Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Final submission
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - SOSC115
Participate in social, academic, and professional communities for individual growth and to function as a citizen of a multicultural world.
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - SOSC225 – Career Development II & Theory Practice - SOSC225
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Career Development I & Theory - SOSC116
Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
Portfolio Project - Career Development I & Theory - SOSC116 (.docx) 0.01mb
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Career Development I - SOSC116
Identify and utilize information technology tools and skills in both general and law-related office practices
Portfolio Project - Career Development I - SOSC116 (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Civil Litigation - PLEG120
Utilize electronic and print resources to locate primary and secondary law related legal documents to research, summarize, and evaluate legal issues.
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Criminal Law & Procedures - PLEG230
Design and compose legal documents, including but not limited to correspondence, pleadings, briefs, and memoranda, that are relevant to different substantive areas of law.
Portfolio Project - Criminal Law & Procedures - PLEG230 (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Contract Law - PLEG110
Distinguish appropriate legal terminology and utilize terms correctly in legal documents.
231216082637_portfolio_project_part_2.docx (.docx) 0.02mb
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Research & Writing - Research Plan PLEG202
Utilize appropriate current
technology and resources to
locate and evaluate
information needed to
accomplish a goal, and then
communicate findings in
visual, written and/or oral
Portfolio Project - Research Plan PLEG202 (.docx) 0.03mb
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Torts & Remedies – PLEG220
Apply appropriate paralegal-specific knowledge, skills and behaviors to analyze and interpret primary and secondary law sources and related legal documents.
Torts & Remedies – PLEG220 (.docx) 0.19mb
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Math202
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Gaining Insight Through Personality Assessment
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Training Manual
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project - Legal Research & Writing I - PLEG135
Describe and discuss the basic responsibilities, legal and procedural theories, and limitations of a paralegal.
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Research and Writing
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Successfully passed my NYS GED
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Associates in Applied Science
Currently enrolled in my associates degree
Educational Background: Gabrielle Geaslen
Deans list for both Fall and Spring semester
The trick to academic success isn’t staying up all night or cramming like your life depends on it. In fact, making good grades is actually much simpler than that.
1. Plan Your Schedule
One of the biggest advantages of college is that you have complete control over your schedule. You can decide what classes you want to take when and how many classes you want in a day. Take advantage of this flexibility to arrange a schedule that works best for your needs. Try to make sure you spread your more challenging classes out with classes that are a little easier for you so you don’t get overwhelmed with work all in one semester. If you know you’re more productive in the morning or afternoon, schedule your classes for then. And try to space your classes out so you don’t have more than three or four in a day; this will give you time to do homework and rest.
2. Pay Attention to Grade Weights
At the beginning of each class, your professor will give you a syllabus that outlines everything you’ll be covering in the semester. Most of the time, this will include all the assignments you’ll be doing that semester, too. And it will tell you how much each assignment, test, or project will count towards your final grade. Try to focus your efforts toward the things that will affect your grade most. If you have a test in one class one week and a paper due in another class, you may want to spend more time studying for the test. Of course, you should work as hard as you can on all your assignments, but when you hit the time crunch where you’re having to decide between doing two different things, remember those grade weights.
3. Prepare for Class
In college, it can be easy to show up for class without doing any preparation work at all. Sure, your professor asked you to read an essay or boo, but that was just a suggestion, right? It is possible to squeak by in those classes without doing the prep work, but that’s not a way to get on the Dean’s List. If your professor asks you to have something read before your next class, make it a priority to do that. Even if they don’t assign you specific homework, try to read ahead in your textbook. Taking just a few minutes to skim a chapter before you cover it in class can put you ahead of the curve.
4. Rewrite Your Notes
In most of your college classes, you’re going to be taking notes while a professor lectures. Having these notes to study is wonderful, but it’s a good idea to rewrite your notes after you leave class. Doing this within twenty-four hours can help raise your retention rate exponentially. Go back through all your notes for a class period and try to get them down to a page or less. When you get ready to study for a test, review those notes again and try to get them down to half a page. The night before the test, reduce those notes to a note card that you can memorize and you’ll find you can remember all the rest of the information that was in your original notes.
5. Show Up
In high school, you are required by state and federal laws to attend class every day. In college, few professors take attendance at all. If you want to skip class every day of the semester, you’re perfectly free to do so — however, that’s a good way to wind up failing out of a class. Make sure you show up to all your classes unless you have a serious emergency arise. Also, go to your professors’ office hours. This will give you a chance to talk to them about any questions you have, as well as giving them a chance to know what a good student you’re working to be.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Gabrielle Geaslen
Graduate with 4.0
My goal is to graduate with a 4.0
Goals (Personal & Professional): Gabrielle Geaslen
Work goal
My goal is to continue my current career as a Paralegal for the City of Syracuse while I complete my current degree and as I attend law school following graduation.
Goals (Personal & Professional): Gabrielle Geaslen
My ultimate goal is to become either a criminal defense attorney in a private practice or a civil litigation attorney
Other Accomplishments: Gabrielle Geaslen
Informal Career Plan Reflection
Other Accomplishments: Gabrielle Geaslen
Workplace Documents Reflection
Projects: Gabrielle Geaslen
Portfolio Project
Skills: Gabrielle Geaslen
Critical thinking
Skills: Gabrielle Geaslen
Detail oriented
Skills: Gabrielle Geaslen
Strong verbal and communication skills
Skills: Gabrielle Geaslen
Contract Policy Development
Skills: Gabrielle Geaslen
Proficient in LexisNexis
Skills: Gabrielle Geaslen
Proficient in MS Office Suites