My Bio: Felisa L Logan
Outcome 6
My Bio: Felisa L Logan
Bio of Felisa Logan
My name is Felisa Logan. I am currently a student at Bryant and Stratton College. I am studying to earn my Associates degree in Medical Reimbursement and Coding. I have already received my diploma in Medical Billing and Coding in May of 2021. My goal is to find a well paying job in my current field, I want to gain all of the necessary education that I can. The majority of my family is working in the medical field and that inspired me to pursue my dream of becoming a Coder.
I am a single mother of six wonderful children. They worked hard in school and I had to put my goals on hold. My greatest achievement is having my children, taking care of my mother and going to college to start working on my dreams. I was so excited about attending college, that is my stepping stone to working towards and pursuing my goals. I would like to work at a professional doctor's office or an insurance company.
Competency Assessments: Felisa L Logan
MCCG222-Portfolio Project
Week 2: Rodney Balbo’s Emergency Room Visit
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
S01.01XA, W18.2XXA, Y92.012
CPT Code(s):
HCPCS Level II Code(s):
Reflection: After reading the patient's emergency room visit note the patient fell and hit his head on the bathtub. He has a skin laceration on his scalp, so I referred to my ICD-10-CM codebook and located in the index, the main term, laceration. I then looked down the laceration section and located scalp and the code is S01.01 with a check which means an additional character is needed.
I went to the tabular list and found the code S01.01. It needed two additional characters. The laceration is without foreign body of the scalp and it is an initial encounter. The correct code for this diagnosis is S01.01XA, the X is an additional character and the A is the initial encounter.
The patient fell and hit his head on the bathtub so that must be coded. Fall is the main term, so in my code book I located fall and read all the information. In the tabular list, I located the code W18.2XXA for fall into shower or empty bathtub. This code requires seven characters. Also, I located the code Y92.012 in my code book as the place of occurrence as the bathroom of a single family house.
I need to code for the laceration of the patients head. In my CPT code book I located the main term Repair, I located wound and then simple. I verified the code that I found is 12002 for simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp 2.6 cm to 7.5 cm.
Week 3: Rodney Balbo’s Office Visit
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
G44.309, I10, R40.0, W18.2XXA
CPT Code(s):
HCPCS Level II Code(s):
Reflection: In reading the patient's office visit note, I determined that he is an established patient.
For the headaches and drowsiness Rodney is having. I looked in my ICD-10-CM Index and located headache. His headache was because of his fall, so I read all of the information and found post traumatic because his headaches occurred after his fall, so the code I found is G44.309. I went to the tabular list to read further and verify the code. So the code that I located for this case is G44.309, post traumatic headache not intractable.
Rodney was also feeling drowsy, so again I went to the Index and located the main term drowsy and it gave me drowsiness R40.0. I went to the Tabular list to verify the code and I located Somnolence,
Drowsiness along with the code R40.0.
Rodney is an established patient that was seen by the doctor for twenty minutes, so I referred to my
CPT code book, in the Index, meaning that he was seen y an emergency room doctor for the same injuries. Rodney fell and hit his head on the bathtub, but he neglected to inform the ER doctor that he was unconscious after the fall which is the reason for his current doctor's visit. He is experiencing a headache with drowsiness.
I located established patient Evaluation and I read further and located office visit which gave me the codes 99211-99215. I went back to the tabular list and found the codes and I read through each one and I discovered the correct code 99213 for Office or other Outpatient visit, 20-29 minutes of total time.
Week 4: Rodney Balbo’s Imaging Service
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
G44.309, R40.0
CPT Code(s):
HCPCS Level II Code(s):
LCD Article ID Number:
In reading Mr. Balbo's Imaging note, he had a brain MRI with contrast in my CPT code book, I looked in the Index and found MRI which referred me to Magnetic Resonance Imaging with codes 70551-70552. In the tabular, I found those codes and I carefully read all of the codes to make sure that I chose the correct one and that is 70552 with contrast material. Then, Mr. Balbo's Imaging note stated that he has a diagnosis of post traumatic headache and drowsiness. So, in my ICD-10-CM code book I located the main term headache and I looked further down and found post traumatic headache. There was two codes but the correct code for this diagnosis is G44.309 for post traumatic headache, unspecified. For the drowsiness, I followed the same method. I located drowsiness, which is the main term, and it gave me the code R40.0. I went to the tabular list to verify it and it gave me Somnolence, drowsiness. So, the correct code for this is R40.0.
