make the connection between what they have learned in the past, what they are learning now, and what they will be learning in the future. I saw students gain an understanding of the importance of attendance, academic success, and social-emotional well-being, as these are all interconnected with career development and future job satisfaction and success. These courses and experiences truly helped shape my understanding of what role career development plays in the lives of our students, and how it can provide them with a sense of purpose in their personal lives and within their academics.
Career development has a role throughout the lifespan of an individual. The courses and experiences that Liberty’s school counseling preparation program provides truly helped me develop a more precise understanding of the role of career development and how it can be utilized as a motivator for all students. I feel as if my educational philosophy and worldview of education have been expanded from these experiences. I have discovered that currently, I am very inspired to continue educating and providing support to students in regard to their career development. I look forward to further exploring this passion throughout my internship experiences.
Lucia Kollat
Counselor Education and Family Studies, Liberty University
2. Reflect on how you have developed professionally throughout the program, as it relates to school counseling skills, knowledge, and dispositions.
Liberty University’s preparation program for School Counseling has aided in my professional development in a multitude of ways. Throughout many courses, I have had the opportunity to practice and apply counseling skills, further my knowledge in the field of school counseling, and further explore my personal dispositions and how those relate to the field of school counseling, and my personal desire to help serve others.
Beginning with my counseling skills development, the primary courses and experiences that truly made an impact were my intensive courses including individual and group counseling, COUC 504 multicultural counseling, and my practicum experience. COUC 504 was one of the first courses I took in the program. Throughout the course, I was given the opportunity to further explore the diverse nature of the students we serve and the world we live in. I gained an understanding of the importance of cultural sensitivity, and that incorporating that into my counseling skills is one way that I can reach all students as a professional school counselor. I then was able to put what I was learning into practice during both my intensive classes and my practicum class. Facilitating group counseling during my second intensive helped me to utilize my past experiences as a teacher while also embedding what I have learned throughout the program. My practicum helped me develop and practice embedding the ASCA student standards into the counseling curriculum at my site, as well as throughout individual and group counseling experiences. In regard to my knowledge of school counseling, the rigorous and relevant courses that the program provides have helped shape my perspective on what the scope of work entails for the new-vision school counselor. For example, in completing the school counseling collaborative model assignment in COSC 660, I was able to embark on a deep exploration of the ASCA National Model and the collaborative and comprehensive nature of the field of school counseling. Lastly, Liberty University’s preparation program has bolstered my personal disposition and has helped me connect that to my future professional career as a school counselor. For example, one primary disposition relates to the promotion of mental health and holistic wellness for a diverse population of individuals with unique worldviews. In beginning my journey, one of the fundamental motivators for my desire to pursue school counseling is my passion for mental health and serving others. Liberty University has helped me develop an understanding of how essential a holistic view is, to include the physical, emotional, social, mental, and spiritual aspects of mental health and overall well-being. I have truly enjoyed many of the discussions and research I have had the opportunity to participate in as they relate to spirituality and school counseling. I have been able to begin developing strategies for embedding spirituality into my practice, and have also used these new skills and knowledge to take care of myself in times of stress to help ensure that I am able to serve myself while also serving others.
The preparation program at Liberty University has provided me with experiences and learning opportunities that have impacted my professional development as a future school counselor. Throughout the variety of courses, intensive experiences, practicum, and personal exploration, the program has helped me to further advance and evolve my counseling skills, my knowledge, and my dispositions as they relate to the field.
Artifact 1: Ethical Decision-Making Paper
In writing my Ethical Decision-Making paper during COSC 501, I gained the opportunity to develop the ability to apply professional values, ethical codes, and the process of the ethical decision-making model in order to create a structure for the decision-making process that often occurs in the field when the school counselor is faced with complex ethical issues. This paper aided me in demonstrating my ability to apply and to adhere to the ethical and legal standards in the school counseling setting.
Artifact 2: Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing, Reporting, and Responding for Educators
In completing the Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognizing, Reporting, and Responding for Educators course, I have demonstrated my ability to adhere to ethical and legal standards specifically in regard to mandated reporting and the role of the school counselor.
Artifact 3: Statement sent to staff on CPS reporting/Mandated Reporting Procedures
"Ms. Kollat put together the following information for you regarding child abuse reporting. Please talk with your Counselor (6-Sullivan, 7-Hackett, 8- Kollat) if you have any questions.
CPS Reporting/Mandated Reporting Procedure:
We want to clarify the procedure for mandated reporters within our building– every staff member in our building is a mandated reporter and is legally required to make a report to CPS. You can consult with your grade level school counselor for support in making the report, however, CPS would like the individual who has the information/who the information was disclosed directly to, to make the report– this is best practice. When making a report, please utilize the online portal which you can find here: https://vacps.dss.virginia.
Again, if you have any specific questions in regard to this, or need assistance with using the online portal, please refer to your grade-level school counselor and we can assist you. It is important to make the report within 24 hours of receiving the information. I have attached some helpful documents provided to all school counselors and social workers through CPS in this email as well. "
In providing this information to all staff, the school counseling department is advocating for the appropriate role and identity of the overall program as well as the individual role of the school counselor. This message was sent out due to some confusion in regard to the process for making a CPS report. In being proactive, I created a statement that was then sent out to all staff, which encourages teachers to consult with their grade-level school counselor when making a CPS report.
Artifact 4: CPS Helpful Information Handout/Informational Flier
This handout was provided to all school counselors and social workers prior to the start of the school year. I felt that all teachers and school staff should also have access to this information, as it is imperative in working with children and keeping all children safe from harm. This flier was sent out to all staff in an email, along with the statement I attached above in Artifact 3. In providing this information and support to all staff, the school counselor is helping to cultivate ethical behavior in others by ensuring that all staff have accurate information on the process for making a CPS report.
Artifact 5: School Counseling Department Website
I created this google site for our school counseling department at Post Oak Middle School. I did this because I noticed a lack of knowledge and awareness of the role and scope of the school counseling profession within our school community. This website was shared to all staff, students, and families. This demonstrates my ability to articulate the identity and role of the school counselor, and also serves as an advocacy statement on the importance of school counselors in the K-12 setting.
