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Title: Module Locked

Current Institution Name: Module Locked


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Assignments: Teresa Diane Johnson
essential question
200724013841_week_3_72220_essential_question_Teresa_Johnson_.docx (.docx) 0.21mb
Assignments: Teresa Diane Johnson
week 3 discussion Prejudice
Week 3 Discussion (.docx) 0.01mb
Cultural Background: Teresa Diane Johnson
American Caucasian
Educational Background: Teresa Diane Johnson
my course outcomes
200723082919_Week_3_Check_in_Teresa_Johnson_career_dev.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Educational Background: Teresa Diane Johnson

Bryant Stratton University Online

Medical administrative Assistant

Graudate May 2021


Employment History: Teresa Diane Johnson
Employed 21st Century Oncology Patient Care Coordinator July 2018 to present
Goals (Personal & Professional): Teresa Diane Johnson
My Goals

My goals are as follows:

Finsih Bryant Statton Medical Administrative Assistant course May 2021.

Esablish a career at a local hospital _North Borward Diagnsotic scheduler/Adminsitrative/ Hr Deprartment.

with my couses I will be able to obtain many different jobs at a hospital or medical iffice, even daignsotic center.

Languages Spoken / Skills: Teresa Diane Johnson
My Bio: Teresa Diane Johnson

I am a 52 year olf white female, married with four grown childrena dnd 9 grandchildren.

I am happily married for 9 years.

I am attenting Bryant Stratton University to obtain my Associates Degree for: Medical Administrative Assistant. 

I currenlty reside in Broward county in Coral Springs, FL.

What is a residency? Residency is a specific stage of graduate medical education. It refers to a qualified physician, podiatrist, dentist, pharmacist, or veterinarian (one who holds the degree of MD, DPM, DDS, DMD, DVM, DO, BDS, PharmD, or BDent; or MB; BS, MBChB, or BMed) who practices medicine or pharmacy, usually in a hospital or clinic, under the direct or indirect supervision of a senior medical clinician registered in that specialty such as an attending physician or consultant.
Residency: Teresa Diane Johnson
Resident of Florida
Resume & CV: Teresa Diane Johnson
200723082210_Teresa_Johnson_resume_2720.docx (.docx) 0.07mb
Skills: Teresa Diane Johnson


Billing and Coding

Multiline phone system

Diagnostic scheduling-Knowdlege of MRI< CT PET CT  and Nuclear Scans and directions

Patient charting and teaching