Educational Background: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
Writing Assignment
Educational Background: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
What are the chances? Assignment Template
Educational Background: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
Educational Background: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
Bryant and Stratton (Paralegal)
I am currently working on getting my degree and I'm working very hard.
Educational Background: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
High school diploma
I went to Hampton high school and I got my diploma in 2020.
Employment History: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
I am currently working as a server at a riverside restaurant in Newport News, this is my second year working there. I've gained so much communication skills an dI am still learning more.
Assignments: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
Assignment (Duplicate)
This is a feedback from my teacher.
Good job on your plan. Through your career prep and plan you have somewhat shown that you were able to put together the necessary tools as a guide in which you can reach your goals.
Be sure to complete each component of your career plan. There are sections that were not complete. This is important as it helps aid in a successful career path.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Also, be mindful of deadlines to avoid missing points.
Keep up the great work!
Dr. Robinson
Goals (Personal & Professional): Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
My goal is to be able to write and prepare documents in the legal field and not just in the legal field but everywhere I go.
Resume & CV: Subira Nivyimana Mbaruku
This resume was created for school assignment, I've never done one in real life out there, but I am sure I'll do great in the future.
Resume (.pages) 0.70mb