My Bio: Christina Hope White, CCA
My Bio
I would like to introduce myself; my name is Christina White. I am attending Bryant & Stratton College pursuing my associate degree in medical billing and coding. I will be graduating in May 2023. The reason I chose to become a medical billing and coder, I was always curious about what the numbers listed on the medical bill stand for. One of my accomplishments, I made the Dean's List with a 4.0 GPA for every semester. I recently just passed the certification exam for a Certified Coding Associate (CCA). As of now, I am in the process of studying for my next certification exam for a Certified Coding Specialist-Physician based (CCS-P). In my life my fiancé is my support system throughout this journey, and he is my inspiration and motivation. I like to learn new things especially when it is pertaining to the medical coding process.
Honors & Awards: Christina Hope White, CCA
Dean's List Fall Semester 2022
Dean's List (.docx) 2.18mb
Honors & Awards: Christina Hope White, CCA
Dean's List Spring Semester 2022
Dean's List (.docx) 2.17mb
Honors & Awards: Christina Hope White, CCA
Dean's List Winter Semester 2022
Dean's List (.docx) 2.17mb
Honors & Awards: Christina Hope White, CCA
Dean's List Fall Semester 2021
Dean's List (.docx) 2.17mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christina Hope White, CCA
CCA Certification
CCA Certification (.jpg) 2.16mb
Licenses & Certifications: Christina Hope White, CCA
Certified Coding Associate, November 04, 2022.
Association & Society Membership: Christina Hope White, CCA
AHIMA Membership
AHIMA Membership (.png) 0.35mb
Association & Society Membership: Christina Hope White, CCA
Member of AHIMA since 2022
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
MCCG240 - Portfolio Project
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Advanced CPT and HCPCS Level II coding
I really enjoyed taking this course. This course has helped me to get a better understanding in CPT and HCPCS Level II coding. By taking this course I feel more confident about the ICD-10 coding process.
MCCG222- Portfolio Project
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Advanced ICD Diagnostic coding
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Clinical Documentation: Integrity and Quality
Evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the patient record as defined by policy, external regulations and standards.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
College Mathematics- Quantitative reasoning
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
CPT and HCPCS Level II Coding
The purpose of the Portfolio Project is to capture the course outcomes and I was able to demonstrate my ability to understand the CPT/HCPCS Level II coding process and how to look up a CCI edit accurately and how to use the LCD/NCD website and apply the information.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Electronic Health Record
Demonstrate competency to assemble, process, maintain, store, abstract, analyze, index and retrieve health information data.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
English: Business Writing Reflection
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Human Disease
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
ICD Diagnostic Coding
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
SOSC225 - Informal Career Plan
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Survey of Anatomy
Analyze the results of aggregate coded data to report findings and trends.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Bryant & Stratton (Associate degree in medical billing and coding) 2021 - to present
My graduation date is May, 2023.
Educational Background: Christina Hope White, CCA
Graduated from Swansea High School in 1995
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
Advanced ICD Diagnostic Coding
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
Clinical Documentation
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
Electronic Health Records
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
Healthcare Terminology
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
Human Disease
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
CPT and HCPCS Level II Coding
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
Survey of Anatomy
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
MCCG 137 ICD Diagnostic Coding
This course has taught me how to code any diagnoses that a patient has. I am able to code any symptoms that a patient has the correct way by following the ICD coding guidelines.
Courses Taken: Christina Hope White, CCA
ICD Procedural Coding
This course has taught me certain guidelines to follow when coding the ICD Procedural Coding. I learned how to retrieve information from medical charts and to apply the correct codes.