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Jacqueria Blockmon

Medical Administrative Assistant

Bryant & Stratton College

Address: 1499 South Jr. Harper Rd Utica MS, 39175
Phone: 6015299123

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What are admitting privileges? Admitting privilege is the right of a healthcare practitioner, by virtue of membership as a hospital's medical staff, to admit patients to a particular hospital or medical center for providing specific diagnostic or therapeutic services to such patient in that hospital. Each hospital maintains a list of health care providers who have admitting privileges in that hospital. Admitting privileges of some physicians may be limited to consultative services only.
Admitting & Consulting Privileges: Jacqueria Blockmon
Psychology was really one of my favorite subjects. Very interesting to learn about how the human mind works and the actions that come behind it.  View

Admitting & Consulting Privileges: Jacqueria Blockmon
Medical Insurance and Billing
During this course I learned that these processes are crucial for healthcare providers to process insurance claims, secure reimbursements, and maintain cash flow.  View

Affiliations (Universities & Colleges): Jacqueria Blockmon
Bryant & Stratton
I've been attending Bryant & Stratton for 2 years for my associate's degree. I am scheduled to graduate this year, April of 2025. Bryant & Stratton College

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development
I learned so much about the real word and budgeting hacks that can help me improve as a young mother. Also, facts about background checks and what can imply it. Dr. Compreca is a great instructor who highlighted the importance of our future career. View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development
I learned so much about the real word and budgeting hacks that can help me improve as a young mother. Also, facts about background checks and what can imply it. Dr. Compreca is a great instructor who highlighted the importance of our future career. View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development
I learned so much about the real word and budgeting hacks that can help me improve as a young mother. Also, facts about background checks and what can imply it. Dr. Compreca is a great instructor who highlighted the importance of our future career. View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Career Development
I learned so much about the real word and budgeting hacks that can help me improve as a young mother. Also, facts about background checks and what can imply it. Dr. Compreca is a great instructor who highlighted the importance of our future career. View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Ethics in Health and Human Service
In this class, Ethics in Health and Human Services, I View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Ethics in Health and Human Service
In this class, Ethics in Health and Human Services, I View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Ethics in Health and Human Service
In this class, Ethics in Health and Human Services, I View

Assignments: Jacqueria Blockmon
Assignments (.pdf) 0.75mb
What is a digital badge? A digital badge is an indicator of accomplishment or skill that can be displayed, accessed, and verified online. These badges can be earned in a wide variety of environments, an increasing number of which are online.
Book & Article Contributions: Jacqueria Blockmon
Research (.docx) 0.02mb
Case logs provide a record to show a list of actions taken with a patient, facility of encounter, and date of service.

The entries below are the case logs I've submitted for during my academic career.
Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
Principles of Psychology, Learning Communities

This course helped me understand that there are many different people in the world that come from all walks of life and in the medical field we have to treat everyone as equal. 
Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.

College Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning

This course was very helpful especially since now I’m maturing into the woman I am, I need to know how to calculate rent, mortgage, car payments, etc. To know what I’m paying for without taking the word of mouth or being scammed. 


Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.

College Mathematics - Quantitative Reasoning

This course is a great representation of this course outcome for me. Math is not my strongest subject. This is the only course I’ve had to retake but my second go round went much smoother because I learned to adjust even when it’s something you literally dread. Using this outcome helped me improve. 

Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Computing Skills

This course has helped me outside of the school environment. My typing is much faster and once I get the job I’m aiming for as a Medical Administrative Assistant I will appreciate this course more. 
Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
Research and Writing for the Workplace

In this course I learned about Apa text citations, how to properly recite references and construct essays with outside resource information mixed with my own writing about a topic.
Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Evaluate office operations to recommend process changes for improving efficiency, efficacy, and/or flexibility.
Career Development I: Theory and Practice

This course taught me that you must be able to adapt fast in different situations.
Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Demonstrate professional interpersonal communications and support services resulting in high patient/customer/client satisfaction ratings.

Quality Improvement & Customer Service in Medical Offices

In this course I learned about how you treat your patients play a big role. I watched several videos discussing the right and wrong ways to address situations. 

Educational Background: Jacqueria Blockmon
Ensure confidentiality and fulfill HIPAA standards for the creation, distribution, and release of medical information.
Introduction to Medical Office Support and Services, Medical Insurance and Billing, and Principles of Psychology
These courses taught me the importance of HIPPA and the release of medical information mainly because my first course expressed how sensitive patient information is and how people can lose their jobs, get sued, and even get a company sued for careless behavior such as sharing a patient’s personal record. Further along I was taught that fraud can also result from violating HIPPA standards. 
Goals (Personal & Professional): Jacqueria Blockmon
My goals after graduation
I plan to obtain a job as a Medical Administrative Assistant, receiving hands on help to really fulfil my experience. I also plan to be the best mom I can be. Working, school and trying to balance social life and mommy life is so difficult. I'm ready to provide a new balance and life for me and my child. 
Resume & CV: Jacqueria Blockmon
I am currently still in school and working everyday 9-5 jobs until I graduate to make ends meet for me and my child. Despite that, I am a very dedicated and hardworking mom of 1. I cannot wait until I'm fulfilling my purpose as a Medical Administrative Assistant.  Resume (.docx) 0.02mb