Artifact 1: Clinical Skills Self-Assessment for Taped Session
Throughout this assignment, I was given the opportunity to self-reflect on my counseling skills including my basic attending skills, counseling techniques, professionalism, observed strengths, and observed areas of growth. This activity aided in my professional growth and knowledge on my journey to becoming a professional school counselor, it also provided me with an opportunity to view my classmate's sessions and reflect on how I can utilize some differing techniques/theories that I did not utilize throughout my session.
Artifact 2: Documentation of Student Referral
"Hi there.
I hope I have the right person. You were listed as my son's counselor at Post Oak. I just wanted to reach out because he (insert student name) is having some issues academically and with bullying. The bullying is kind of an ongoing issue that started last year and has apparently continued into this year. It's the same kids and the same issues. (insert student name) has asked me not to mention it to anyone because he feels like if they are singled out and made aware of him telling someone that it will get worse and that will be one more thing they can make fun of him for. And, quite frankly, he's right, they will. So, that's one thing I hope to address. Even if it's just helping (insert student name) learn how to deal with it in a more healthy way. I've emailed several of his teachers individually to make them aware, but there's only so much a teacher can do, especially this year when the classes seem larger.
The second thing I was hoping to get help with was having (insert student name) evaluated for some learning difficulties. He has struggled since he's been in middle school and I think a lot of that is because so much of his work has to be done online and that format is difficult for him. But, his dad and I feel like he should probably be evaluated for ASD. Can that be done within the school and if not, would you know where? We are mostly just looking for some advice about how to start the process of getting him evaluated so he can better have his needs met at school. I realize this is a lot for one email and I apologize! I just needed to start somewhere. Feel free to email me at this address or call me anytime.
I appreciate your time in advance.
Thanks so much"
In the above email, a student was referred to counseling by the parent due to various academic, social, and emotional challenges. From this initial referral, the counselor was able to gain insight into the student and their challenges, as well as the perceived challenges that the family has for the student. The counselor used this information to refer out to various services including an assessment for a possible learning disability. The student also participated in individual counseling, and small group counseling to address the social/emotional struggles that happened during their previous school year. This helps to demonstrate a school counseling intervention plan for a specific student who was referred to counseling by the parent.
Artifact 3: Suicide Risk Assessment Document (Columbia Suicide Severity Scale) and Risk Assessment Training PDF
The above artifacts help demonstrate the ability to use procedures for assessing and managing suicide risk. As a department, we utilize the Columbia Suicide Severity Scale prior to beginning the actual risk assessment in order to help guide us throughout the procedure/process. We also participate in a yearly risk assessment training in order to ensure that we are up to date and current on all district policies and procedures regarding the assessment and management of suicide risk. The attached training PDF exemplifies the training that we participated in during the 2022-2023 school year.
Artifact 4: Small Group Lesson Plan: Study Tips/Study Skills
The above lesson plan was created during COSC 661 which focuses on academic development at the middle school level, specifically geared towards 6th grade students. This lesson plan exemplifies an intervention plan to help address academic achievement with the 6th-grade students being serviced. The objective of this group is to increase student awareness of the importance of time management, organization, and study skills and how those characteristics aid them in school and throughout life. Students demonstrate resiliency through open sharing of personal struggles and ways to bounce back and also create posters that will be displayed throughout the building in order to instill a sense of belonging and pride.
Artifact 5: Outside Counseling Referral List
The above referral list is utilized at the middle school where I am currently employed. It showcases my ability to recognize my professional limitations as a school counselor. When a student presents with a mental health concern that requires therapy or psychiatric treatment, it is the ethical and legal duty of the school counselor to refer the family/student to outside mental health services in order to remain within the scope of practice for school counselors. As a school counselor, we provide short-term, brief, solution-focused/goal-oriented counseling to students, and if a student has a presenting concern that requires more than 4-6 sessions, the school counselor must refer to outside services.
Artifact 1: Cultural Competency Training
In participating and completing the cultural competency training I have aided in my personal cultivation of cultural sensitivity and awareness. It also showcases and demonstrates that I am able to provide and advocate for the learning and academic experiences of all students regardless of their culture.
Artifact 2: Interpreter Services Request Form
This artifact showcases the engagement of families, parents, and guardians who speak a language different than English to advocate for and promote the academic, career, and social development of all students. Without this service, the school counselor may not be able to collaborate with families who do not speak English.
Artifact 3: Cultural Immersion Project: 3 Parts
Part 1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rbMN1zPF85Lb1lv10aB69fN8uHgMC8ExvrCGXx-1br0/edit?usp=sharing
Part 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FlH9HxByf8MgA7SqMQoJt6ZZKpYC032ENSq9dOD35VU/edit?usp=sharing
Part 3: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nsnESAivSmAqe0uy2sAOoGwNnFDIxe1lUg-gAHupme4/edit?usp=sharing
In completing this three-part cultural immersion project in COUC 504, I gained the ability to cultivate my own cultural competency and also reflect on some biases I may have. This project helped me to expand my future practice as a school counselor and aided me in learning about a culture that I may work with in the school setting as a school counselor. In educating myself on this particular culture using various research articles and interviews, I can begin to advocate for school policies, programs, and services to enhance the academic, career, and social development of students as well as create a positive and welcoming environment for all.
Artifact 4: PROP-EL: Propelling EL Students Forward Using Technology-based Skills and Strategies
This artifact again showcases my effort of gaining knowledge on working with EL students and aiding them in accessing their education through the use of technology skills and strategies. This training has aided me in working with EL students during individual counseling, small group counseling, and also classroom guidance lessons.
Artifact 5: Kindness in the Classroom- Character Education flier in Spanish
In providing classroom guidance lessons on character education and development, we send home fliers so that families are aware of what we are teaching in the classroom. We have a larger population of Spanish speaking families, so we ensure to send home fliers in Spanish as well to make sure that all families are able to get the information on what their student is learning during our lessons.
Artifact 1: Test Critique: BASC-3
In this assignment, I evaluated and critiqued the BASC-3. I specifically chose this assessment because I have often times completed it on students in the school counseling/education setting to assist with outside testing, etc. In this assignment, I provided strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations for this assessment all based on scholarly research.
Artifact 2: Scaling Questions Poster
This visual is in my office and is frequently utilized as a quick assessment for students during individual counseling, small group, and also peer mediation. This assessment is appropriate in counseling students on various academic, career, and personal/social development and aids the counselor in gaining insight on where exactly the student is at using a numerical scale.
