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Theresa Gass-Williams

Human Resource Specialist

Bryant & Stratton College


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Capstone: Theresa Gass-Williams
Hi Instructor Allison, It has been a please to be back in your class and I appreciate and thank for being your absolute best self. Pleas find attached the assignment. Warm regards, Theresa View

Capstone: Theresa Gass-Williams
Courses Taken
Please find attached my Portfolio Project View

Capstone: Theresa Gass-Williams
Portfolio Project
Good morning Dr. Robinson, Hope all is well... Please find attached the Portfolio Project. Thank your for an awesomely great session. Happy Holidays! Make it a great day and weekend on purpose! Warmly, Theresa View

Capstone: Theresa Gass-Williams
Career Development III
Good morning Dr. Robinson, Hope all is well... Please find attached the Multicultural Awareness Project. Thank your for an awesomely great session. Happy Holidays! Make it a great day and weekend on purpose! Warmly, Theresa View

Courses Taken: Theresa Gass-Williams
Career Development III-Capstone Multicultural Awareness
Good evening Dr. Robinson, Hope all is well... I appreciate and thank you for this course on Career Development III - Capstone. This has been an enriching and outstanding session especially for my degree program. Warm regards, Theresa A. Gass-Williams View

Courses Taken: Theresa Gass-Williams
Good evening Instructor Allison, Please find attached Week 7 HURS208 View

Courses Taken: Theresa Gass-Williams
Portfolio Project Plan
Professor Allison Kozak, It has been an honor and please to be in your class this session. I have learned and understand the outcomes and competencies of Organizational Behavior and Leadership. I appreciate and thank you for your lectures and being the best part of a great instructor. View

Courses Taken: Theresa Gass-Williams
Macroeconomics View

Courses Taken: Theresa Gass-Williams
SOSC225 Career Dev II Theory
Please find attached Week 7 Informal Career Plan Reflection. I appreciate and thank you for an amazingly great session. View

Educational Background: Theresa Gass-Williams
Educational Background: Theresa Gass-Williams
Strategic Advantage of Human Resource View

Educational Background: Theresa Gass-Williams
Compensation and Benefits Presentation View

Educational Background: Theresa Gass-Williams
Bryant & Stratton (Human Resource Specialist - AAS Candidate 2024)
240330065140_Academic_Transcript.docx (.docx) 0.03mb
Employment History: Theresa Gass-Williams
Employment History
Employment History (.docx) 0.02mb
Goals (Personal & Professional): Theresa Gass-Williams
Person & Professional Goals
240403083613_Personal_Professional_Goals.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
My Bio: Theresa Gass-Williams
Attach is my biography. Resource Link

My Bio: Theresa Gass-Williams
Theresa A. Gass-Williams Bio
240403083652_Bibliograghy.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Projects: Theresa Gass-Williams
Portfolio Project
Hello Professor Brown, Please find attached my Portfolio Project. I really enjoyed this class and I learned a lot. I appreciate and thank you for all the lessons learned. View

Projects: Theresa Gass-Williams
Hi Professor Vaitsas, Please find attached the Portfolio Project. I appreciate and thank you for this math class. I am very proud that I did it even though it was challenging I didn View

Resume & CV: Theresa Gass-Williams
Theresa Cover letter
241117122252_T._Gass_Williams_Cover_Letter_12_2024.docx (._Gass_Williams_Cover_Letter_12_2024) 0.86mb
Resume & CV: Theresa Gass-Williams
Theresa Resume
241117122222_T._Gass_Williams_Resume_12_2024.docx (._Gass_Williams_Resume_12_2024) 0.03mb