Date: | 03/02/2024 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Elective |
Comments: | |
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): | Yes |
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): | Yes |
As you complete the following questions, please think about all of the interprofessional observations and/or interactions you had during this APPE rotation.: | Yes |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional interaction that you had during this APPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | This rotation didn't really involve a lot of patient care as commonly known, more so general public health. As such I didn't really get to work with a lot of other healthcare workers however I did get to listen in on discussions with multiple lawyers which I found very interesting. |
Date: | 08/16/2023 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Community Pharmacy Practice |
Comments: | |
Patient Sex: | M |
Patient Ethnicity: | White |
Age: | Adult (19-64 years old) |
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: | Yes |
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: | 1 |
Disease/Disorder: | Gastrointestinal Disorder |
Type of Intervention: | Other |
Outcome of Intervention: | Recommendation Accepted by Provider |
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: | Problem Solving Professionalism |
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: | Yes |
Date: | 10/20/2023 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Ambulatory Care |
Comments: | |
Patient Sex: | M |
Patient Ethnicity: | White |
Age: | Geriatric (65 years old +) |
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: | Yes |
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: | 5 or more |
Disease/Disorder: | Endocrinologic Disorder |
Type of Intervention: | Adverse Drug Reaction Drug/Drug Interaction Duplication in Therapy Medication Reconciliation Patient Education |
Outcome of Intervention: | Recommendation Accepted by Provider |
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: | Care giving Empathy Problem Solving Professionalism |
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: | Yes |
Date: | 09/16/2021 |
Rotation Type: | Wor/Man IPPE Institutional |
Comments: | |
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): | Yes |
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): | Yes |
Please select all health care professionals or students of health professions that you interacted with during this rotation.: | Nurse Nursing Student Physician Nutritionist Other - Student Laboratory Technician |
If you selected "Other" or "Other - Student" from the list above, please list the type of health care professional you interacted with here:: | I met LNA and RN students |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional observation and/or interaction that you had during this IPPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | During my rotation i went on my very first rotation, it was great seeing how everyone interacts and the pharmacist's role within said family |
During this IPPE rotation, did you interact with a physician or student physician?: | Yes |
Date: | 08/09/2021 |
Rotation Type: | Wor/Man IPPE Community |
Comments: | |
Write Reflection Here:: | My IPPE community rotation so far has been incredible, even though I work as a pharmacy tech at a community pharmacy its still very different. This is mainly because I work at a retail store whereas the VA is more of a hospital so there are a lot of different drugs and way of doing things that I am not particularly familiar with. Their way of doing things was completely new and incredibly surprising because what I am used to is pharmacy techs typing the prescription/filling & selling the prescription and pharmacists verifying, reviewing and consulting. However, at my current rotation site the only thing pharmacy techs do is fill and sell prescriptions they don't ever type or modify the prescription, I might even go as far as to say that they don't even see the prescription. Before a patient can even get their prescriptions entered they have to first meet with the consulting pharmacist at that time, as of right I haven't had the chance to shadow the pharmacist in there yet so I don't know exactly what they talk about but from what I can gather they counsel the patients and then type up their prescriptions. I feel like this is a better system because it allows the pharmacist to first meet with the patient even before their prescriptions have been entered an go over important points/ make sure they know what they will be getting and how they are supposed to take it. Furthermore it eliminates the whole "oh I thought I was supposed to be getting this but I got this instead" because they are told exactly what the MD prescribed. I am getting to know some amazing pharmacists, some that have been doing this for 10+ years, and I plan on continuing to learn and absorbing as much knowledge as I can from them. |
Date: | 09/02/2021 |
Rotation Type: | Wor/Man IPPE Institutional |
Comments: | |
Write Reflection Here:: | So far my institutional IPPE experience has been good, I have been allowed to participate in all the tech related activities including Pyxis, their floor medication cabinet, re-filling and medication reconciliation. I have also participated in the huddle, which is a quick 5minute meeting in the morning where important updates and news are shared/emailed to people that aren't present. This is the event I will be talking about as I am not really used to this, I have only worked in a retail pharmacy and it's constantly just go go go.We do have a meeting where we discuss updates and such but it isn't daily and only the people at the meeting know what happened, everyone else finds out if either they ask or they have to sign an agreement. The huddle was a pleasant surprise for me as I feel it sort of brings everyone up to speed on the happening inside the hospital for that day and allows us all to stay on the same page creating an overall unified front. There isn't much I can do with this new knowledge right now but maybe once I start working as a pharmacist I can help my company implement it or something similar. |
Date: | 08/16/2021 |
Rotation Type: | Wor/Man IPPE Community |
Comments: | |
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): | Yes |
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): | Yes |
Please select all health care professionals or students of health professions that you interacted with during this rotation.: | Other - Student |
If you selected "Other" or "Other - Student" from the list above, please list the type of health care professional you interacted with here:: | Other pharmacy students |
