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Abigail E Lochan

Health Unit Coordinator

Tampa General Hospital

Address: 3214 Painted Blossom Court
Phone: 813-205-9449

Experience Healthcare worker moving into medical coding with a passion for Labor and delivery and Neonatal ICU coding.
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Educational Background: Abigail E Lochan
AAS Medical Coding and Reimbursement: Graduate date 3/2025. CCA certification: pending exam completion, 2025.
Educational Background: Abigail E Lochan
Health Unit Coordinator: 2014- present.
Educational Background: Abigail E Lochan
Certified Nurse Assistant 2006- present.
Educational Background: Abigail E Lochan
High School Diploma 2005
Goals (Personal & Professional): Abigail E Lochan
Medical Coder in surgical coding or in NICU coding within my current healthcare organization. Bachelor's degree in healthcare education or healthcare management. Masters/Juris degree- legal witness- expert in healthcare clinical documentation.
Resume & CV: Abigail E Lochan
Cover Letter and Resume
Cover Letter and Resume (.docx) 0.02mb