Artifact 3: Needs Assessment: Small Group Counseling
This is an example of a needs assessment that I utilized during my Practicum course in order to gather data from various stakeholders to help implement my small group. From the data gathered, I was able to identify various skills, attitudes, and behaviors to explicitly teach students throughout the small group. I was also able to use those skills to help assess the outcomes of my group for areas of strength as well as areas of improvement.
Artifact 4: Resiliency Assessment
I created this assessment to identify students who may benefit from explicit instruction on resiliency. This assessment is primarily utilized in order to gain insight and information on a particular student's attitudes, knowledge, and behavior as it relates to resiliency. Resiliency is one of our traits for our Character Development program and was identified as an area of need. In collecting data on student resiliency, a barrier was identified and can begin to be addressed by the school counseling program.
Artifact 1: Canvas Page- School Counseling
I created this Canvas page to help me service the students of Post Oak Middle School. Each teacher is required to utilize Canvas in some capacity, however, the school counseling department did not have a Canvas page. I decided to create a page where I can house resources, and also create a digital classroom where I can put activities and resources for when I am doing classroom lessons.
Artifact 2: Research Proposal-- Mental Well-Being for School Staff
In COUC 515, we were tasked with creating a research proposal that was supported by a variety of scholarly articles and sources. I decided to complete my proposal and research project on the benefits of meditation for educators, asking the question: could meditation help decrease teacher burnout? This is relevant to aiding in the creation of a school-wide climate of well-being which aids all parties involved including staff, students, community members, and stakeholders. It was a great way for me to present research findings to support and showcase the benefits of meditation.
Artifact 3: Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Counseling
I completed this assignment as a part of COSC 611. Throughout this assignment, I researched a variety of topics including individual counseling processes, ethical considerations, theoretical approaches, multicultural counseling, and counseling unique and exceptional students. This research paper has assisted me in analyzing data and relevant/current research to further expand and improve the school counseling program and also has aided me in identifying research-based interventions and strategies to utilize with a wide range of student populations.
Artifact 4: Case Conceptualization
I completed this case conceptualization during my practicum experience. This activity aided me in evaluating and truly looking at the "whole picture" of the student, and determining a plan of action. This was developed through data collection, observation, speaking with the student, and consulting with various stakeholders (student family, BSP teacher, administration, etc.). This showcases my ability to utilize data analysis and collection to aid in the creation of positive outcomes for students.
Artifact 1: Parent Email
To: Lucia Kollat - SCHOOL COUNSELOR - 11
Subject: (insert student name) - RE: Grades: 08 - 4E Education Expo, November 1, 2023
Thank you for letting us know. My Daughter (insert student name) is trying to decide whether to apply for the IB program or the Commonwealth Governor's Program.
She will attend Spotsy High and will be enrolling in one of those programs for her successful years in high school preparing her for College.
Lucia, do you have any tips for me as a parent to help her to successfully choose the correct path for her? She was just voted in as the President of the POM National Jr. Honor Society. She is also the President of the POM Future Business Leaders of America for the second year. Thank you for your assistance.
This artifact showcases an example/documentation of a parent reaching out in order to have a conversation about appraisal and advisement in regard to academic planning for high school. After receiving this email, I set up a meeting with this parent and student to provide information, I also connected them with some resources provided through our district website and an educational expo opportunity to help them gain some more information on special programs.
Artifact 2: Career Development PD
I participated in this PD series in order to gain more information and strategies on supporting career development in the upper grades and also to gain opportunities to consult with and collaborate with other secondary counselors in our district. During this training, we discussed strategies to reach all students and families and created "conversation cards" to support career and post-secondary conversations with students and families.
Artifact 3: Classroom Guidance Lesson Plan
This is a classroom guidance lesson that I have used on the "wellness triangle". It showcases my ability to implement a variety of instructional practices to reach all learners. This lesson plan includes small group activities, active listening, and a variety of strategies to address each learning style including movement/kinesthetics. It also is a lesson that supports a variety of thinking and learning skills such as self-efficacy, effective communication, effective collaboration, and social skills, and provides healthy life balance strategies.
Artifact 4: The First Days of School
The first time I read this book was when I was in my undergrad studying to be a teacher. I have been in the classroom teaching for 5 years, and am now looking forward to using my classroom management skills as a school counselor. I read this book every year, as it holds a plethora of information and strategies on effective classroom management. Each time I read it, I take notes and create a plan for the upcoming year. I have also used this as a resource with teachers who have reached out about student behavior, etc. It is an excellent resource that I will continue to use in the future.
Artifact 5: Personal Philosophy of Education
I believe that all students have the right to an education, and I believe it is my job to make that education meaningful.
I believe that literacy is one of the foundations of education, and that it must be integrated into every subject.
I believe that students thrive during cooperative learning, and that social interaction in the classroom is necessary for student learning.
I believe that creating a positive classroom environment will make my students feel comfortable to share their ideas, comfortable to learn, and comfortable to make mistakes.
I believe that I will have a direct impact on my students as soon as they enter the classroom, I believe that if I approach them with encouragement and insight, they will respond in the same way.
I believe that each student is creative in their own way, and I believe that I must foster this creativity through learning activities.
I believe in asking students questions rather than giving them answers, so that they can create their own answers.
I believe in acknowledging the differences in my students, rather than ignoring them.
I believe that all students enjoy to read, they just have not found their favorite book yet, I believe it is my job to help them find this book.
I believe that every day I walk into the classroom that I am making a difference in my students' lives.
I believe that everyday my students walk into the classroom, they are making a difference in my life.
I have included my philosophy of education statements above, as well as the link to my professional website where I have housed my philosophy of education as well as other items that relate to my professional experience. These statements showcase my beliefs about the educational system, and also uphold my belief that every student can achieve success-- I know that as a school counselor, I will play an imperative role in each student's academic success.
Artifact 1: Parent-Teacher Conference/Discipline Referral Email
Good Afternoon,
We held a PTC with (insert family name) today. Please see the completed form attached. Please see the action plan below and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
Parent and (insert student name) - IMPACT form - PBIS Review Teachers - Hold (insert student name) accountable and follow the process (referral) Parent - Talk to (insert student name) about baseball at the HS Kollat - Schedule change - Move (insert student name) to Suthard Science 1 and Purcell English 4. Kollat - Check in with (insert student name)
Each time a student receives three classroom actions, we hold a parent-teacher conference as a team to create a plan moving forward to improve the student presenting concerns, etc. This email showcases the collaborative nature of these meetings, and that each team member has a follow-up intervention to implement. In this particular situation, I needed to adjust the student's schedule and also meet with the student to check in and create a goal in regard to the behavior displayed in class.
