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Jeremy Jackson

Machine Operator. student at Bryant Stratton

Bryant Stratton

Address: 725 Arthur Ave Racine WI. 53405
Phone: (262)672-5360

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Assignments: Jeremy Jackson
Cultural Competence
In cultural Competence, I learned how to understand working with diverse people.  240522065113_week_3_cultural_competence.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Assignments: Jeremy Jackson
I have learned about different public health issues in the community as well as workplace. 240522063327_J_Huss120j01_paper_final_.docx (.docx) 0.04mb
Courses Taken: Jeremy Jackson
Psychology 101 is a class that i took toward my major to help understand and diagnose clients.
Courses Taken: Jeremy Jackson
Career Development Theory 1
In Career Development i have learned how to distinguish between different theories of working in my field of choice.
Courses Taken: Jeremy Jackson
English 101
In English 101 i have learned to write resumes and use correct terminology.
Educational Background: Jeremy Jackson
Bryant Stratton
December 2024 is my Graduation date. With a major in Human Social Services.
Employment History: Jeremy Jackson
Summit Packaging
04-12-2022 - present 
I am a machine operator. 
I am responsible for keeping machines running and making goals for the day.
Musical Instruments, Recordings & Concerts: Jeremy Jackson
Musical Instruments
I play Piano and drums and I have 2 Albums and 2 singles out on all platforms 
My Bio: Jeremy Jackson
Objective:   My objective is to uphold a position as your Behavior Health Consultant. I have an associate degree in human social services. I am Microsoft efficient and speak English fluently. I have worked in diverse communities and understand the people and their cultures. This is why I would be your greatest asset I care about people and would like to make business grow 240529071045_RESUME.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Resume & CV: Jeremy Jackson
Resume Cover Letter
240529071302_RESUME.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Skills: Jeremy Jackson

Typing speed of 50 wpm, HMTL efficient, Microsoft Word Excel and PowerPoint efficient. I speak English fluently and speak a little Spanish but understand the language. Hands-on and care about people and like to relate to others.