Languages Spoken / Skills: Somia M. A. Hamed
English (Fluent),
Arabic (Native)
Interests: Somia M. A. Hamed
Area of interest: Oncology/hematology, Critical care, and Internal Medicine
Presentations: Somia M. A. Hamed
Journal club: Ketamine administration for acute painful sickle cell crisis: A randomized controlled trial.
Presented to rotation preceptor, studnet, and pharmacy resident.
221104041856_Journal_club_handout.pdf (.pdf) 0.39mb
Presentations: Somia M. A. Hamed
presented to pharmacy staff and leadership at Fulton State Hospital, Fulton MO. June 2022.
221104041512_Bebtelovimab.pdf (.pdf) 0.89mb
Presentations: Somia M. A. Hamed
APPE June Journal Club at Fulton State Hospital (Risperidone combination therapy with adalimumab for treatment of chronic schizophrenia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.)
220916070316_APPE_June_Journal_Club_Acute_care.pdf (.pdf) 0.32mb
Presentations: Somia M. A. Hamed
IPPE General Medicine Journal club spring 2022 at UMKC School of Pharmacy - Columbia MO (Impact of duloxetine on succinylcholine-induced postoperative myalgia after direct microlaryngoscopic surgeries: Randomized controlled, double-blind study)
220916070016_IPPE_Journal_club_GMI_spring_2022.pdf (.pdf) 0.25mb