Artifact 2: Collaborate with Teachers to Incorporate SEL in the classroom -- email
This artifact showcases collaboration with teachers to aid them in implementing SEL into the classroom. I came across a resource that I felt was easy for teachers to implement and use as needed that supports mental well-being and healthy coping strategies. I shared the resource with all 8th-grade teachers, elective teachers, and administrators. I also asked for feedback on the resource to see if it is effective in the classroom or if there are ways to improve it for our student population.
Artifact 3: Helping agents in the community
This artifact showcases my ability to connect with helping agents in the community to secure assistance for students and their families. This church provided school supply donations for all students as we identified school supplies as a need last school year. I have attached the thank you letter that we sent to the church upon receiving their generous donation. I have also secured this church to help support some of our students in need around the holidays.
Artifact 4: ASPIRE Mentor Program
This artifact showcases my ability to collaborate and consult/take on a leadership role in order to promote student academic and overall success. As the ASPIRE coordinator, I am in charge of finding potential mentors, connecting students who could benefit from a mentor, and also facilitating some of the mentor training, and ensuring that the proper documentation and paperwork are completed. This program also supports peer helping strategies as oftentimes the mentor's have more than one mentee and they will work in small groups to support each other.
Artifact 1: Department Website
I created and developed this department website for a variety of reasons. One reason was to showcase my ability to be a leader in the school and to take on additional tasks that support the overall school counseling program. I knew that most middle schools in the district do not have department websites, so I wanted to create one that we could share with our colleagues as an example. The site also supports our overall program because it provides specific information on what each counselor is doing and the services provided for students in grades 6, 7, and 8.
Artifact 2: Parent-Teacher Presentation
I created this presentation in COSC 661. This is an example of a presentation that the school counselor would facilitate and lead in regard to virtual learning in the elementary setting. It includes advocacy, access, attainments, achievement, barriers to student development, and opportunities for the enhancement of student academic achievement and development.
Artifact 3: Parent education email
This is an email that I sent out to all families sharing an opportunity for them to participate in a free webinar on technology misuse and addiction. This has been an identified struggle for many of our students and families-- therefore when I came across this free resource and opportunity I wanted to make sure all of our families had access to the free event.
Artifact 4: Take NOTE Parent/Teacher resource
This is a resource that I provide to families and teachers as needed. It is meant to aid families in connecting with the school when they notice their student may be struggling. It provides them with an efficient way to collect information on their child and also gives conversation starters and sentence starters to help families engage in conversations with the professionals who are working with their student. This resource is provided in English and in Spanish.
Artifact 1: Personal Philosophy of Education
Personal Philosophy of Education
I believe that all students have the right to an education, and I believe it is my job to make that education meaningful.
I believe that literacy is one of the foundations of education, and that it must be integrated into every subject.
I believe that students thrive during cooperative learning, and that social interaction in the classroom is necessary for student learning.
I believe that creating a positive classroom environment will make my students feel comfortable to share their ideas, comfortable to learn, and comfortable to make mistakes.
I believe that I will have a direct impact on my students as soon as they enter the classroom, I believe that if I approach them with encouragement and insight, they will respond in the same way.
I believe that each student is creative in their own way, and I believe that I must foster this creativity through learning activities.
I believe in asking students questions rather than giving them answers, so that they can create their own answers.
I believe in acknowledging the differences in my students, rather than ignoring them.
I believe that all students enjoy to read, they just have not found their favorite book yet, I believe it is my job to help them find this book.
I believe that every day I walk into the classroom that I am making a difference in my students' lives.
I believe that everyday my students walk into the classroom, they are making a difference in my life.
My personal philosophy of education exemplifies my personal belief that all students can learn and also showcases the importance of equitable practices in the classroom.
Artifact 2: Thank you Note from Student
I worked with this student in the classroom throughout the school year and we were able to gain and foster a positive relationship built on trust and mutual respect. I have attached a thank you note from this student, which I still have hanging up in my office because the student made such an impact on me as well. Although it may seem like a simple note of thanks, for this student to be able to write something like this is exceptional and showcases that our working together throughout the school year made an impact.
Artifact 3: Cultural Sensitivity: small group counseling
This artifact showcases my ability to utilize culturally sensitive practices within the small group counseling setting. It also showcases my commitment and belief that all students deserve a positive, safe, caring environment where they are free to be who they are. It also showcases my ability to differentiate instruction to reach all learners and provide students with opportunities to interact with peers who are different than they are-- and how we can learn from and with each other.
Artifact 1: Email Response
Thank you for emailing me. I am out of the building for the entirety
of the school day (every Tuesday and Thursday, 8/22-12/18) completing
my elementary internship hours at Riverview Elementary School.
I will do my best to respond within 24-48 hours if this is an
emergency, please contact one of our other school-based mental health
workers. Contact information below:
Adair Sullivan- Counseling Director/6th Grade
Briana Hackett - 7th Grade
Mary Guthrie - Social Worker
Thank you for your understanding,
Lucia Kollat
Post Oak Middle School
8th Grade School Counselor
540-582-7517 EXT 6430"
This email response that I created in looking ahead to my internship placement showcases my commitment and perseverance throughout the program as well as in my professional role. I wanted to ensure that I properly communicated with all stakeholders where I would be, what I would be doing, and why I was out of the building two days a week. This showcases that I am able to persevere and complete my internship while also maintaining a full-time job and that I am able to meet deadlines and showcase self-discipline to ensure that I am serving all students, families, and stakeholders within my professional role.
Artifact 2: Honoring Diversity and Transitions Program Assignment, COSC 611
This artifact showcases my commitment to academic excellence and going above and beyond to meet expectations. It also showcases my work ethic, dedication, and self-discipline that I have practiced throughout my time at Liberty University. My professor gave me a score of 160/150 points and stated in the comment section of the rubric which I have attached above that my assignment was the best and most thorough she had seen in three years. This was a very proud moment of accomplishment for me as I hold myself to a very high academic standard.
