Jannatur Rahman
PharmD Candidate, Class of 2027
St John's University
Pharmacy Practice Vision
My moral philosophy is "There is nothing impossible for human beings" which I believe the most from my abilities because if a man tries his/her best they can do everything. This thing led me to choose pharmacy because when I decided to choose a pharmacy major in college, I didn't give up and tried hard to get into this program, and finally, I did. So, I choose a pharmacy major because by pursuing this career, I would not only learn the many intricacies of chemistry and medicine but will also be able to service the community and help patients. My vision of pharmacy practice is to help people. So, now my job is to put more effort to stay in this program and build my future career as a pharmacist because my dream is to become a pharmacist and help people. I believe that this profession will be the best suit for me. My positive attributes are sincere, responsible, punctual, hardworking, etc. So, as I follow these, I will be able to be a better pharmacist in the future.
Goals for 1-5 years
The goal(s) I have for myself during the next 1-5 years (s) are below:
Being able to maintain my GPA above 3.0 and earn a good grades in my courses.
Being able to learn what is best fit for me as a future pharmacist.
Being able to do an internship as a hospital pharmacist
Being able to engage more in studying pharmacy at St. John's University
Goals for 5-10 years
The goal(s) I have for myself for the next 5-10 years are below:
Becoming a graduate as a pharmacist from St. John's University
Become a hospital pharmacist and help patients
Becoming a satisfied person with what I have
The goal(s) I have for myself for the next 15 years are below:
Being able to hold my career as a hospital pharmacist
Being able to teach others the professional value of being a pharmacist.
St. John's University - Queens, New York: September 2021 - Present
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Expected May 2027
Pharmacy (Six-year PharmD) Major
PharmD Candidate, 2027
Martin Van Buren High School - Queens Village, New York; September 2019- June 2021
Graduated June 2021
Uttara High School & College - Dhaka, Bangladesh; July 2018 - July 2019
Grade completed: 11
Holy Child School & College - Dhaka, Bangladesh; January 2015 - March 2018
Grade completed: 8 - 10
FALL 2022
BIO-2000- Fund of Bio II: Cell/Molecular
- In this course, I have learned about DNA, RNA, and their proteins, DNA replication, repair and different types of cells in living organisms.
CHE 1130- Intro to General and Organic Chemistry III
- This course was the last course of organic chemistry where I learned about advanced chemical theories and reactions of organic chemistry.
CHE 1131L- Intro to General and Organic Chemistry III LAB
- In this course, I performed experiments for organic chemistry III theories.
CHE 1132R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry III Recitation
- In this course, I learned the organic chemistry III concepts which was from my lecture class.
PAS 2301- Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice
- This course taught us different aspects of pharmacy and how we should care and behave with patients in future as a pharmacist.
PHI-2240C-Moral Life ETH Health Care
- This course taught us about different philosophical aspects in medical fields.
THE-2320-Intro Catholic Social Teaching
- In this course, I learned about catholicism, and and their beliefs, and different issues in the Catholic society.
THE-3300-Moral Theology of Healthcare
- This course taught us significant issues affecting health care and the ethics of health care from the perspective of Catholic theology.
CHE 1120- Intro to General and Organic Chemistry II
-In this course, I learned about chemical theories and started organic chemistry.
CHE 1121L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II Lab
-In this course, I performed experiments for general and organic chemistry.
CHE 1122R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry II Recitation
-In this course, I learned the chemistry concepts which was from my lecture class.
MTH 1260C- Calculus APPL-Pharm & Allied Health
-In this course, I learned different concepts about calculus and integration.
DNY 1000C- Discover New York (The Global City)
-This course gave me much more ideas about New York City which I enjoyed a lot during the semester.
FYW 1000C- First-Year Writing (Writing Social Justice)
-This course made me write about different social issues and developed my free writing skills.
RCT 1005C- Interpersonal Communication for Pharmacy Students
-In this course, I learned how we can communicate with our patients or any person as a pharmacist.
CPP 1101- Intro to Pharmacy Practice
-In this course, I learned about medical terminology and the overview of pharmacy.
FALL 2021
CHE 1110- Intro to General and Organic Chemistry
-This course introduced the basics of general and organic chemistry.
CHE 1111L - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Lab
-Through this lab, I was experienced different kinds of experiments and gained much more knowledge about general and organic chemistry labs.
CHE 1112R - Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry Recitation
-In this course, I learned the chemistry concepts which was from my lecture class.
PHR 1000 - Introduction Seminar for Pharmacy Student
-This course was mainly based on the doctor of pharmacy program which gave knowledge about this program
PHI 1000C- Philosophy Human Person
-In this course, I learned about Socrates and Plato's theory which gave me an idea about human nature.
ENG 1100C- Literature in Global Content
-In this course, I learned about English writing compositions and we also studied various literacy genres.
THE 1000C- Pers. On Christianity
-In this course, I gained concepts about Christianity and its beliefs.