As you complete the following questions, please think about all of the interprofessional observations and/or interactions you had during this IPPE rotation.: | Yes |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional observation and/or interaction that you had during this IPPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | Unfortunately because of Covid there isn't much interactions between teams however even within the pharmacy i was able to interact with people from the inpatient side which was completely different from outpatient and was able to exchange ideas with them. |
During this IPPE rotation, did you interact with a physician or student physician?: | No |
Last Sunday I recited the pledge of a pharmacy student in front of my family, which consisted of my little sister, mother and father and my older brother who was being facetimed. Even though we had recited it together during class it didn’t impact me as much as when I was saying it to my family. It made all this seem a little more real, like I am really in a professional program on the way to receiving a PharmD. This was an emotional moment for me because at one point in time I was convinced that I wouldn’t be able to go to pharmacy because I didn’t have perfect scores, so to be able to have gotten this far is almost unbelievable. While reciting it I felt an immense sense of pride, like “yep I’m doing that, this is me”. I could also see the pride in the eyes of my family which further delighted me. After reciting the pledge, I had a long conversation with my brother in which he told me how proud he is of me and how I should keep pushing through. This further strengthen the feeling of pride and brought with it a sense of joy knowing that I was making my family proud. I feel like reciting the pledge both in class and to my family was an incredibly positive experience, this is because I think it helped to sort of center me. It’s almost as though before I had recited this pledge I was just going through the motions and it hadn’t really sunk in that I’m now in a professional program and will be receiving a Doctor of Pharmacy at the end of it. I plan on in cooperating as much of the oath in my daily life especially the part about building a professional identity founded in integrity, ethical behavior and honor. From now on I plan on always carrying myself as befitting of a pharmacy and realizing that it is apart of my identity and not something I turn off once I get out of class or leave campus.
After last class we were told to take the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program for Pharmacy Professionals. The five critical factors I selected were Job security, working with a team, income, helping people, work schedule. The career that was ranked the best match for me was Long term care/geriatric. To be completely honest I never knew there were so many different avenues/ options, sure I knew the basics like retail, community, academic etc. but I had never even imagined that there could be more. Learning about all these different options/ job opportunities honestly alleviates most of my worries, coming to pharmacy school I kept hearing of how there were no more available pharmacy jobs and how pharmacy schools were churning out more pharmacists than there were jobs. I watched a couple of pharmacists I was close to get laid off or have their hour cut. I even had one pharmacist, a family friend, ask me if I really wanted to be a pharmacist and tell me that I should instead go to nursing school as apparently the need for nurses have increased. If I am being honest all these comments/ actions were a little disheartening so to find out that I am not limited to only retail and clinical pharmacy was a relief indeed. Now I can’t say for sure if LTC is the right fit for me as, again, I only learned about it recently. After reading through the career profile I do acknowledge that it does meet my critical factors. According to most pharmacist who responded to the survey it has great job security, income and a very flexible schedule, furthermore you get to work with other health care professionals to design the best course of action. However, I don’t think it would be the perfect fit for me per Se because even though those were my top five critical factors, I still had others that I don’t think this career path will fit. For example, I feel like I am a person who thrives off pressure and fast paced environments and I can’t really picture a nursing home being a fast paced/pressurized environment. Nevertheless, I am a firm believer of “it never hurts to try” so I am not going to make overlook this career path until I have worked there, maybe during rotations, and who knows I might end up liking it. In conclusion I was pleasantly surprised with the results and I like that I don’t necessarily need anything extra to pursue it but t a residency or certificate training program might help me stand out. Even though I feel as though my best match might not be a perfect fit, I am just happy know that there are many other career paths a pharmacist can pursue.
The PILS assessment we took in class revealed that I was both an Enactor and a Producer; I got a tie between as the number of A responses (Enactor) and the number of Bs (Producer). I agree with the Producer learning style, as I generally do prefer working by myself, at my own pace, and in my own time. I enjoy working in very small groups of like-minded people and I hate being the center of attention, preferring to be the one observing from others. I place a high priority on getting things done properly, according to the rules, and I am my own worst critic. All of these attributes align with the Producer learning style. I don’t agree completely with the Enactor outcome. For example, I do agree that I like dealing with people and that I learn best in a hand-on manner; however, I only lead when there is no other option and not because I am good at it. Furthermore, I do not have an entrepreneurial spirit. I know that I am a visual learner, and I am finding that I am also a hands-on learner. I have noticed over the years that when I am able to apply what I have learned to my everyday life; I am able to retain the information more. I have also realized over the years that I am absolutely not an auditory learner, so whenever a professor stands in front of the class and talks at the class, I am unable to retain or remember anything. I just find that I remember things better when I can write things down. It is for this reason that I am not capable of learning from listening to a professor because I am usually not able to write as quickly as they speak. This leaves empty spaces within my notes. In the future I plan on exploring more learning habits; for example, instead of studying passively, I can start studying actively. Additionally, I may ask questions when I am confused, rather than telling myself that I can look it up in the book later, knowing that I won’t end looking it up. In this situation, it would be better to hear the answer from the professor.