Artifact 3: Professional Development
Child abuse and neglect: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BDuJ819kmQ1cizEtysIhRBmne3g5vy11/view?usp=sharing
CPR/AED/First Aid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ADa01-KMJiv578RPMewuyv0pYCuM2vwt/view?usp=sharing
Cultural Competency Training: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k7QFpVqzZMllOWfgw7ubQsCBQlr9Rmi5/view?usp=sharing
Dyslexia Awareness: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VAm5mjPROkQOI8szMXPE9rKMQMYheY8t/view?usp=sharing
Psychological First Aid: https://drive.google.com/file/d/128mYcu4aBMtXpF--TK8hX2KD4uS6jWDm/view?usp=sharing
Restraint and Seclusion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mmnMTzBeIslqHaygAXhP_vHynonrDxtr/view?usp=sharing
Exploring Trauma-Informed Practices to Serve Students: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vm_0COWegRkOBTeEXjvruqcO6bvSATEc/view?usp=sharing
Counselor Self Care: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WV6brbv2RFU2OOkfg2yGfTAXz5RjIkg2/view?usp=sharing
K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment Training: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eRVm4sYmMWf0PjYeVdNchaNk4lhlEJx9/view?usp=sharing
Above I have attached a variety of professional development that I have completed during my time at Liberty. I have also attached some additional professional development that I completed to showcase my personal commitment to learning and continual growth. It also showcases that I take the initiative to find professional development opportunities that are relevant to me and that I know will help me work with students and families in my role.
Artifact 1: Self-Reflection Evaluation Plan, COSC 505
This artifact exemplifies my reflective practice as it relates specifically to counseling and utilizing counseling theories. Included in this paper are a reflective statement on the feedback I received from my triad group, reflective ideas about my Christian worldview, counselor self-care reflection, and the next steps for my school counseling skills.
Artifact 2: Clinical Skills Self-Assessment
I completed this activity during my practicum experience. In this activity, I was able to complete a clinical skills self-assessment. I also was able to write a paragraph that reflected on my personal perceived and observed strengths and also my personal perceived areas to grow. This practice truly helped me learn from my classmates and colleagues as well as my professor and also helped me to notice what areas I can improve upon and to create an action plan on how to improve and learn more.
Artifact 3: Taped Counseling Session Verbatim Transcript
I completed this activity during my practicum experience, and have also completed it for my internships. These activities have been extremely helpful for me in regard to reflecting upon and evaluating my counseling skills in a real-world setting. I was able to determine what skills I showcased and observed upon reflecting back on the recorded video. I was also able to provide clarification and insight into my demonstrated skills, which then provided me with a roadmap for areas of growth and improvement as well as strength areas.
Artifact 4: Classroom and Group Mindsets and Behaviors Results Report, COSC 661
I completed this activity in COSC 661. The entire course provided me with a plethora of experiences and practice opportunities to utilize data to make informed decisions and to showcase that I consider thoughtfully educational matters and the practice of school counseling. In this activity, I list pre-intervention data and also post-intervention data. I also include a section that relates to data implications and reflective questions that can lead to more informed decision-making for the overall school counseling program.
Artifact 1: Ethical Vignette: Professional Boundaries
In this assignment, I was able to explore an ethical vignette and research a variety of ethical and professional codes that relate directly to it through the state of Virginia and ASCA. I also include a personal response and reflection which showcase my exemplary citizenship and moral leadership.
Artifact 2: ASCA Position Statements
This is a document that I use very frequently, especially as a new counselor. I understand that there are so many ethical dilemmas, and also some role confusion in regard to the professional school counselor. Whenever I am in a situation and I am unsure, this is one of the documents I refer to frequently. I have this printed out in my office and oftentimes will refer to it in a variety of different situations or conversations to ensure that I am maintaining ASCA's position in regard to the professional school counselor. It showcases my dedication to honesty, integrity, leadership, and ethical practice.
Artifact 3: Integrity Whole Group Lesson-- Teacher Connection/Self-Care
"Teacher Connection/Self-Care
Being a teacher often means you put others’ needs before your own. This is a
noble act but one that can slowly whittle away at our personal identities. Part
of integrity, as you have been teaching your students, is about honesty;
making honest decisions, especially when given more convenient or desirable
options. Today, think honestly about the choices you make each day. Do you
make decisions that serve your students only or do they serve you and your
professional needs, too? Do you make choices largely based on pressure
from the administration or parents or colleagues? Or, do you stand up for what
you believe to be right and kind? If an honest reflection reveals that you make
decisions based on the influence of or for the benefit of others while
forsaking what you know to be a better choice, what can you do today to
make small changes in your decision-making habits? How can you honor your
good ideas, experience, and expertise and still work for the good of your
students and the school? This might require having some courageous
conversations which can be difficult, but they are worth having. Start today."
This artifact is from lesson #3 in a unit on integrity that I have utilized for small-group counseling and also classroom guidance. This section is provided in the lesson plan, and once I came across it, it truly touched home for me. I make it a habit to go back and ask myself these questions frequently as it helps me not only be reflective but it also helps me identify and practice and reflect upon my own personal integrity when I am in the classroom/serving students. In practicing this way, I can help ensure that I am modeling exemplary moral behavior as well as taking care of myself so that I can be my personal best while serving students and the community at large.
Artifact 4: Confidentiality Statement
This transmission and/or documents accompanying it may contain information belonging to the sending or receiving party, which is extremely confidential in nature. This information is intended for the individual/entity named above as the receiving party. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance upon the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately notify us to arrange the return of the documents."
This is a confidentiality statement which I have included as one part of my professional email signature. It is important to showcase and inform others of the imperative nature of confidentiality. In providing this statement in my email signature, I am ensuring that all parties that I am interacting with via email are aware of the confidential nature of our correspondence. It also showcases my commitment to maintaining a professional practice that upholds confidentiality and discretion at all times.
Artifact 1: Professionalism Feedback from Administrator
This is a screenshot from my evaluation from the 22-23 school year when I was employed as a 7th-grade school counselor. My administrator gave me a highly effective rating on my professionalism and also left me a feedback comment stating that I work effectively with students, staff, and families and I understand the balance between roles within the job.
Artifact 2: Overall Performance Rating
This artifact showcases my overall performance rating. It states that I was an effective counselor during the 22-23 school year, provides examples of that, and also indicates that I was recommended for rehire. This showcases my professionalism, my enthusiasm for the career, and also my passion for students and serving others within the K-12 setting.
