Ambulatory Care-Upload ONE of the 12 required medication related interventions completed
Date: |
02/10/2023 |
Rotation Type: |
Flex Core APPE |
Comments: |
APPE Ambulatory Care - Activities Checklist
Date: |
02/10/2023 |
Rotation Type: |
Flex Core APPE |
Comments: |
Identification, prioritization and resolution of medication related problems. Recommendation should be communicated to health care providers, patient and/or caregiver after discussion and clearance with preceptor (Required minimum of 12): |
30 |
Response to medication information request, or questions (written and/or verbal). Include references (Required minimum of 6): |
20 |
Verbal or written patient Specific Assessment (e.g. SOAP note, written case presentation, medication reconciliation assessment, pharmacy consultation note, patient history and physical, verbal patient case report. (Required minimum: 6): |
20 |
Participation in patient care process/ clinical service: |
Completed Daily |
Site Specific Project Suggestions may include, but not limited to: (checkmark at least one from list below and initial when assessed and feedback given);: |
Journal Article Critique |
Health and Wellness Project Template
Date: |
08/17/2022 |
Rotation Type: |
Community APPE |
Comments: |
Description of project- Includes objectives, location, personnel, time frame and any advertising. Also includes description of any materials used such as: audio and visual aids, PowerPoints, handouts, pamphlets, and/or educational materials disseminated (Please also upload in CORE, if applicable).: |
Educate patients and coworkers about the new COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States and how they are different from the other COVID-19 vaccines. Compare and explain the mechanisms of the different COVID-19 vaccines. At Kelly's pharmacy Mostly verbal communication. Visual aids, and a brief fact sheet |
Required for each Project. Please check that your projects meets "Health and Wellness" - The graduate must be able to design prevention, intervention, and educational strategies for individuals and communities to manage chronic disease and improve health and wellness.: |
Yes |
Brief statement for each of the standards addressed by the project to show how the standard was addressed by this H&W project (I.e. "Advocacy: The project met the advocacy standard by..": |
Health literacy: Help patients and coworkers understand the key differences between the vaccines. Help coworkers decide if the pharmacy should carry the new Novavax vaccine based on safety and efficacy. Patient individualization: Some patients do not trust the mRNA vaccines. Some patients may prefer a protein subunit vaccine over a viral vector or mRNA. Also, if the vaccine is not as safe and efficacious as the others, the patient should be notified. Educator: This project is to educate patients and coworkers about the new Novavax vaccine and how it is different from the others. |
Required Options for each project ("Check all that apply")-at least 3 of 6 boxes: |
Health Literacy - The graduate must assess a patient's health literacy and modify communication strategies to meet the patient's needs Patient Individualization -The graduate will evaluate personal, social, economic, and environmental conditions to maximize health & wellness Educator - The graduate must educate all audiences by determining the most effective and enduring ways to impart information and assess understanding. |
Post-project summary- Includes number of patients reached or number of interventions, patient comments/feedback, and effectiveness of project (if no, why not?):: |
This project was mostly for my coworkers help determine whether they should carry the new Novavax COVID vaccine. No patients have asked about the new Novavax vaccine. This could be due to the vaccine getting authorized late. Some patients probably do not trust a vaccine that took this long to get authorized. Also, patients could have already gotten their primary series and Novavax is only authorized for the primary series. Most patients are only concerned about their boosters right now. |
300-word reflection on the importance of the pharmacist to the Health and Wellness of the community, my Lessons Learned, and how this project will influence your future career.: |
The pharmacist is a vital part of the community. On these rotations, I noticed a few prescribing mistakes made from doctors. Without the pharmacist and multiple methods of checking, a potentially harmful prescription could be dispensed. That prescription could cause injury or death to the patient if there were no pharmacist oversight. Working at an independent pharmacy was a completely different experience than working at the CVS. CVS only wanted me to fill prescriptions and stay out of everyone's way. There weren't any individual patient interactions besides the occasional counseling. At the independent pharmacy, they care about every patient that walks through the door and the patients care about the pharmacists. Even though the pharmacists only see the patient few times they enter the pharmacy, they all know each other personally. It's a community that I have never seen before. Even to me, I'm just a student and the pharmacists took time out of their busy day and free time to help me learn. This is the kind of pharmacist I want to be. One that has a relationship with patients that extend beyond the medications and counseling. Someone the patient trusts beyond the white coat. |
Materials Used for Health and Wellness Project: |
5207084 |
Institutional IPPE-Activities Checklist 2021
Date: |
07/02/2021 |
Rotation Type: |
IPPE Institutional |
Comments: |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Observe order entry process and flow of an order: |
Yes |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Observe CPOE verification process with pharmacist. Discuss pros and cons of CPOE.: |
Yes |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Observe and/or prepare (with direct supervision) IV products using sterile technique: |
Yes |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Review methods of communication from pharmacist to provider: |
Yes |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Identify medication related problems. Discuss solutions with preceptor (suggested minimum quantity - 6): |
