Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
HUSS 450
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
08 - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
SOSC077 E01
Career Development I – Theory
Career Development Action Plan (Part 2)
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
08 - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
I have really learned a lot from this course and the knowledge that I have gained will be useful in my career in case management.
Career Development Action Plan (Part 2)
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
08 - Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
SOSC225 E51
Career Development II - Theory
Gap Analysis
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
My CPRA ethics assignment for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome and my program-specific ethics outcome. For this assignment, I had to conduct research on ethics specific to my field of study, create an ethical situation for the workplace, choose a solution, and back up my solution with scholarly research. This shows my ability to apply ethics research to my career field and problem-solve solutions based on that research. I also included a reflection essay to self-assess my strategies and outcomes on this assignment and consider improvements for similar assignments/work in the future. The Workplace capabilities I used in completing this assignment were perseverance and problem-solving. This assignment connects to my future career because as a case manager I will be having to utilize problem-solving strategies and continue to persevere if and when things get tough.
CPRA Ethics Paper
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Transfer knowledge, skills and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations.
My ePortfolio Presentation for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome. For this assignment, I had to reflect on how two artifacts in my ePortfolio serve as evidence for the associated outcomes. For each artifact, I had to explain the knowledge and Workplace Capabilities that were used/improved by the projects, and how that knowledge and WPCs will be valuable in my future career as a Social Worker/Case Manager.
SOSC 225 ePortfolio Presentation
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because it taught me the proper steps and procedures of successfully completing an assessment for intake. .
HUSS355 001 Social Program Development, Oversight and Evaluation
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
This meets the required because I have knowledge in finding and utilizing the necessary resources to assist my clients.
HUSS360 J01 Communication and Interviewing Skills for Human Services
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
This project reflects my knowledge in planning, scheduling and implementing tasks to be completed in a timely manner.
BUSS230 001 Introduction to Project Management
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Demonstrate professional competencies related to the successful planning and implementation of human services, inclusive of values, attitudes, and ethics common to the field.
This assessment meets the criteria for planning values in human and social services.
BUSS230 001 Introduction to Project Management
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
SOSC225 E51 Career Development II - Theory
This Gap Analysis is a reflection on my current ePortfolio contents and the plan of action created with my Program Director to complete the artifact requirements for my program.
Gap Analysis
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Math 101 Report
It meets the outcomes in my course to apply Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning so that we are able to follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Skills used and gained were learning to input data correctly into different styles of charts and graphs.
These skills are important to my perspective field of study because they are needed to keep track of data of different things such as, account ledgers, transportation, and hours spent with a client in a case.
Math 101 Report
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written and/or oral formats.
Communication and Interviewing Skills for Human Services
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because it taught me the proper steps and procedures of successfully completing an assessment for intake. It also taught me that this is the initial meeting with a client which determines whether they are willing to accept assistance or if they would be receptive to the intake questions depending on how you make them feel during this step of the process.
HUSS360 Communication and Interviewing Skills for Human Services
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
- Participate in social, learning, and professional communities for personal and career growth.
SOSC102 E51
Principles of Sociology
This project taught me about workplace norms and how hey could easily become violated. In my new career I will be socialized into learning the norms by proper training, following the rules of the workplace by following its organizational structure. The formal ways are through training and informal ways I believe are through research.
SOSC102 E51 Principles of Sociology
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and dynamics of individuals, groups, families, organizations, communities, and society as they fit within the historical development of human service delivery.
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because I would possess the characteristics of their own biases, basic knowledge about a variety of cultures, willingness and ability to use skills and techniques that better match the culture of the client in crisis and experience in counseling and crisis intervention with clients of a different culture.
HUSS235 Crisis Intervention
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Demonstrate an understanding of human conditions and factors which present societal challenges as well as those that promote successful human functioning.
HUSS220 002
Theory, Assessment, and Interventions of Addictions
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because it discusses how families, society, individuals and communities are impacted on the lack thereof provided services and resources for individuals who suffer with addiction.
