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Yazan Ali Alqarni

Phone: 0554874398

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Assignments: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Analysis Assignment
Analysis Assignment (.pdf) 0.29mb
Assignments: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Organic chemistry Assignment
Organic chemistry Assignment (.pdf) 0.18mb
Assignments: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Group activity 2: Communication Skills mini cases
Date: 09/17/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

Communication Skills mini cases. pdf (.pdf) 0.25mb
Assignments: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Group activity 1: Professionalism Mini cases
Date: 09/17/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

Professionalism Mini cases. pdf (.pdf) 0.58mb
Assignments: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Assignment 1: Medication history with a relative
Date: 10/03/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

Medication history. pdf (.pdf) 0.25mb
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Reflection sheet 4: Final reflection about the course
Date: 12/04/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

Reflection sheet 4: Final reflection about the course, pdf (.pdf) 0.06mb
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Reflection sheet 3: Taking Medication History Experience during KKUH visit
Date: 10/22/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

Yazan Alqarni. pdf (.pdf) 1.54mb
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Reflection sheet 1: Soft skills in Pharmacy
Date: 09/17/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

Communication skills. Docx (.docx) 0.01mb
Clinicals / Clerkships / Externships: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Reflection sheet 2: Hospital Pharmacy VR Experience
Date: 11/27/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

VR experiment, Yazan. pdf (.pdf) 0.07mb
Courses Taken: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Courses Taken level 4
Courses taken level4 (.pdf) 0.14mb
Courses Taken: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Courses Taken level 4
Courses taken level4 (.pdf) 0.14mb
Courses Taken: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Courses Take, Yazan Ali
241211100939_IMG_0644.jpeg (.jpeg) 0.03mb
CPD Plan Management: PLANNING: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Personal development plan
Personal development plan. pdf (.pdf) 0.05mb
CPD Plan Management: PLANNING: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Personal Philosophy Statement, Yazan Ali
Personal Philosophy Statement, Yazan Ali.pdf (.pdf) 0.04mb
CPD Plan Management: REFLECTION: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Reflection at the end of level 3
Reflection at the end of level 3. pdf (.pdf) 0.06mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Yazan Ali Alqarni
Portfolio: Career objectives (preliminary career goals and objectives)
Date: 12/05/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?

(Objectives) yazan. pdf (.pdf) 0.05mb
Resume & CV: Yazan Ali Alqarni
Yazan Ali Alqarni , CV
Yazan ali, CV.pdf (.pdf) 0.18mb
Simulation (Training Simulations): Yazan Ali Alqarni
My dispense activity 1: In-Patient pharmacy
Date: 10/14/2024
Rotation Type: IPPE-1 (Introductory)
Comments: ?
feedback. docx (.docx) 0.22mb
TranscriptsUpdated: 02-13-25