6 |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Research and write up medication information requests (preceptor directed) (suggested minimum quantity - 3): |
3 |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Review various types of medication orders including non-formulary, antibiotic, order sets, standing orders prophylaxis, stat and prn, intravenous, TPN, ICU/ER etc. (suggested minimum quantity - 30): |
30 |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Calculate creatinine clearance and/or review medical record calculation and assess the dosing schedule of various medications (suggested minimum quantity - 5 patients): |
5 |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Review the medication list for 3 newly admitted patients. For each medication, determine: class, indication, normal dose, medication specific monitoring. Each patient should have >2 comorbid conditions and take chronic medications. Determine how the medications fit with the admission diagnoses (suggested minimum quantity - 3 patients (different admission diagnoses): |
3 |
Provide Patient Center Care: Participate in or observe pharmacy medication reconciliation, pharmacy admission or discharge medication counseling, or patient medication education services (suggested minimum quantity - 3 patients): |
3 |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Medical journal article evaluation (suggested minimum quantity -1)*(Students assigned to the hybrid rotation will complete this activity during the remove week.): |
NO |
Provide Patient Centered Care: Presentation - preceptor determine format (i.e. SOAP note, case presentation, etc.) (suggested minimum quantity - 1): |
1 |
Medication Systems Management: Observe/Participate in the medication distribution system of the institution (the overall process of storage/inventory/dispensing/delivery/administration/disposal): |
Yes |
Medication Systems Management: Attend committee meeting(s) (as available): |
Yes |
Medication Systems Management: Interact with provider/staff of a non-pharmacy department: |
Yes |
Medication Systems Management: Review emergency medication cart (crash cart OR tray) for contents: |
Yes |
Medication Systems Management: Participate in medication occurrence report (ADR or Error) (as available): |
Yes |
Medication Systems Management: Review institutions accreditation standards (i.e. TJC, DNV, HFAP, etc.)/USP797/800: |
Yes |
1. Career Fair/Panel Attendance (P2)
Date: |
02/16/2021 |
Rotation Type: |
PhIT Portfolio |
Comments: |
Event Attended for PhIT Portfolio: |
Getting Involved with Research on Campus-ACCP/AAPS-2/16/2021 |
PhIT Category-Professional Development/Education: |
Professional Development/Education |
Please rate how this event will impact you on your journey to becoming a pharmacist: |
Very Positive Impact |
3. Leadership/Service to the Profession of Pharmacy Event (P2)
Date: |
02/16/2021 |
Rotation Type: |
PhIT Portfolio |
Comments: |
Event Attended for PhIT Portfolio: |
APPE's & Residency: How do they help?-APhA-ASP-2/16/2021 |
PhIT Category-Leadership/Service to the Profession of Pharmacy: |
Leadership/Service to the Profession of Pharmacy |
Please rate how this event will impact you on your journey to becoming a pharmacist: |
Positive Impact |
IPPE Community Activities Checklist
Date: |
08/28/2020 |
Rotation Type: |
IPPE Community |
Comments: |
Orientation including tour of facility, review policies & procedures: |
Yes |
Describe (through their observation of & participation in) the prescription dispensing process (prescription intake, order entry, DUR, adjudication, filling/labeling, verification, counseling).: |
Yes |
Conduct patient interviews at prescription intake to obtain baseline information needed to create a patient profile for medication dispensing: |
1 |
Review prescription medication orders for completeness, accuracy and legal requirements: |
1 |
Enter prescription orders into dispensing software: |
1 |
Accurately complete prescription calculations; prepare compounds using acceptable procedures (as available): |
1 |
Verbally communicate with prescribers to obtain &/or clarify prescription orders: |
1 |
Review therapeutics of different disease states including Rx and/or OTC medications (Reason for use, concomitant medications, side effects, adverse drug events): |
1 |
Complete review of 30 drugs from the top 250 spread sheet *Upload Required into Canvas: |
Yes |
Under pharmacist supervision, counsel patients based on OBRA 90 & State law on common prescription medications: |
1 |
Complete OTC patient encounter summary (*Complete in Field Encounters) (Contact EE for alternative assignment if no OTC section at site): |
Yes |
Complete Health and Wellness Project (Field Encounter): |
Yes |
Portrays oneself in a professional image via dress and communication.: |
Yes |
Displays an appropriate professional attitude: |
Yes |
Exhibits compliance with policies and procedures of the practice site including maintaining confidentiality: |
Yes |
Conveys reliability, dependability and motivation to fulfill expectations: |
Yes |
Demonstrates punctuality and attentiveness to deadlines utilizing time efficiently: |
Yes |
Understand, describe and adhere to the laws and regulations governing pharmacy practice including HIPAA, syringe storage, emergency prescriptions, and controlled substances (including oral prescription limitations).: |
Yes |
Describe the qualities/attributes an employer is seeking when interviewing a pharmacy technician candidate: |
Yes |
Describe how the use of automated equipment & technology (Scriptpro, Surescripts, Baker cells, bar coding, scanning, etc.) impact the safety and efficiency of medication delivery: |
Yes |
Review with preceptor the concepts of a third party formulary as they relate to community pharmacy.: |
Yes |
Contact third party payer regarding formulary or other issues impeding medication dispensing: |
1 |
Review with preceptor the basic concepts of the management & financial operations of the pharmacy (staffing, hiring, training, budget, inventory control, quality assurance): |
Yes |
Describe the site's quality management program (workflow, NDC checks, bar coding, triple checks etc.) and the use of technology (robotics, electronic prescribing) employed at the site to reduce medication errors and enhance workflow: |
Yes |