Bryant Stratton University Online
Medical administrative Assistant
Graudate May 2021
My goals are as follows:
Finsih Bryant Statton Medical Administrative Assistant course May 2021.
Esablish a career at a local hospital _North Borward Diagnsotic scheduler/Adminsitrative/ Hr Deprartment.
with my couses I will be able to obtain many different jobs at a hospital or medical iffice, even daignsotic center.
I am a 52 year olf white female, married with four grown childrena dnd 9 grandchildren.
I am happily married for 9 years.
I am attenting Bryant Stratton University to obtain my Associates Degree for: Medical Administrative Assistant.
I currenlty reside in Broward county in Coral Springs, FL.
Billing and Coding
Multiline phone system
Diagnostic scheduling-Knowdlege of MRI< CT PET CT and Nuclear Scans and directions
Patient charting and teaching