Karen M Williams
Health Services Administrator, AAS
Bryant & Stratton College

I am Karen Williams. A dedicated mother, wife, and homeschool educator of 3 precious children. As a young woman, my husband and I settled down to raise a family, and one day I went with my oldest child to sign-up for nursing school at Bryant & Stratton College. She signed up and low-n-behold so, did I. With previous management experience I registered for Health Services Administration. My daughter and I both enjoyed many of the same classes the first semester. And here I am today with an associate degree in Health Administration. I’ve always wanted to go to college but was unable to fulfill that dream until now. My homemaking role taught me many things including patience, resilience, and the importance of integrity. Now, that my children are older I am ready to apply my new educational skills to progress forward in a professional in Health Administration.
My free time is spent with family and friends. I enjoy musical concerts, beach trips, and antique shopping. My sisters are my strong towers. They keep me positive and firm to the ground. My husband and my children are the air that fills my lungs with joy. Together we enjoy cooking, traveling, and watching movies. As a home manager, I plan, organize, and execute every family adventure so, that the outcome produces a peaceful family lifestyle.
As graduation approaches, I feel proud, confident, and determined to use my acquired knowledge and skillset to make positive improvements within the health service industry.

This assignment allowed me to apply ethical reasoning through written communications that were effective in supportive and investigative ethical arguments.


An essay introducing workplace behavior patterns and personality tendencies. I’ve gained knowledge of interpersonal capabilities from introverts and extroverts. Health Administrators need to be able to recognize behavior traits, utilize them accordingly within the company.

This project demonstrated contemporary knowledge of bottom-line cost and the true cost of operations. An administrator's responsibility includes planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the daily operations. I've learned from this assignment the importance of the utilization of resources through clear communications while successfully analyzing a case study and applying resourceful cost-effective solutions. |

I was proficient in identifying and applying all the basic functions of a project manager. These functions were staffing, planning, organizing, controlling, and leading the team into achieving the set goals of the fundraising event.

This multicultural interview project has proving to provide similarities in diverse cultures and giving me more opportunities to identify knowledgeable biasness and cultural differences through academic assignments that are valuable in a multicultural healthcare facility. The developments include opening new relationships and keeping a culture-free mindset. |

I have successfully evaluated-a study and applied an ethical approach in order to safeguard patient/privilege privacy. As a Health Administrator, I used conceptual knowledge and understanding of HIPAA violations in solving ethical and moral situations similar to one that may occur within a Health facility. |