I do not have a HCPCS code book at this time, so I googled the code. I typed in Gadavist 1ml and the code it gave me is A9585.
After that, I looked up the Medicare website and I typed in the keyword MRI. I read all of the necessary information about this and I found the LCD Article ID number and it is A57204.
I carefully searched each procedure and diagnosis code to be sure that I had the correct code.
Week 5: Rodney Balbo’s Outpatient Surgery #1
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
S06.5X0A, W18.2XXA
CPT Code(s):
61312, 61316, 00211
HCPCS Level II Code(s):
Reflection: Mr. Balbo fell and hit his head on his bathtub at home and went in to see the doctor. Mr. Balbo was sent to have an MRI done and when his results came back, he had a brain hematoma because of the fall. It was determined that the patient needed to have surgery. The patient was sent to surgery to have a craniectomy to remove the hematoma.
In reading this scenario and reviewing the procedure that was done on Mr. Balbo, I got my ICD-10-CM code book and located brain hematoma and found the code G93.9. I also verified the code in the tabular list and it was correct.
I then picked up my CPT code book to find the correct code for craniectomy for evacuation of hematoma in the subdural space. This code, as others, requires careful reading and understanding. I went to the Index of the code book and located craniectomy. I read the choices and found evacuation of hematoma, codes 61312-61315. I needed to verify the codes, so I went to the Tabular list, which is the nervous system, surgery tab. I read all codes and information listed and located 61312 and it is craniectomy or craniotomy for evacuation of hematoma, infratentorial, extradural or subdural. In my CPT code book, I also located the codes 61316 for Incision and subcutaneous placement of cranial bone graft.
The patient was given a general anesthesia because of the craniectomy for the removal of the hematoma and the CPT code for that is 00211.
Week 6: Rodney Balbo’s Outpatient Surgery #2
ICD-10-CM Code(s):
CPT Code(s):
62146, 62148, 00Z
Reflection: I read this scenario carefully simply because it has different parts to it. This is Mr. Balbo's second surgery to repair his skull. The patient fell some weeks ago and sustained a subdermal brain hematoma that required him to have surgery. The surgery consisted of a tumor that formed after his fall and it had to be removed. The patient was experiencing bad headaches and drowsiness due to the fall. In my ICD-10-CM code book I located the main term Aftercare, and then found Surgery. In the tabular, I located the correct code Z48.89.
In reviewing the scenario, the patient is seen today to have cranioplasty with autograft at 3 cm done. I got my CPT code book and went to the Index and located the main term cranioplasty and I looked on the next line and located Autograft with codes 62146 and 62147. I then went to the tabular to verify these codes and read thoroughly to see which codes fits the scenario. I read the information and the correct code for this procedure of cranioplasty, autograft, 3 cm is 62146.
And in the same scenario, there is another procedure for retrieval of bone graft and repair of skull. In my CPT code book, I again went to the Index and looked for the main term retrieval and I found what I was looking for. Under retrieval, I located cranial bone graft and it gave me the code 62148. I turned back to the tabular list again to verify it, now on this code the information listed had a plus sign which means that the code needs to have an Add On code. And the information says that the code 62148 needs to be in conjunction with the codes 62140-62147. The correct codes are 62147 for the first and 62148 for the next one.
Also in my CPT code ook the anesthesia must be coded for the cranioplasty. The code I located is 00215-P3 for Anesthesia for cranioplasty.
No HCPCS code, but the APC is 19991.
Week 2: Rodney Balbo’s Emergency Room Visit ICD-10-CM Code(s): S01.01XA, W18.2XXA, Y92.012 C
Competency Assessments: Felisa L Logan
Institutional Outcome
Program Outcome
Institutional Outcome: Thinking Abilities - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Program Outcome: Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
Educational Background: Felisa L Logan
Felisa's Educational Background
Bryant and Stratton College - online student from June 2020 until current
Earle High School - 1401 Third Street Earle, AR. 72331 - from 1992 until 1996. Graduated with diploma, general knowledge.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Felisa L Logan
My Personal and Professional Goals
Personal goals- new home, new vehicle, graduate high school and college.
Professional goals- work in a doctor's office or an insurance company