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Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih

“As long as you’ve got passion, faith, and are willing to work hard, you can do anything you want in this life”
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Courses Taken: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
Citi Program Course
240312100605_citiCompletionCertificate_12467070_58606841.pdf (.pdf) 0.07mb
Courses Taken: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
Stop the Bleed trainng
Cultural Background: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
I come from Egypt and my culture is so different than this one!
I have experience with being culturally adaptable and open minded to new experiences
Educational Background: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
New Ramses College
I spent my kindergarten, Primary, Secondary and High school in the same building and graduated in September 2018.
Employment History: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
Insurance Pharmacist
July 2023-October 2023
Employment History: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
Hospital Pharmacist
Jan 2023-July 2023
I also worked as a hospital pharmacy at the Greek Community Hospital in Egypt and learned so much there. I also became responsible for the morning shift there.
Employment History: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
Pharmacy Intern at Miami Valley Hospital
April 2024 - Current
Employment History: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
Community Pharmacist
Sep 2022-Jan 2023

I worked as a community pharmacy at a very busy local Pharmacy in Egypt and I was responsible for the morning shift there.
Resume & CV: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
My Resume
my Resume (.docx) 0.58mb
Teaching Experience: Caroline Anwar Abdelmassih
I love teaching
I used to teach guitar, english and also a lot of pharmacy stuff to my colleagues during college. We would gather in a co-working space and have fun re-learning the hard concepts.