August 2016-June 2020
August 2012-June 2016
August 2020-Present
November 2016-Present

Date: | 02/05/2024 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Internal Medicine |
Comments: | |
During this APPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: | Medical Resident (MD or DO) |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional interaction that you had during this APPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | This rotation taught me a lot about internal medicine, i got to see a slight glimpse of what goes on in the acute as opposed to maintenance settings that i am used to which was exciting. |
Date: | 04/18/2024 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Institutional Pharmacy Practice |
Comments: | |
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): | Yes |
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): | Yes |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional interaction that you had during this APPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | I never really interacted with other professionals but I was able to follow them through the patient's EMR. Through that I was able to see just how other providers worked together to ensure the best outcome for the patient. |
Date: | 04/18/2024 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Institutional Pharmacy Practice |
Comments: | |
Patient Sex: | F |
Patient Ethnicity: | Unknown |
Age: | Adult (19-64 years old) |
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: | Yes |
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: | 1 |
Disease/Disorder: | Infectious Disease |
Type of Intervention: | Drug Allergy |
Outcome of Intervention: | Recommendation Accepted by Provider |
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: | Accountability Care giving Collaboration Empathy Integrity Leadership Problem Solving Professionalism Self-awareness |
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: | Yes |
Date: | 01/23/2024 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Internal Medicine |
Comments: | |
Patient Sex: | F |
Patient Ethnicity: | White |
Age: | Adult (19-64 years old) |
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: | No |
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: | 5 or more |
Disease/Disorder: | Cardiovascular Disorder Endocrinologic Disorder Gastrointestinal Disorder Neurologic Disorder (including pain management) Respiratory Disorder |
Type of Intervention: | Other |
Outcome of Intervention: | Other |
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: | Problem Solving Professionalism Self-awareness |
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: | Yes |
Date: | 11/06/2023 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Ambulatory Care |
Comments: | |
During this APPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: | Physician (MD or DO) |
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): | Yes |
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): | Yes |
If you selected "Other" or "Other - Student" from the list above, please list the type of health care professional you interacted with here:: | Diabetes Educator |
As you complete the following questions, please think about all of the interprofessional observations and/or interactions you had during this APPE rotation.: | Yes |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional interaction that you had during this APPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | There were multiple instances during this rotation where I got to work with people from other professions. For example when I got to shadow the diabetes educator for a day. I really learned just how nonchalantly some people take their diabetes management not realizing just how dangerous the disease was. |
Date: | 11/13/2023 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Ambulatory Care |
Comments: | |
Patient Sex: | F |
Patient Ethnicity: | White |
Age: | Geriatric (65 years old +) |
During this intervention did you collaborate with a prescriber or student prescriber?: | Yes |
How many medications were involved in this intervention?: | 5 or more |
Disease/Disorder: | Cardiovascular Disorder Endocrinologic Disorder Hematologic Disorder Neurologic Disorder (including pain management) Opthalmic Disorder Psychiatric Disorder (including substance use disorder and smoking cessation) |
Type of Intervention: | Adverse Drug Reaction Dose Adjustment Duplication in Therapy Medication Discontinued Medication Reconciliation Patient Counseling Patient Education |
Outcome of Intervention: | Recommendation Accepted by Provider Patient Education |
Please select the following values/skills that have contributed to your growth, development or learning.: | Collaboration Professionalism Self-awareness |
My preceptor or pharmacist in charge has reviewed and approved this intervention prior to making any recommendations.: | Yes |
Date: | 10/16/2023 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Ambulatory Care |
Comments: | |
During this APPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: | Physician (MD or DO) |
Interprofessional collaboration occurs when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care. (WHO, 2010): | Yes |
Interprofessional education occurs when learners, educators, or health care workers from two or more health professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective interprofessional collaboration and improve health outcomes. (adapted from WHO, 2010 & Buring, et al. AJPE 2009;73(4): article 59): | Yes |
As you complete the following questions, please think about all of the interprofessional observations and/or interactions you had during this APPE rotation.: | Yes |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | I haven't had a chance to do this yet |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional interaction that you had during this APPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | I was able to sit in on a inter disciplinary team meeting where a couple of nurses, a nutritionist, a social worker, a pharmacist, a physical therapist and many others came together to discuss veterans who needed in home services. |
Date: | 09/06/2023 |
Rotation Type: | APPE Community Pharmacy Practice |
Comments: | |
During this APPE rotation, did you interact with any of the following (please select all that apply)?: | Physician (MD or DO) |
