My Bio: Alexander Spires
A Little About Me
Hello everyone! My name is Alex Spires. I am working towards my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration at Bryant & Stratton University. I was at Kent State University for 2 years and decided to finish my education through Bryant & Stratton's online education program. I love supply chain and procurement.
In the Summer of 2021, I worked as a Space Systems Buyer Intern for an aerospace company here in Colorado. It was an incredible experience, and I learned a lot from it. I am proficient in complex excel formulas and have 1 year's worth of experience in supply chain. I now help run the purchasing and supply chain department for a door company in Colorado Springs.
Thank you for taking the time to look at my profile!
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
Supply Chain Forecasting
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
CAPS265 Multicultural Awareness Project (Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.)
The interviewing portion of this project really pushed me to be more social in a professional setting. I interviewed my old boss about working in a multicultural environment and it was very informative. This project encourages socializing and diversity within the workplace.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
ACCT 205 Portfolio Project (Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions)
This project taught me how to reason using mathematical reasoning. Accounting is a key function in every successful business. Using the established methods of accounting was very beneficial to me.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
BUSS380 Portfolio Project (Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement)
This project directly applies to my job and what I do for work every day. Being able to adjust on the fly and make changes to a project or process is an invaluable skill in supply chain.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
PHIL310 Portfolio Project (Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired throuh formal and informal learning and life experience to new situations)
Using logic and reasoning to apply all areas of my knowledge to a project. Being able to question an argument in a scholarly fashion will help in any professional environment. Helped me gain the confidence to question things in the workplace and how to challenge different views.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
ENGL302 Portfolio Project (Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate finding in visual, written and/or oral formats)
This project taught me how to use current technology and resources to do advanced research. After finding the necessary research, I learned how to convey my findings in visual, written, and oral formats.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
BUSS325 Portfolio Project (Examine humankind’s business accomplishments in international and domestic markets)
The purpose of this project was to create an international company and product and introduce it to the market. This project taught me about the legalities of global business. I also enjoyed working on this project with my peers as a group project.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
Career Development III Multicultural Awareness Project (Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment.)
This project focused on diversity in the workplace, and why it is a good thing. I gained knowledge on how diversity is able to impact a company or a business through interviewing and asking hard questions.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
BUSS215 Management Principles (Analyze management processes as well as the role businesses play in a high tech global economy)
This class and project taught me how to organize and manage events, from coordinating with employees through email and calendars, scheduling food and beverages, and hiring entertainment. Gained skills in scheduling and coordination in an ever-changing, high-tech economy.
Educational Background: Alexander Spires
PSYC310 Portfolio Project (Apply contemporary knowledge and skills in the evolving business marketplace)
This portfolio project helped my ability in applying knowledge and skills in the evolving marketplace. Understanding how psychology in the workplace is extremely beneficial. This project enhanced my stress management skills and how to use these skills to better do my job.
Internships: Alexander Spires
Space Systems Buyer Intern
Goals (Personal & Professional): Alexander Spires
I do have many different goals that I am working towards, some personal and some professional. My biggest goal is to graduate from college and move on toward bigger professional goals. I am currently working as the "second-hand man" in a purchasing and supply chain department. By 2024 I would like to be the head of this department for my company. Some of my personal goals include starting a family with my beautiful fiancee and helping her open her own dental practice. On a silly note, one of my biggest goals in life is to break par on a single round of golf. I love golf and have dedicated much of my life to the sport.
Projects: Alexander Spires
Graduation Ready Articulation Summary
I have learned a great deal of knowledge during my time at Bryant and Stratton College. I have learned what it means to work with my classmates in a remote setting, while applying these same skills to my everyday and professional life. The knowledge, skills, and behaviors that have been instilled into me through countless projects over the years have made me into a well rounded individual. Bryant and Stratton College teaches students how to navigate the professional world in a dignified and effective way. The biggest skill I have taken from Bryant and Stratton College is my ability to work remotely. I recently was given the opportunity to change my role at work to a fully remote one. I have been successful so far in this endeavor, and I have Bryant and Stratton to thank for it. I also have the College to thank for helping me to become a better team player.
Projects: Alexander Spires
Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
The Capstone project for this course helped me outline everything I have accomplished at Bryant & Stratton College and has given me a way to show that to the world. I can use my MyCRED as a way to promote myself and all my abilities within the workplace for career growth.
CAPS265 015
Career Development III -Capstone
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
This course and project taught me how to create a legitimate budget for myself to help me effectively plan out my resources for a month in advance. Doing this also allows me to plan and budget for big-picture things such as my wedding. These skills have given me the ability to form conclusions and make decisions based on mathematical reasoning.
MATH201 060
College Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
I learned how to reflect on what I have learned in the classroom and use it in my everyday life to make me a better businessman and manager. To be able to learn for continual improvement, I need to be able to research and learn effectively to apply it to myself.
ENGL302 003
Advanced Research, Writing, and Presenting Persuasive Research Project
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations
This course and project made me use logic and reasoning to adapt the learning I do in the classroom to my everyday life. I learned how to translate knowledge and use it to make me a more well-rounded individual.
PHIL310 001
Logic and Reasoning
Examination of fallacious argumentation
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
Career development allowed me to grow as an individual and find out what it means to be a business professional. For my project, I had to do research on what it meant to be a desirable professional. This course also taught me how to evaluate information to accomplish goals within the workplace and in my personal life.
SOSC116 008
Career Development I
Formal and Informal Learning
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Examine humankind’s business accomplishments in international and domestic markets.
This project allowed me to work with classmates to do research and create our own international company and how to break into an international market. Our company’s name was Sapatogenix, a shoe company based out of Brazil. This was my favorite project throughout my college career.
BUSS325 001
Global Management
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Evaluate ethical and multicultural issues within a diverse workplace environment.
Working in a diverse environment is a great strength and an awesome way to keep a company evolving. This course showed me the importance of diversity, and how impactful it can be within a workplace.
PSYC310 001
Organizational Psychology
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Analyze management processes as well as the role businesses play in a high tech global economy
This course showed me the importance of marketing, and how to manage a group of people to help market a company or an event. Being able to create flyers and posters on my computer will be a great skill to put on a resume.
BUSS320 003
Marketing Management
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Projects: Alexander Spires
Apply contemporary knowledge and skills in the evolving business marketplace.
This project helped me become more proficient in Microsoft Excel and taught me skills to project data and make visuals and graphs to present information. Excel skills are invaluable in my line of work. (Supply Chain)
BUSS380 001
Project Scheduling and Cost Management
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