Premkumar Patel
St. John's University PharmD Candidate, Class of 2027
There is no Try
I am Prem Patel, I believe that by doing the right thing one at a time we can make this world a better place for everyone after all it's the only world we have. I want to do my part and help people with their medical needs. I always wanted to be a health professional but never knew that Pharmacy would be the path I choose. I worked in a community pharmacy for a while, and it taught me how vital this profession is. I understand that patients trust pharmacists with their medications, but it is also a pharmacist's responsibility to teach patients how to take their medications correctly. My long-term goal is to open my own practice in an area where people need the most aid and offer them proper medical care. I want to be a pharmacist to serve especially in low-income communities. Being a pharmacist is essential to me because I understand how it feels to lose someone you care about, and I want to ensure that no one loses someone they care about due to a lack of medical attention. Communication and problem-solving skills are two of the qualities that I believe are essential for a pharmacist.
Goals for 1-5 Years
- Being able to maintain a 4.0 Grade Point Average
- Get more experience working in a Pharmacy
- Find out the right path for in Pharmacy
- Go abroad to study
Goals For 5-10 years
- Being a registered Pharmacist.
- Have a stable job as a Pharmacist
- Learn and grow as a Pharmacist
Goals for the next 15 years
- Being able to open my own practice.
- Being able to teach the new generation about Pharmacy
St.John's University-Queens, New York; September 2021-Present
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Expected May 2027
Pharmacy (six-year Pharm.D) Major
Pharm D Candidate,2027
Hillsborough High School- Hillsborough New Jersey; November 2018-June 2021
Graduated June 2021
High school Diploma
Carrollton High School- Carrollton City, Georgia; September 2017-November 2018
Transferred halfway to my Sophomore Year.
In this course, I am learning about the chemical and Biological process that sustain life as we know it.
2. PHS 2301- Biomedical Lab
In this course, I am experimenting with basic Biomedical ideas, such as solubility.
3. PAS 2201- Intor to Pharmacoeconomics
In this course, I am learning how economics and the profession of Pharmacy relate to each other.
4. PHS 3504-Human Anatomy and Physiology I
In this course, I am learning about the structures of the human body and their function to sustain life
5. PHS 2101- Public Health for PharmD
in this course, I am learning about the effect of public health in today’s world and how to make the world a safer place for everyone.
6. PHI 3000C- Metaphysics
In this course, I am learning about different philosophers and their ideas of life as we know it.
In this Biology class, I learned Basic Biological concepts at the molecular level, Different ways organisms reproduce their cells among many other basic biology ideas.
2. Chem 1130- Intro to Gen and Org Chem III
I learned about the basic principles of general chemistry as well as the basic principles of organic chemistry.
3. Chem 1131L- Intro to Gen and Org Chem III Lab
I experimented with the concepts learned in Intro to Gen and Org chem III in this lab.
4. CHE 1132R- Intro to Gen and Org chemistry rec
In this course, we practiced the concepts learned in Intro to Gen and Org chem lecture.
5. PAS 2301- Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice.
In this course, I learned how a Pharmacist should communicate with his/her patients and coworker.
6. PHI 2240C- Moral of life and ethic of healthcare
In this course, I learned the moral and ethical issues I would have to face working as a healthcare professional, I also learned the best way to tackle these issues and be the best Pharmacist I can be.
7. THE 2320- Intro to catholic social teachings
In this course, I learned about the history of catholic social teaching and the current social issues in our society.
8. THE 3300 - Moral Theology of health care
in this course, I learned about the moral decision-making process for healthcare professionals through catholic theology and social justice principles.
1. MTH 1260C : Core: Calc APPL-PHARM&ALLIED
This is a calculus class, where we are learning concepts like derivatives, limit, continuity, and other concepts of calculus that will help me in the future with my career.
2. RCT 1005c: Interpersonal Comm for Pharmacy
This is a communication class where we are learning how to properly communicate with our patients are Pharmacists.
3. CPP 1101: Intro to Pharmacy Practice
This clinical Pharamcucatial practice is where we are learning the medical terminology which will help us to be successful in our careers.
4. THE 1000C: Core: Pers. On Christianity
In this theology class, we are learning about the Christian god and the history of Christianity.