I was able to place the interests of patients at the center of interprofessional health care delivery.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to act with honesty and integrity in relationships with patients, families, communities, and other team members.: | Strongly agree |
I was able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of other health care providers.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize how the team works together to provide patient care.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to recognize limitations of my skills, knowledge, and abilities.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to express my knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care with clarity and respect.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to listen actively to other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to encourage ideas and opinions of other team members.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to engage other health care professionals in shared problem-solving appropriate to the specific patient care situation.: | Strongly Agree |
I was able to reflect on my individual performance for improvement.: | Strongly Agree |
Please provide one example of an interprofessional interaction that you had during this APPE rotation in one to two sentences.: | An older patient came in asking for a refill for rosuvastatin, but I remembered selling atorvastatin to him earlier. After speaking to the patient, I was informed by him that he had been taking both for almost a year now, I found it weird as we hadn't filled the atorvastatin since last October but he said he had some at home, so he had just been taking those and just ran out which is why he refilled it. I brought it to the attention of the pharmacist on duty then let the patient know that I would call the provider to confirm then call him back. I spoke to the MD who informed me that they had told the patient to stop taking the atorvastatin back in November and to start the Rosuvastatin but they never told the pharmacy to close it out, so the patient was able to refill it. I filled the patient's rosuvastatin and educated him on stopping the atorvastatin and told him how he could dispose of the atorvastatin. |
Cultural competence or cultural sensitivity to me is realizing and respecting the fact that there are differences in cultures around the world and what you might think is completely normal/right might not necessarily be so for others. Reading this book and learning about the Lees experience with Lia's healthcare team I noticed that I could never pick a side. Like sometimes I completely agreed with the healthcare system but other times I leaned more towards the Lee's. However after completing the book and the activity I have realized that it's okay for me to not be able to choose a side as this is what being culturally competent is all about. I am able to distinguish that there are differences in the views of the two groups and that neither one is more correct than the other, therefore there is no need to pick a side. I felt the book was incredibly positive as it shined a light and allowed us, as future healthcare providers,to see just how damaging and detrimental not being culturally competent can be. The activity allowed us to see this same ideology from different healthcare professions. One advantage for patients whose care is provided by a culturally sensitive team is that their voice is more likely to be heard. The most important aspect of becoming culturally competent is that you learn to listen to people instead of just pushing your thoughts and ideologies onto them so a patient with a culturally competent team would be able to express and have their views on the care they are receiving heard and accommodated if possible. Moving forward I will make sure that as a healthcare provider, and person in general, that I try and listen to people instead of thinking that just because I went to school for X amount of years I know better than someone who hasn't been to school or didn't get the same amount of education and trying to instill my views on things inside them.
I have always thought of acupuncturists as the people that stick little needles inside your body to relieve pain, I realize now that it isn't the case at all, so to find out that they can reconcile home and hospital medication was quite a shock for me. From my understanding this means that they are not only entitled to know a patient’s medication history, but they are allowed to make adjustments to it. This was shocking and confusing for me because as far as I know they acupuncturists aren't even allowed to prescribe medication so why would they need to know what a patient is on? Furthermore, if they aren't allowed to prescribe why would they be allowed to make adjustments to a patient’s medication? I feel like that is the same thing as a patient asking their friend, who has the same level of medical knowledge that the patient does, how to take their medications. Another thing I learned was that pharmacists, in some states, can prescribe/administer medication. This one was exciting for me because it is something, I feel like can help pharmacists better care for their patients and ensure medication adherence, especially ones with maintenance medications that can't afford to miss a couple of days because their doctor is on vacation. I think learning with other health care professionals is incredibly beneficial because it prepares us for when we enter the workforce and have to work with a team. When a patient is taken care off by an inter professional team, I feel they have a higher chance of overcoming their condition because each professional on their team would have an area of expertise thereby providing different perspectives on the patient’s condition. This means different methods of treatment that when combined would help in suppressing or even curing the patient completely. When a patient is treated by one health care discipline, they lose those different ways of thinking so if a treatment isn't effective the professional becomes stumped because they don't have a team to bounce ideas off of. Moving forward I plan to master my craft to the best of my ability so that if I am ever placed on an inter professional team, I am able help my team members.