Coaching: Charles A Ruffin Sr
Charles Ruffin
Here is my assessment which supports my knowledge
Coaching: Charles A Ruffin Sr
I coach boys' football and girls' basketball. My career goal after graduation is to pursue a career as an Associate Director of the person-ceofnter at CDS Monarch.
Educational Background: Charles A Ruffin Sr
High Shool
Greenville High School, Greenville Alabama
Educational Background: Charles A Ruffin Sr
I am currently a student at Byrant & Stratton College anticipating graduating in Oct. 24
Educational Background: Charles A Ruffin Sr
I am receiving my degree in Health Service Administration Associate of Applied Science Degree (HSAA)
Licenses & Certifications: Charles A Ruffin Sr
My internship experience is working at CDS Monarch
Licenses & Certifications: Charles A Ruffin Sr
I am certified in CPR/FIRST AIDE, SCIP
Academic Service: Charles A Ruffin Sr
Charles Ruffin
My assessment supports my knowledge of utilizing appropriate current knowledge and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats.
Assignments: Charles A Ruffin Sr
Articulation video
Here is my week 7 Articulation video
Assignments: Charles A Ruffin Sr
Ethic in Health and Human Services
Here is my final portfolio project, I have enjoyed this course thus far and look forward to the next lecture.
Assignments: Charles A Ruffin Sr
Institutional Outcomes.
Here is my Week 6 Multicultural Awareness Portfolio Project. Thank your for teaching me in this course.
Assignments: Charles A Ruffin Sr
SOSC225 Portfolio Video Presentation
You tube Video discussing program and institutional outcome and how I met them in this course.
Projects: Charles A Ruffin Sr
SOSC225 Video Presentation
SOSC225 Portfolio Video Presentation showing how I met program and institutional outcomes