Artifact 3: Letter of Reference
This is a letter of reference from my colleague and also the lead teacher of the department (BSP) of which I was a paraprofessional. This letter showcases my effectiveness in working with students, my ability to make and maintain relationships with students and staff, and also my ability to effectively and professionally communicate.
Artifact 4: Dispositional Area to Improve/Action Plan
This artifact showcases my commitment to personal wellness and overall well-being. Throughout my time at Liberty, I have recognized that the dispositional area that I can work on and improve is in regard to my emotional regulation. I have created action plans to help me with my emotions including body scan meditations, regular practice of yoga, regular practice of prayer and reflection, and regular practice of qigong. In acknowledging that this is an area of extreme importance, and continuously reflecting on my ability to manage my personal feelings and emotions, I can ensure that I am maintaining a professional practice as a school counselor and that I am showing up at my best each day to serve others.

Foundations: B.2 Advocates for ethical and legal decision-making/policy changes. B.1 Demonstrate the ability to apply and adhere to ethical and legal standards in school counseling.
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D. 5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Research and Evaluation: J.1 Applies relevant research findings to inform the practice of school counseling.
- Essay: Trauma, Development & Spirituality
- Essay: Addiction in Adolescence
- Personal Developmental Analysis
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D.1 Demonstrates self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms. D.3. Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of (a) atypical growth and development, (b) health and wellness, (c) language, (d) ability level, (e) multicultural issues, and (f) factors of resiliency on student learning and development. D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Diversity and Advocacy: F.3 Advocates for school policies, programs, and services that enhance a positive school climate and are equitable and responsive to multicultural student populations.
Assessment: H.5 Assesses barriers that impede students' academic, career, and social/emotional development.
Research and Evaluation: J.1 Applies relevant research findings to inform the practice of school counseling.
Diversity and Advocacy: F.1 Demonstrates multicultural competencies in relation to diversity, equity, and opportunity in student learning. F.2 Advocates for learning and academic experiences necessary to promote the academic, career, and social/emotional development of students. F.3 Advocates for school policies, programs, and services that enhance a positive school climate and are equitable and responsive to multicultural student populations. F.4 Engages parents, guardians, and families to promote the academic, career, and social/emotional development of students.
Assessment: H.5 Assesses barriers that impede students' academic, career, and social/emotional development.
Foundations: B.1 Demonstrates the ability to apply and adhere to ethical and legal standards in school counseling.
- Benchmark Counseling Skills Assignment
- Benchmark Final Skills Competency Scale (Consultant)
- Benchmark Live Supervision Video Link Assignment
Counseling and Prevention: D.1 Demonstrates self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms. D.2 Provides individual and group counseling and classroom guidance to promote the academic, career, and social/emotional development of students. D.3 Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of atypical growth and development, health and wellness, language, ability level, multicultural issues, and factors of resiliency on student learning and development. D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Assessment: H.3 Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.1 Assesses and interprets students' strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities.
Collaboration and Consultation: N.3 Consults with teachers, staff, and community-based organizations to promote student academic, career, and social/emotional development.
Leadership: P.1 Participates in the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of a comprehensive school counseling program.
Academic Development: L.3 Implements differentiated instructional strategies that draw on subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge and skills to promote student achievement.
Research and Evaluation: J.2 Develops measurable outcomes for school counseling programs, activities, interventions, and experiences.
Foundations: B.1 Demonstrates the ability to apply and adhere to ethical and legal standards in school counseling. B.2 Demonstrates the ability to articulate, model, and advocate for an appropriate school counselor identity and program.
Assessment: H.3 Analyze assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.5 Assesses barriers that impede students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Research and Evaluation: J.1 Applies relevant research findings to inform the practice of school counseling.
Collaboration and Consultation: N.3 Consults with teachers, staff, and community-based organizations to promote student academic, career, and personal/social development.
Leadership: P.1 Participates in the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of comprehensive school counseling programs.
Research and Evaluation: J.3 Analyzes and uses data (relevant to technology) to enhance school counseling programs.
Assessment: H.1 Assesses and interprets students' strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities. H.2 Select appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student's academic, career, and personal/social development. H.3 Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.5 Assesses barriers that impeded students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.2 Implements strategies and activities to prepare students for a full range of postsecondary options and opportunities.
Leadership: P.1 Participates in the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of a comprehensive developmental school counseling program. P.2 Plans and presents school counseling-related educational programs for use with parents and teachers.
Diversity and Advocacy: F.1 Demonstrates multicultural competencies in relation to diversity, equity, and opportunity in student learning and development. F.2 Advocates for the learning and academic experiences necessary to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students. F.4 Engages parents, guardians, and families to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students.
Assessment: H.5 Assesses barriers that impede students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Research and Evaluation: J.2 Develops measurable outcomes for school counseling programs, activities, interventions, and experiences.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.2 Implements strategies and activities to prepare students for a full range of postsecondary options and opportunities.
Foundations: B.1 Demonstrates the ability to apply and adhere to ethical and legal standards in school counseling. B.2 Demonstrates the ability to articulate, model, and advocate for appropriate school counselor identity and program.
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Diversity and Advocacy: F.3 Advocates for school policies, programs, and services that enhance a positive school climate and are equitable and responsive to multicultural student populations.
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D.1 Demonstrates self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms. D.2 Provides individual and group counseling and classroom guidance to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students. D.3 Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of A, B, C, D, E, and F. D.4 Demonstrates the ability to use procedures for assessing and managing suicide risk. D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Diversity and Advocacy: F.1 Demonstrates multicultural competencies in relation to diversity, equity, and opportunity in student learning and development. F.2 Advocates for the learning and academic experiences necessary to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students.
Assessment: H.5 Assesses barriers that impede students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Research and Evaluation: J.1 Applies relevant research findings to inform the practice of school counseling.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.3 Implements differentiated instructional strategies that draw on subject matter and pedagogical content knowledge and skills to promote student achievement.
Collaboration and Consultation: N.1 Works with parents, guardians, and families to act on behalf of their children to address problems that affect student success in school. N.3 Consults with teachers, staff, and community-based organizations to promote student academic, career, and social/personal development. N.5 Uses referral procedures with helping agents in the community.
Leadership: P.1 Participates in the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of comprehensive school counseling programs.
Research and Evaluation: J.3 Analyzes and uses data (relevant to technology) to enhance school counseling programs.
