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Shari S. Nichols

Billing Specialist & Reimbursement Specialist -

Address: 102 S Bell Haven St Apex NC 27539
Phone: (919) 985-5890
My Social:

Keep your head up you got this. Stay strong, wise, and love all.
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Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Shari S. Nichols
Bryant & Stratton College
Assignments: Shari S. Nichols
Final (.docx) 0.01mb
Assignments: Shari S. Nichols
E/M (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Shari S. Nichols
Medical Billing and Coding Diploma

ICD Diagnostic Coding
Electronic Health Records
ICD Procedural Coding
Healthcare Terminology
Intro to Medical Office Support & Services
Anatomy & Physiology
Computing Skills


Report Generation
General Accounting
Customer Service
General Operations
General Administrative
Policy & Procedures
Time Management
Billing & Invoicing

Goals (Personal & Professional): Shari S. Nichols
My personal goals Is that 6 months or less I will be in a medical coding job. In two years or less, I will have my vehicle paid off. Within three years, hopefully my mortgage will be paid off haft way. Within six years, I would hopefully have someone in my life to love me for me. In 2036 my goal is to have two kids graduate from high school. Just always live my life to the fullest that I can. 

My professional goal is to have a career in medical coding job within six months or less. The company that hires me on I plan to stay with them forever until I retire. I am a hard-working individual and I hope that it will show for the company that takes me on for the coding job. 
My Bio: Shari S. Nichols
Little about me


My name is Shari Nichols. I am a mother of twin boys. I am a hard-working employee once I get the chance. I went back to school to get my diploma and associates to better take care of my kid. I have my diploma in medical billing and coding and now I am pursuing medical Reimbursement and Coding. My plans are to graduate with my medical reimbursement and coding in April 2024. 

Resume & CV: Shari S. Nichols
Resume (.docx) 2.68mb
Resume & CV: Shari S. Nichols
Cover Letter
Resume (.docx) 0.05mb
Reviews & Evaluations: Shari S. Nichols
Elevator speech
240420110558_elevator.docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Speaking Engagements: Shari S. Nichols
231215073950_New_Recording.m4a (.m4a) 0.75mb