5. CHE 1122R: SP22 Combined Recitation
This is the recitation class where we practice the concepts we learn in the lectures.
6. CHE1121L: General and Organic Chemistry Lab
This is the lab class in which we practice the concept we learn in an experimental way.
7. CHE1120: Intro Gen & Organic Chem II
This is a lecture class where we finished learning general chemistry and started the transition to Organic Chemistry.
1. CHE 1111L: Intro to Gen & Org Chem Lab
This class was a lab, where we did a lab that had the same concepts we learned in CHE 1110.
2. CHE 1110: Intro to Gen & Org Chemistry
This class was a lecture class for Intro t General Chemistry, where we learned a lot of concepts, such as the shape of atoms, Chemical Bonding, geometry, and other basic concepts of general chemistry.
3. MTH 1250C: Core:Stats APP-PHAR/ ALLIED HLTH
This class was a stats-based class where we learned concepts like Probalitlies and other basic stats concepts.
4. FYW 1000c: FYW: English Composition
This was a first-year writing English class where we learned that anyone can have good writing skills, I learned that you can write a good piece if you really wanted to and your limit is decided by your own imagination.
5. PHI 1000C: Core: Philosophy Human Person
This was a Philosophy course where I learned a brief history of philosophy and a lot of famous philosophers. We also learn the dark secret of social media.
6. DNY 1000c: Discover New York, History of NYC
In this class, I learned the history of this city, and how this city always gets back up from devasting events such as 9-11.
7.CHE1112R: Intro to Gen & Org Chem Recitation
This was our recitation class where we learned and practice the concepts we learned in the lecture.
Community Pharmacy- 1089 Elizabeth Ave, Elizabeth NJ 07201
12/20/21 to 01/17/21
Pharmacy Technician
As a Pharmacy Technician, I am familiar with the Rx system. Prepare Prescription, and in charge of Covid Testing at the time.
Merit-Based Scholarship
Sponsoring Organization: St.Johns's University
Description: As a Merit-Based Scholarship, a GPA of3.0 or higher must be achieved in High school in order for you to receive this award.
1. Outstanding Cadet Awards are given by Air Force JROTC
Sponsoring Organization: Carrollton High School
Date: November 2018
2.9th Grade Honor roll
Sponsoring Organization: Carrollton High School
Date June 2017
3.8th Grade Honor roll
Sponsoring Organization: Carrollton Jr. High School
Date: June 2016
1. Toys for Kids with Carrollton city schools
Date October 2017 to December 2017
Description: In this, my JROTC unit volunteered to get toys for kids who are living without parents in an orphanage. The one thing I learned from this experience, everyone's life is not happy and jolly. Everyone who has a stable life needs to help out those who are struggling because, without each other help, no one will ever truly succeed.
2. Feeding the Needed
Date December 26, 2022
Description: In December of last year I went back to my home country of India for of my family members' weddings, during that wedding I saw the poverty and the condition people were living in at the time. I alongside my father delivered homemade food to the homeless in our town and due to our actions a lot of people in our town do the same to this day.
Personal Development
One of my accomplishments is leaving my country, my parents and other family members to attend school in the United States. I have been living with my uncle and aunt since I was 12. It is hard living without my parents but I have overcome the fear of being alone and made a goal for myself. which is to be successful and make sure I have a good life to give to my kids in the future.
The top Strength that I found from the Strength Finder test are:
1. Adaptability
2. Restorative
3. Communicating
4. Relator
5. Responsibility
The one strength that I was surprised about was Restorative. I am not sure how Restorative can be my Strength.
I feel like all my other Strength can help me be a good Pharmacist as I can use all my other strengths to give my patients the best case I possibly could.
To me being a Pharmacist means helping people. I want to work in a Community Pharmacy in an underprivileged area, where I can provide proper healthcare to those who are in need and do not have the right financial help. I worked in a Community Pharmacy during the peak of Covid-19 where I saw the panic in the lower class due to this virus. during my time working this, I decided upon being a Pharmacist and helping people with financial issues with their medical care. My goal is to open my own Community Pharmacy in an underprivileged area. When I was applying I knew that I need I wanted to be a Pharmacist so I had an idea what college I wanted to attend when I got accepted into this program, I took a tour of the campus and thought at I would fit perfectly with the campus and the Pharmacy Program.