HUSS220 002 Theory, Assessment, and Interventions of Addictions
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Assess needs, design a plan of action for an identified problem, implement the plan systemically, and evaluate its effectiveness.
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because it had me to analyze, articulate the process of implementing a plan so that it is successful. After the plan is put forth, I will know how to evaluate it’[s effectiveness and make any necessary changes if needed.
HTHS230 Containing Operating Cost Essay
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Demonstrate professional competencies related to the successful planning and implementation of human services, inclusive of values, attitudes, and ethics common to the field.
SOSC 225
Career Preparation Research Assessment
My CPRA ethics assignment for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome and my program-specific ethics outcome. For this assignment, I had to conduct research on ethics specific to my field of study, create an ethical situation for the workplace, choose a solution, and back up my solution with scholarly research. This shows my ability to apply ethics research to my career field and problem-solve solutions based on that research. I also included a reflection essay to self-assess my strategies and outcomes on this assignment and consider improvements for similar assignments/work in the future. The Workplace capabilities I used in completing this assignment were perseverance and problem-solving. This assignment connects to my future career because as a case manager I will be having to utilize problem-solving strategies and continue to persevere if and when things get tough.
CPRA Ethics Paper
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
HUSS335-Social Program Development
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because I had to identify and recognize the population, develop a treatment plan and assess the program’s effectiveness to determine and evaluate whether the program is working for those we serve and to make adjustments along the way.
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Employ strategies for reflection on learning and practice in order to adjust learning processes for continual improvement.
My ePortfolio Presentation for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome. For this assignment, I had to reflect on how two artifacts in my ePortfolio serve as evidence for the associated outcomes. For each artifact, I had to explain the knowledge and Workplace Capabilities that were used/improved by the projects, and how that knowledge and WPCs will be valuable in my future career as a Social Worker/Case Manager.
SOSC 225 ePortfolio Presentation
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
HUSS335- Social Program Development Introduction and Overview
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because I had to identify and recognize the population, develop a treatment plan and assess the program’s effectiveness to determine and evaluate whether the program is working for those we serve and to make adjustments along the way.
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
HUSS335- Social Program Development Introduction and Overview
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because I had to identify and recognize the population, develop a treatment plan and assess the program’s effectiveness to determine and evaluate whether the program is working for those we serve and to make adjustments along the way.
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
This project is reflective of meeting the program outcome because it taught me the proper steps and procedures of successfully completing an assessment for intake. It also taught me that this is the initial meeting with a client which determines whether they are willing to accept assistance or if they would be receptive to the intake questions depending on how you make them feel during this step of the process.
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
There is no option for ECON 225
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Annotated Bibliography Early civilizations
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Social Programming
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
The outcome suggested is not listed.
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Katosha Crenshaw
I dont see the naming convention: BUSS230- Portfolio Project nor the Outcome of Recognize management and leadership skills so I am submitting it under this outcome. Thanks
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Cases & Case Logs: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
I have knowledge in case management, assessments and treatment options.
Competency Assessments: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
This is my assessment in adapting essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various human and social settings.
Cultural Background: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Groups PP
There was no feedback listed from instructor.
Cultural Background: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Portfolio Project
Cultural Background: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Goals (Personal & Professional): Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
This is my assessment in adapting essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers, and the public in various human and social settings.
Resume & CV: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
Resume (Duplicate)
Academic Service: Katosha Evonne Crenshaw
My CPRA ethics assignment for my SOSC 225 class meets the Thinking Abilities institutional outcome and my program-specific ethics outcome. For this assignment, I had to conduct research on ethics specific to my field of study, create an ethical situation for the workplace, choose a solution, and back up my solution with scholarly research. This shows my ability to apply ethics research to my career field and problem-solve solutions based on that research. I also included a reflection essay to self-assess my strategies and outcomes on this assignment and consider improvements for similar assignments/work in the future. The Workplace capabilities I used in completing this assignment were perseverance and problem-solving. This assignment connects to my future career because as a case manager I will be having to utilize problem-solving strategies and continue to persevere if and when things get tough.