Dawn Mary DeWitt
Bryant and Stratton
Domestic Violence (Women and Children)
The Girl so Misunderstood
Personal and Professional
Dawn DeWitt(Fiction)
Paralegal studies program
Pet Grooming Certificate
Vet Tech
Bryantt and Stratton

Liberal Arts
Queensbury High School
Aviation Road
Queensbury NY 12804
Associates Degree in Paralegal Studies
In one of my weeks I had to contact three business that pertained to why I was in school. I did make those three phone calls and the third one called me a few days after and I am now working part time in his law office as a employee.
I worked two days as a intern and asked for no pay, I am so happy because he is a great guy and likes having me there. I feel very lucky. I am working with women and children of domestic violence.
I am on my second book being published. I now have promoters, investors, blog, pod cast and a media release. I love writing and I love being a paralegal so far.
I promised myself three years ago I was going to do this and here I am. I feel very blessed and my angel(daddy) (grandma) are looking down on me blessing me and with me everyday.
I am a new author that has one book out on domestic violence it is a fiction book about my life.
I am currently under contract with my publishing company for two more books, promotions, blogs, social media.
I also work for a Family Lawyer part time helping women and children of domestic violence.
I had to call for my career plan three Family Lawyers which is why I am taking this Paralegal Course.
Steve Rossi called me and I am now working 3 days a week for him working with women and children of domestic violence.
I am so blessed to have this opportunity
dog grooming (graduated)
Vetenarian Tech
Law Office in Saratoga NY working with a lawyer for changing the laws for the better for Domestic Violence
I have three rescues of dog abuse and I work to help the stigma that pitbulls are not dangerous if properly raised.
I am involved in the rescuing and fostering and adopting of Pit bulls.
I have three right now, Zeus, Bella and Lola
Zena passed away in August of 2020

I am involved in the rescuing and fostering and adopting of Pit bulls.
I have three right now, Zeus, Bella and Lola
Zena passed away in August of 2020