Assessment: H.1 Assesses and interprets students' strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities. H.2 Select appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student's academic, career, and personal/social development. H.3 Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.5 Assesses barriers that impeded students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Leadership: P.1 Participates in the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of a comprehensive developmental school counseling program. P.2 Plans and presents school counseling-related educational programs for use with parents and teachers.
Collaboration and Consultation: N.1 Works with parents, guardians, and families to act on behalf of their children to address problems that affect student success in school. N.2 Locates resources in the community that can be used in the school to improve student achievement and success. N.3 Consult with teachers, staff, and community-based organizations to promote student academic, career, and personal/social development.
Research and Evaluation: J.1 Applies relevant research findings to inform the practice of school counseling. J.2 Develops measurable outcomes for school counseling programs, activities, interventions, and experiences. J.3 Analyzes and uses data to enhance school counseling programs.
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D.1 Demonstrates self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms. D.2 Provides individual and group counseling and classroom guidance to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students. D.3 Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of A, B, C, D, E, and F. D.4 Demonstrates the ability to use procedures for assessing and managing suicide risk. D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Leadership: P.1 Participates in the design, implementation, management, and evaluation of a comprehensive developmental school counseling program. P.2 Plans and presents school counseling-related educational programs for use with parents and teachers.
Diversity and Advocacy: F.1 Demonstrates multicultural competencies in relation to diversity, equity, and opportunity in student learning and development. F.2 Advocates for the learning and academic experiences necessary to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students. F.4 Engages parents, guardians, and families to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students.
Assessment: H.5 Assesses barriers that impede students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Research and Evaluation: J.2 Develops measurable outcomes for school counseling programs, activities, interventions, and experiences.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.2 Implements strategies and activities to prepare students for a full range of postsecondary options and opportunities.
Collaboration and Consultation: N.1 Works with parents, guardians, and families to act on behalf of their children to address problems that affect student success in school. N.2 Locates resources in the community that can be used in the school to improve student achievement and success. N.3 Consult with teachers, staff, and community-based organizations to promote student academic, career, and personal/social development.
- Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan (Fall 2021)
- School Counseling Practicum: Final Pre-AIA (school placement)
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D.1 Demonstrates self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms. D.2 Provides individual and group counseling and classroom guidance to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students. D.3 Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of A, B, C, D, E, and F. D.4 Demonstrates the ability to use procedures for assessing and managing suicide risk. D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Assessment: H.1 Assesses and interprets students' strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities. H.2 Select appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student's academic, career, and personal/social development. H.3 Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.5 Assesses barriers that impeded students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.2 Implements strategies and activities to prepare students for a full range of postsecondary options and opportunities.
Counseling Prevention and Intervention: D.1 Demonstrates self-awareness, sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms. D.2 Provides individual and group counseling and classroom guidance to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students. D.3 Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of A, B, C, D, E, and F. D.4 Demonstrates the ability to use procedures for assessing and managing suicide risk. D.5 Demonstrates the ability to recognize his or her limitations as a school counselor and to seek supervision or refer clients when appropriate.
Assessment: H.1 Assesses and interprets students' strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities. H.2 Select appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student's academic, career, and personal/social development. H.3 Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.5 Assesses barriers that impeded students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.2 Implements strategies and activities to prepare students for a full range of postsecondary options and opportunities.
Assessment: H.1 Assesses and interprets students' strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities. H.2 Select appropriate assessment strategies that can be used to evaluate a student's academic, career, and personal/social development. H.3 Analyzes assessment information in a manner that produces valid inferences when evaluating the needs of individual students and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs. H.5 Assesses barriers that impeded students' academic, career, and personal/social development.
Academic Development: L.1 Conducts programs designed to enhance student academic development. L.2 Implements strategies and activities to prepare students for a full range of postsecondary options and opportunities.
The primary goal of this group is to help orient new students to Post Oak Middle School. Some aspects of the school that will be taught include our school-wide behavior expectations, school-wide procedures for agenda use, school-wide PBIS activities, and the introduction of students to key players within our school (Principal, Assistant Principal, Administrative Intern, librarian, counselors, resource officer, school social worker, teaching and learning specialist, Intervention Center teacher, math specialist, reading specialist, computer technician, and instructional technology resource teacher) introducing students to who their administrator is (7th-grade students have our administrative intern as their primary administrator), school clubs/extracurricular opportunities, and school athletic opportunities. This group will also address skill development in the areas of making and maintaining friendships and understanding and following school-wide expectations and procedures to include skills and behaviors to support academic success in the classroom as identified in the needs assessment.
In teaching newly enrolled 7th-grade students about our school-wide behavior expectations, school-wide procedures for agenda use, and school-wide PBIS activities students will take away a concrete understanding of the expected behaviors within our school building as well as what they can expect to gain from exhibiting those behaviors (student pride cards, access to our school pride card store, access to our VIP room, and other incentives that our school provides to support and encourage positive behavior and expectations to create a safe, productive, and responsible learning environment for all.
In teaching and introducing our newly-enrolled 7th-grade students to key players within our school including the Principal, Assistant Principal, Administrative Intern, librarian, counselors, resource officer, school social worker, teaching and learning specialist, Intervention Center teacher, math specialist, reading specialist, computer technician, and instructional technology resource teacher and introducing students to who their administrator is (7th-grade students have our administrative intern as their primary administrator) students will gain knowledge in who different adults are within the building, what their role is, and how they can utilize them to enhance and support their academics, social/emotional, and also career development throughout their time at Post Oak Middle School.
In teaching and introducing our newly-enrolled 7th-grade students to our school clubs/extracurricular opportunities and school athletic opportunities students will take away knowledge on how to participate in these opportunities, knowledge of what these opportunities are and who is involved in them, and also skills in identifying which opportunities they would like to try.
In teaching and addressing the following skills as identified by our needs assessment students can expect to take away skills and knowledge about making and maintaining friendships as well as behaviors that support positive and supportive friendships. Students will also take away skills in understanding and following school-wide expectations and procedures to include skills and behaviors to support academic success in the classroom.
From participating in this classroom guidance unit, 2nd-grade students at Riverview Elementary School will develop knowledge on identifying big problems versus small problems, skills on how to independently resolve small problems and skills on how to get help with big problems, and behaviors/strategies that aid students in resolving small conflicts through choosing their preferred conflict resolution strategies/tools.
Topic/Title of your Classroom Guidance Lesson Unit: Kelso’s Choice Conflict Management
Please identify the title/focus of each classroom guidance lesson in the unit.
