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Ms. Morgan

Title: Module Locked

Current Institution Name: Module Locked


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Continuing education or professional development is required in many fields, including all healthcare providers, teachers, insurance professionals, financial advisors, accountants, architects, engineers, emergency management professionals, school administrators, attorneys, and more. The continuing education unit (CEU) is described as ten hours of participation in an education program.
Continuing Education (CE, CME, CEU...): Sandra G. Morgan


Continuing Education (CE, CME, CEU...): Sandra G. Morgan
Sandra Morgan Portfolio Presentation

Continuing Education (CE, CME, CEU...): Sandra G. Morgan


Continuing Education (CE, CME, CEU...): Sandra G. Morgan
Thank you so much Professor Daniel Butler, for encouraging me and help . I enjoyed every minute of your assignments and Test-Out labs that provided much insight to my learning and prepared me for my new career. I appreciate your knowledgeable, kindness, positive feedback to your way of teaching.