My Bio: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Personal Biography
I am a dedicated and empathetic individual who is driven by a commitment to helping others in need. My journey into pharmacy was deeply influenced by my personal experiences, particularly the challenges faced by my grandmother, who battled cancer and other chronic illnesses. Witnessing her struggle all my life, ignited a desire in me to make a difference in the lives of others who are facing lifelong health challenges like my grandmother. My vision for pharmacy practice revolves around opening individual pharmacies in underserved communities, aiming to amplify accessibility to essential healthcare services that all communities should have access to. My short-term goal is to successfully complete the St. John's Pharm-D program, by excelling in my pharmaceutical studies. I aim to achieve this goal by participating in a range of clinical experiences and completing a variety of diverse classes that will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the pharmaceutical field. Long-term, I aspire to open up a chain of my own pharmacies and engage in research and development that contributes to the creation of new medicines. Being a pharmacist is important to me because it will enable me to positively impact other people's lives and give people access to medications that they are in need of. My positive attributes that will help me achieve my goals include a strong work ethic, adaptability, resilience, and integrity. Embarking on a lifelong journey, my commitment to patient care and advancing pharmacy practice fuels my drive for success.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Goals for 15 years
I aim to achieve strategic milestones, both personally and professionally over the next 15 years, the goals I have for myself are as follows
Being able to start a non profit that helps fund families with affordable medical care.
Being able to work with the New York City local government to create more affordable housing for people.
Being able to maintain a healthy work life balance where I'm able to focus on family but also make sure my businesses are still growing and thriving.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Goals for 5 - 10 years
I aim to achieve strategic milestones, both personally and professionally over the next 5 - 10 years, the goals I have for myself are as follows
Being able to graduate from St. John's University with a degree in pharmacy.
Being able to open up my own chain of pharmacies throughout New York City.
Being able to start my own family.
Being able to grow my family's real estate development company by focusing on bigger projects throughout New York City.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Goals for 1 - 5 years
I aim to achieve strategic milestones, both personally and professionally over the next 1 - 5 years, the goals I have for myself are as follows
Being able to maintain my status as a full time student, intern and real estate developer.
Being able to maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or over at any time.
Being able to start practicing pharmacy more outside of school in a work place environment.
Being able to enjoy my time studying Pharmacy at St. John's University.
Being able to live a more structured and disciplined lifestyle.
Educational Background: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
St. John's University - Queens, New York; September 2023 - Present
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Expected graduation date May 2029
Pharmacy (Six-year Pharm.D) Major
Educational Background: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Bayside High School - Bayside, NY; September 2019 - June 2023
Graduated June 2023
Advanced Regents Diploma & CTE Diploma in Humanities & Non-profit Management
Employment History: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Green Family Realty Investments │ New York, NY 2022 - Present
Acquisition and procurement officer.
My duties as an acquisition and procurement officer for Green Family Realty Investments involves the acquisition of different type of real estate assets. Identifying opportunities, negotiating deals, managing contracts and ensuring a key role in budgeting for different development / rental projects.
Employment History: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
NYCPLUGS1INC │ Rock Hill, NY 2021 - Present
Founder & CEO
As the Founder & CEO of NYCPLUGS1INC, an e-commerce clothing business that specializes in international commerce. My responsibilities include identifying investment opportunities, negotiating deals, managing international shipping and cultivating relationships with both buyers and suppliers to ensure the best possible experience.
Honor Societies: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
ARISTA National Honor Society
Introduction: May 2019
Students of this society demonstrate excellence in scholarship, outstanding accomplishments, leadership, service and character. All students must maintain a 94 or above grade point average.
Honors & Awards: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Dean's Scholarship
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
Received: June 9, 2023
Scholarship awarded to students who held a GPA of 3.5 or over in high school.
Honors & Awards: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
St. Vincent De Paul Scholarship
Sponsoring Organization: St. John's University
Date Received: March 5, 2023
Description: As a scholarship recipient, please note that you must maintain 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic year and maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to retain your scholarship.
Honors & Awards: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Honor Roll - Bayside High School
Honor roll
2019 - 2023
Must maintain an average grade point of 90 or above to make and stay on honor roll.
Volunteer, Community & Civic Activity: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Vincentian Weekly Service Breakfast Run, St. John's University
Vincentian Weekly Service Breakfast Run, St. John's University
11/04/2023, 7:00 am - 1:00 pm
Traveling from Queens to Manhattan, we stopped by different sites where we handed out packages of food, clothing and other necessities to people in need. Engaging in your community by helping others, fostered a sense of community connection inside of me. This event helped me understand the hardships that some family's are going through and how it is important that we as community members come together to help those less fortunate.
Other Accomplishments: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Other Accomplishments
One of my other accomplishments was leading my debate team to the number one ranking in New York State.
Debate is an intellectual activity where teams engage in structured argumentation on a specific topic or proposition. Team members present arguments, counterarguments, and rebuttals in a formal setting, following a format and established rules. Teams compete with one another on the state and national levels. While debate may seem like an easy thing to do, it is actually a very hard and mentally draining competition. The reason why being placed number one in a state debate championship is such an accomplishment to me is because I was always shy, and debate helped me step out of my comfort zone. By joining the debate team and competing in debate competitions, I built up communication skills, research skills, confidence, and teamwork skills. The skills I gained from debate now help me in my academic, professional, and personal lives. Ranking number one was a huge accomplishment for me because it showed how much I grew as a debater from the day I started debate to two years later, when I won the competition with my team.
Reflective Journal: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
My Top five strengths and reflection: Competition, Analytical, Focus, Futuristic, and Harmony
My top five strengths include competition, analytical, focus, futuristic and harmony. Out of all my strengths, futuristic surprised me the most, as I am usually more of an in the moment thinker than a futuristic thinker. Leveraging my strengths in competition, analytical thinking, focus, futuristic vision, and harmony, I plan to excel in my journey towards becoming a pharmacist and eventually opening up my own chain of pharmacies. The competitive drive and focus will fuel me and help me achieve greatness in the pharmaceutical industry. Analytical thinking will help me make important decisions and make sure I plan things out properly. A futuristic vision will enable me to anticipate future projects and always think ahead on the best way to constantly give my patients the best experience possible. Lastly, the strength of harmony will drive my commitment to creating a community-focused environment in each pharmacy, ensuring proper patient care and positive community impact.
Reflective Journal: Nathanial Zack Gringuz
Pharmacy: A First year reflection
A pharmacist, as a healthcare professional, has knowledge and expertise in the correct usage, storage, and dispensation of medications. A pharmacist is characterized by their compassion and dedication to helping others by ensuring they receive their proper medication. Pharmacists have a superior understanding of medications, and that enables them to assist and help patients. I chose pharmacy as my major / career path due to my passion for helping others and the promising outlook that the pharmaceutical sector offers. Another reason why I chose pharmacy was influenced by my grandmother's struggle to access the right medications for her illnesses. I aspire to provide individuals like her with the highest quality of pharmaceutical care. Additionally, the stability and high regard associated with pharmacy as a profession further solidified my choice.
I chose to study pharmacy at St. John's University because of how prestigious and well-regarded the pharmacy program is at St. John's. I've talked with many other people who went to St. John's pharmacy program, and everybody I talked to only had positive things to say about the program. Additionally, I chose St. John's University because it is close to home, and I wanted to stay close to my family through college. Finally, when I toured St. John's and spoke to professors in the pharmacy program, I felt that the school would be a perfect fit for me.