MTH 1250C- STAT APPL-Pharm & Allied Health
-In this course, I learned about the basic foundation of the elementary concepts of statistics and utilized them in a research project.
St. John's University - (University Call Center), Queens, NY
June 2022 - Present
Student Worker
(Call center Administrator)
- Responsible for handling a heavy amount of data entry into the call center’s database.
- Performs filing and recordkeeping Data Entry into system.
- Excellent use of time management skills to work productively in an extremely fast-paced setting.
- Responsible for keeping all call records for daily, weekly, and monthly.
(Call center Agent)
February 2022 - June 2022
- Answering phones from customers professionally and responding to customer inquiries
- Identifying customers’ needs, clarifying information, researching every issue, and providing solutions
- Manage large amounts of inbound and outbound calls in a timely manner
- Build sustainable relationships and engage customers by taking the extra mile
St. John's University - (Office of Global Programs), Queens, New York
August 2021 - December 2021
Student Worker
- Supported year-end closing, delivered, accrual requirements, and automated and optimized several excel-based financial reports to increase department efficiency for three fiscal years
- Facilitated vendor payments and service agreements for vendors, reviewed monthly expense grids, analyzed financial statements and restructured quantitative functionality, analyzed reimbursement claims for faculty
Dollar Varieties, Jamaica, New York
August 2020- January 2021
- Welcome customers, answer any questions they may have, help them locate items, and provide assistance.
- Operate scanners, scales, cash registers, and other electronics and balance the cash register and generate reports for credit and debt, communicate with the customers and coworkers, and work in a team.
National Honor Society - Martin Van Buren High School
Induction: May 2021
Academic excellence is required. Maintain an average above 85.
St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
Date received: February 4, 2021
Description: As a holder of this scholarship, maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year is a must, and also maintaining satisfactory academic progress is required in order to retain the scholarship.
President’s Education Silver Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
Arlene Blum Award for Athletics, Leadership, and Scholarship
ARISTA National Honor Society Award
Award for Excellence in Vocal Performance
Sponsoring Organization: Martin Van Buren High School; Queens, New York
Date received: June 12, 2021
Certificate in National Skill Standard Base Computer Course Examination 2018
Sponsoring Organization: Bangladesh Technical Education Board; Dhaka - Bangladesh
Date received: May 26, 2018
Community Service Award
Sponsoring Organization: Rocky Hill Civic Association
Date received: June 27, 2021
Common point Queens - Sam Field Center; Forest Hills, New York
Start and end date: January 2021 - Present
Hrs: 6
Description: Collaborate with people in the community like food pantries, writing letters, better organizing community celebrations.
The Rocky Hill Civic Association; Queens Village, NY
Start and end date: June 27, 2021
Hrs: 6
Description: Collaborate with people for better pricing and recycling items to improve the environment. Communicate and work with the community on different tasks. It was a one-day event. At the end of the day, we collected all of the items and cleaned the area where we worked.
My Top five strengths and reflection: Responsibility, Consistency, Futuristic, Discipline, Focus
My strengths are relatable to myself which follows up my passions, morality, etc. My responsibility forces me to do better in Chemistry which I commit to, because it is my favorite subject, and whether large or small, I feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion, Consistency or balance is important to me, which helps to study me routinely. I am the kind of person who loves to peer over the horizon. The future fascinates me. As if it were projected on the wall, I see in detail what the future might hold, and this detailed picture keeps pulling me forward, into tomorrow. Discipline is a thing that is also important to me. The routines, the timelines, the structure, all of this help to focus on my goal. I feel my focus is powerful because it forces me to filter which instinctively evaluates whether or not a particular action will help you move toward your goal. After figuring out all of these, I am more confident and sincere about my goal. I learned how can I work and focus on these to improve myself and focus on my goal.
Pharmacy: A First-year reflection
- Pharmacy is a diverse and advancing field of medicine. Being a pharmacist means who is able to impact patient care in just about every aspect and specialty. From picking up medication at the pharmacy to discovering the next new molecular entity for development, pharmacists' unique skill set makes them highly valuable in all health care settings.
- Ever since I was a kid, I always had an idea of wanting to be in the medical field. I've always wanted to choose a profession that helped people and being a healthcare professional was always the choice that I came back to though I wasn't sure in what way this would be. As it came time to choose a major, someone randomly brought up pharmacy to me and I thought I'd give the profession and programs a look. Reading more about it, I became
interested in the fact that pharmacy is a 6-year program and that pharmacy is a diverse field in healthcare. I ended up applying to all the pharmacy schools in New York and just continued to learn more about it and slowly fell in love with the profession. That's why I chose pharmacy.
- I choose St. John's University because when I decided to apply to the colleges that have a pharmacy major, I was looking up the best pharmacy colleges in New York and I saw that St. John's is the best for the Doctor of Pharmacy program which is a 6-years program. And also St. John's is one of the leading schools of its kind the program is designed to provide students with the clinical and academic skills and knowledge needed to deliver outstanding patient care in all pharmacy settings.