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Patricia Shoop

Bryant and Stratton College

Address: 731 Michigan Ave
Troy, Ohio 45373
Phone: 937-615-8443

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My Bio: Patricia Shoop
power point

My Bio: Patricia Shoop

My Bio: Patricia Shoop
Here is my week 6 final slide presentation. Thank you for all your help, it has been a great experience. View

My Bio: Patricia Shoop

My Bio: Patricia Shoop

My Bio: Patricia Shoop

My Bio: Patricia Shoop
Here is my final portfolio project. Thank you. View

My Bio: Patricia Shoop

My Bio: Patricia Shoop
This is not completed. I ran out of time to redo this assignment since it is one that I lost last week. View

My Bio: Patricia Shoop
This is not completed. I ran out of time to redo this assignment since it is one that I lost last week. View

My Bio: Patricia Shoop
Patricia Shoop
I am a student working towards earning my associate's degree in human and social services. I have a passion for assisting people that are in need. I take pride in my work and strive to be successful. I have a unique way of connecting with people. I am culturally competent, empathic, and aware of unconscious biases. 
Educational Background: Patricia Shoop
Completing this proves I have the technology knowledge to provide information through PowerPoint. I know the connection between people and society. Recognize the effects of socialization, social control, unconscious biases, discrimination, prejudice, deviance, social status, and vulnerable populations. View

Educational Background: Patricia Shoop
Career Development
Through this assignment, I have showcased my ability to effectively prepare for, obtain, and thrive in a professional setting. View

Educational Background: Patricia Shoop
Educational Background: Patricia Shoop
Resume & CV: Patricia Shoop
240721031855_Document2.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Honors & Awards: Patricia Shoop
Dean's List
dean's list (.docx) 2.18mb
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Patricia Shoop
Partners and Hope
 I volunteered for a program through a local non-profit agency called Partners in Hope. The program began with a twelve-week class called Getting Ahead, which focused on people's relationship with society. During the class, we learned about the hidden rules of society and how these rules impact a person's development and outcomes. After completing the class, we had the opportunity to apply for a larger national program called Circles. In Circles, we were matched with people from diverse backgrounds and met weekly to discuss barriers for vulnerable populations and educate society on specific topics. Some activities included poverty simulations, working with sociologists, writing stories for magazines, and sharing our stories with different groups. My time with Partners in Hope was life changing. I felt empowered, accountable, and for the first time understood. I would be honored to help others with similar experiences in the future.