Classroom guidance lesson 1: Big and Small Problems
Classroom guidance lesson 2: Kelso’s Choices: Choice Introduction
Classroom guidance lesson 3: Kelso’s Choices: Choices Continued
Classroom guidance lesson 4: Review and Apply: Kelso’s Choices Wheel, Willow Pond Story Book
Throughout this classroom guidance unit, students will gain a variety of skills, knowledge, and behaviors. Students will learn skills to address and manage personal stressors (social, academic, home), students will learn skills to address personal stressors by creating a coping plan, and students will learn skills to seek out and identify opportunities that reduce personal stressors and enhance overall well-being. Students will gain knowledge of the stress response in the body, students will gain knowledge of the parts of the body and brain that are directly involved in the stress response, and students will gain knowledge of how social supports and coping skills can be used to manage stress. Lastly, students will showcase behaviors that indicate productive cooperation in a group of peers, students will practice behaviors that reduce personal stressors, and students will practice and apply a variety of coping strategies/behaviors that aid in the management and reduction of personal stress and which support overall wellbeing.
Topic/Title of your Classroom Guidance Lesson Unit: Stress and Overall Wellbeing
Please identify the title/focus of each classroom guidance lesson in the unit.
Classroom guidance lesson 1: What is Stress? The Biological Process of Stress
Classroom guidance lesson 2: Stress Management 1: Social Supports and Personal Stressors
Classroom guidance lesson 3: Stress Management 2: Coping Plan and Stress Management Centers
Classroom guidance lesson 4: Overall Wellbeing and the Wellness Triangle
Throughout my time at Liberty, I have had the opportunity to serve in both an elementary and secondary setting for my practicum and internship courses. Both experiences were extremely beneficial and necessary to properly prepare future school counselors for the field. It aided me in many ways, including helping me to understand and directly experience the diverse developmental needs of students of various ages. There are many differences when working with elementary-aged students as opposed to working with secondary students. Also, there are a variety of exceptionalities in both settings, however, the way that the exceptionalities are addressed and showcased differs between each setting. Overall, having the experience of serving as an intern in the elementary setting helped me to utilize my classroom management experience from teaching, as well as using a variety of instructional strategies with the energetic learning style of children. However, in the middle school setting, I was able to practice my firm boundaries as well as my ability to incorporate peer-to-peer interactions when working with students. To truly be prepared to serve students K-12 as a school counselor, I believe it is necessary to have many experiences working across all grade levels. This aids future school counselors in their ability to address, serve, and interact with students from across all developmental levels.
2. The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) states, "The professional counselor recognizes that the client's beliefs (or absences of beliefs) about spirituality and/or religion are central to his or her worldview and can influence psychosocial functioning." How have your field experiences contributed to your understanding of the importance of including K-12 students' religious and spiritual supports, especially if religion and spirituality are valued by the K-12 student?
My field experiences have given me many opportunities to understand the importance of spirituality and religion within the field of school counseling. The primary times where I was able to experience these types of supports was through observing my site supervisors, and also within the individual and small group counseling setting. For many students, religion and spirituality are a very important aspect of their lives. Many students are involved in church and youth groups outside of school, and many students participate in a variety of spiritual practices. Religion and spirituality are not only protective factors, they also provide students with a roadmap of personal beliefs and behaviors. Each time I experienced this type of support, whether that be through an observation or through a direct interaction, it was a positive experience for both myself and the student. I was able to learn about the unique beliefs that many students have and also was able to learn more about the family and community environment that the student exists in. Lastly, I was able to observe a few different suicide risk assessments throughout my internships. One aspect of that is talking with students about protective factors. One specific protective factor is spirituality and religion. Throughout these observations, I gained much knowledge on the power of religion and spirituality, and how it can truly aid an individual through any personal challenges or struggles.
3. How have your field experiences contributed to your understanding of the importance of including the K-12 student's family, community, and culture as a source of support?
Family, community, and culture are necessary supports for all individuals. I was able to experience this throughout my time being a classroom teacher, however, it was further exemplified throughout my field experiences. In working with students, having an understanding of the environment in which they exist is an essential element in understanding and working with them. It also becomes clear on the importance of having familial, community, and cultural support. Another aspect of school counseling that relates to this is the ability of the school counselor to establish and maintain positive relationships with these outside supports for students. I gained an understanding of strategies to use in order to utilize outside supports, and to also act as a leader in actively gaining knowledge on these aspects of each student. In this way, the school counselor can support the student and also the family unit as a whole. The school counselor can also act as a consultant to other adults in the building who work with students. The school counselor often has the ability and position to gain more individualized knowledge of students, and this knowledge is often essential in providing strategies and interventions to support student academic development, emotional and social development, and also career development. Throughout my field experiences, I was able to support and interact with students who had a strong support system and also a weak support system. These experiences will help me as I progress in the field and also will aid me in implementing creative solutions to help all students, regardless of the strengths or weaknesses of their outside supports. However, it is important to note that some of the strongest protective factors for students lie within their family system, community engagement, and also cultural awareness.
4. How has your field experience strengthened your professional identity as a school counselor? What aspects of the school counselor's role, scope of practice, and referral process have you learned from collaboration and consultation?
My field experiences have strengthened my professional identity in many ways. Throughout the program, I had the opportunity to research and apply many ideas as it relate to the professional identity of the school counselor. The field experiences provided me with a platform to actually implement, utilize, and directly experience that research. In observing and working with a variety of professional school counselors, it becomes clear that the school counselor is a leader within the school. I gained an understanding of the importance of the role, and also the importance of educating others on the role of the school counselor, as there is often role confusion. This was a wonderful learning experience for me, and I have gained tools and strategies on how to advocate for the true role of the professional school counselor. In collaborating and consulting with other members of the school team (teachers, administrators, counselors, social workers, school psychologists) I have gained an understanding of the unique and wide-reaching role of the school counselor. I also learned the importance of having direct knowledge of the true scope and practice of school counselors, as oftentimes, this is misunderstood. Lastly, I have experienced the pertinent nature of the referral process. I was able to directly observe many occasions where my site supervisors referred to outside services and supports. This has aided me in understanding not only the referral process but has also helped guide me to become aware of when a referral is needed regarding a student and their presenting concerns. Overall, the professional identity of the school counselor is broad, however, it is an integral part of supporting students and families within the school setting.